DAILY CHAT/ TUESDAY/ 18 /03 /2014 - Quit Support

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DAILY CHAT/ TUESDAY/ 18 /03 /2014

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
18 Replies

Good morning / evening,

Tuesday and I hope your all feeling positive and have a good day planned ahead for yourselfs. I notice Yesterday evening we had 8 new members join us although they have not made an appearance yet I would like to welcome them to our community. We did have one member who sent in a question , however I think possibly a waste of time. Anyway everyone enjoy another smokefree day. :)

Kettles on anybody want a cuppa? :)

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jillygirl profile image
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18 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good morning Jillygirl and everybody :)

Ha ha ha just love your pic Jillygirl :D :D Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, but am working flippin nights this flippin week :P :P :( But hey - hoo I've only got 4 shifts to doooo, well 3 now :) :)

How you doing Jillygirl ? I hope your well :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Fine Pete , hope you are. Off to hospital this morning regular check up, getting my boobs checked (squashed) ouch!

then off shopping , then bingo. won £15 last time. getting to be a rite old gambler. :) Have a good rest whilst you can . loves ya. xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

I'm glad your fine :) and I hope you don't get prodded toooooo much at hospital eh :o

£15 that's better than a kick in the pants gal :) do you have to give hubby half then ??

Loves ya morerererererer xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

He pays originally then I keep the winnings . What? whats wrong with that. :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

I've said this before many a times gal, just cant fault you one little bit gal :) you typical flippin Woman youuuuuuu :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

Got to go now so enjoy your day and sleep. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Enjoy your day Jillygirl :)

I will sleep well, cos I will dream about you my little cherub :) creep flippin creep :D :D Rite, time I wasn't here :o TAXI

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Hellom Sunny and calm here in kent :)

Hope everyone is well x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hi Al, very cold wind and pouring down up here in Yorkshire. Wasted part of my morning got to the hospital for the mammogram to be told the machine was broken. so I have to phone them which I thought should be the other way round. Ah well these things happen.

How you doing today love, hope your keeping a brave face on . Take it steady . xx

in reply to jillygirl

I had an appointment a few weeks ago. Didn't have a clue what for. Tried ringing the appointments team, long flaming queue while I sit and pay for the call so I went to the appointment. Some muppet got the medical numbers mixed up and the appointment wasn't even for me, so that really was a complete wasted journey, plus it was with heart/pulmonary clinic nurse, so someone who needed that appointment missed out. It's annoying when they have you going on wild goose chases, could they not have texted you a cancellation if the machine is broken.

EmJay profile image

Hey Everyone :-)

we have had rain, rain, rain here today in not so sunny Liverpool. We now have lovely green trees swaying in the wind and the rain seems to have stopped :-)

Al, lovely to see you about :-) I hope work is helping you to keep going through this awful time you've been having. Glad to see the smiley face in your post ;-) xx

Ellie, it was lovely to see that you opened up shop yesterday, I hope things are getting easier for you too xx

JillyGirl, hope the boob squashing isn't too bad for you, we know how important these things are to get done though xx

Pete, can you believe that when I went home last night I noticed that there are some shoots coming up in my garden :-) So alongside the other small green leafed thing that I planted there seems to be other things coming up too at last :-) I know that I planted my Blue Russian Snowdrops, but can't remember what the others where :-/ xx

Surely it must be my round now :-/ So, the kettle is on :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Just time for a cuppa with you before bingo time. cheers Emjay. :) :) :)

EmJay profile image

Whoops, should have checked before I posted! That's a bit annoying JillyGirl, at least you were spared the prodding and squashing for today then :-/

EmJay profile image


:D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Love it. :) :)

I'm on day 2 of NO NICOTINE. Yesterday was hell, last night was even worse, about 2 hours sleep. My back is really hurting, so it never was the Champix after all, it's stress. Nicotine is an evil poison and I am now determined to have nothing to do with it any more. I've just taken half of an old Champix tab. I've made an appointment with my GP and I'm going back on the Champix to get off the nicotine once and for all. I just hope I have a GP who listens and understands as I think I may have a pretty hard job convincing someone who has never smoked (I assume the majority of young GP's have never smoked) to give me Champix when I've been off the cigs for so long.

EmJay profile image

Hey Sin, I'm just having a good old catch up here :-) Well done to you for cracking on and jumping in with both feet and ditching the nicotine. If you have gone for 2 days so far, then this means that you will have no nicotine in your body at all now, so you are doing ever so well :-)

Do you really feel that you need to use Champix? Is there any way that you can see your way into the next week or so without? You know that we'll support you all the way thorough this, although I do believe that you know how to crack on anyway ;-)

Let us know when you manage to book your appointment to see your GP, also - check the date on the Champix that you have and see that it's still okay to use! I'd be interested to hear whether or not your GP will give it to you now having already stopped the use of nicotine, let us know how you get on.

Sin, we're with you all the way, you know this though and have been with us for sometime now. Let's put this to bed with you and see you to where you want to be :-)

in reply to EmJay

Hya EmJay. I just don't want the way I feel at the moment to drag on for weeks and weeks and then end up back on lozenges or e-cig. Yesterday was really bad and last night I couldn't sleep at all but I was half expecting that anyway. The cravings are not so much in waves but just one long craving all the time but I suppose I was, between lozenges and 24mg e-cig fluid, drip feeding myself nicotine so its going to be hard getting off it. I haven't felt too bad for the last couple of hours, since I had that half a Champix. Though as it's supposed to have a cumulative effect I really don't see how it can have worked that fast, but I don't care, even if its just psychological and has made no physical difference at least I feel a bit better :-) My appointment with the GP is next Monday so I'll keep on with 1/2 tab twice a day til then and see how I go.

I think if I start feeling quite a lot better I will try not having any Champix perhaps next Saturday night and Sunday to see how I feel and then maybe not bother with it if I feel OK. Thank you for your encouragement :-)

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