TUESDAY/ DAILY CHAT/25/03/2014: Good morning... - Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
46 Replies

Good morning/evening, Well done to everyone yesterday who got through their first day of quitting. Just say NOPE!

(not one puff ever). Sinfree I hope you feel a bit better today, take it easy. Its rainy here in Yorkshire so its stay in and tidy up today. I hope you all have a good day. :) :)

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jillygirl profile image
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46 Replies
Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Morning all, and an exciting day 2 for the "pack in puffers possie" .... you all did so well yesterday, and now you are smoke free for over 24 hours :) Hope today goes smoothly for you all, and for all the people further down the line.

Its miserable here in Kent....but we have a sink hole appeared outside work!! which is pretty scary really, luckily no one was near it when it happened x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toPinkiezoom

Ha ha ha - I love that name! The Pack In Puffers Possie"! That is brilliant!

Nice one Pinkie xxx :) :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Good morning Jillygirl, Al and everybody :)

A massive big flippin gigantic flippin superdooper WELL DONE Chrissie, Louby and Mummy :) :) well you've done one day, soooo you can do another one eh :) Erm, a little pressie for you all :)


Notice there are Maltese's around the outside, cos they've got less fatning centres see :P :D :D


mrssunnyside profile image

Morning all, miserable and raining here. Oooooo Pete I see the cake is still intact, I want the biggest piece :-P

Hope all have a possative Happy day, keep smiling. :-) :-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tomrssunnyside

Greeeeeeedy :P :D :D

I hope your having a lovely day Sunny :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Chrissie, Louby, Mummy and everybody else that quit yesterday, I hope you have an easy day today :) am sending you all, kick mr nics ass huggs, just hope they help :)

Keep your heads up high and feel PROUD of yourselves :) :)

Rite its time for me to hit the sack and get some zzzzzzzzzzzzz so I will bid you all good day :) and I shell expect glowing reports from you all tomorrow, seeeeeeee :P :D :D :D

You all take care now, and have a lovely smokefree day :) xxxxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tomonky

Oh No! Petes snoring again.


:D :D :D

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply tojillygirl

LOL i thought she was putting wotsits in her ears.....but now i want a packet lol :( x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toPinkiezoom

:D :D :D

Mindermummy profile image

Had such a bad nights sleep...and woke with a sore throat!!! How! Lol. Just had lunch and feeling it really bad now...going to have a puff on e cig. I do have this feeling of I will never be able to enjoy anything again...meal out, drinks with girls, telephone calls, holidays....all places I would prob have too many fags!! But the feeling of how I'm going to get through those times is making me feel tearful...so silly I know!! ;( I won't give in thou.....I'm going to do this.

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toMindermummy

Honey, please read Allen Carrs easyway book, as he will explain why you are feeling like you wont enjoy anything again..... its nicotine tricking your brain hun. You are the one gaining by not smoking. if you think about it, non smokers dont feel like they dont enjoy stuff, they dont think...god i wish i smoked as they are having a better time and gaining something i am not, no they pity us, standing in groups like tramps around a burning oil drum trying to get our fix :) .... please read the book, honestly it will free you from the enslaved thoughts x

Mindermummy profile image
Mindermummy in reply toPinkiezoom

you know what my friend said to read that...im gonna look on ebay now....just gone and bought some lozengers to help too! Feeling really dizzy today! Off to my usual exercise class tonight, so be interesting to see if any easier to breathe already! Thanks for book advice.xx

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toMindermummy

seriously i read the book and it really helped me get my head round the thoughts and fears i had about quitting. the book says not to stop smoking until you have read it, just ignore that bit lol! i had already stopped he also says no nicotine replacement but just read around that. its the bit about the feelings and fears you will gain some help from.

I am on ecig so not finding it too bad at all. But slowly dropping my nicotine levels.

I think you can down load the book if you have a kindle or kobo or something similiar... i have a copy on my kobo x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toPinkiezoom

Hi Mummy and Al - how are you doing?

I just wanted to add that the Allan Carr book really is fantastic for getting your head straight re smoking! This is not a gimmick, there are no tricks, it's just a very positive book on how stopping smoking will drastically improve the quality of your life and given that you've already stopped the cigarettes, I promise you it will only help you to appreciate what a fantastic decision that was and keep you positive about it.

Enjoy your exercise class and let us know how you felt after it!


Dalesebub profile image

Day 2. Breathing is so much better. Cig free since Saturday evening. Finding it a little hard but I know it has to be done.

Thanks all for help so far

I'm sure it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toDalesebub

Well done, you know it may not be as bad as you think hun, I am on the ecig and it has been so much easier than any of my other failed attempts x

in reply toDalesebub

Well done on Day 2 Daleshub :-) It will be worth it xxx

Mummy, I have episodes of feeling the same, sadness tearfull, I think for me its just the fuzziness making me feel like this. I just dont feel normal. once we get over this initial faze there will be no looking back, and we will feel normal again, whatever normal might me :-/

I have bought some of those little mini lozenges today, hoping these will help :)

Dalesebub profile image

Day 3. My mucus clearance and breathing are so much better already. I can walk to car and not out of breath (20ft) I'm shocked. This only makes me more determined.. I bought another ecig today so now have 2 flavours on the go. Strawberry and cherry. Plus a spare battery.

Thanks to all for the support.

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toDalesebub

Hi Dave

I cannot tell you how happy your post makes me feel - it's just amazing the difference just a few days has made to you and you are sounding so strong and so positive. Absolutely brilliant and well done you!

I was feeling a bit fed up when I got home from work tonight, but the posts on here have really cheered me up - it's a struggle for all of us but just knowing that we are doing this together and sticking to it and being strong is just so touching, it really gives us the strength we need to get through the crappy times!

Take care of yourself and stay positive!


Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toDalesebub

Dave that is brilliant, and so much improvement after only 3 days...imagine after 30!! you will be doing a marathon :).

I have the cherry vape liquid at the moment, but i am struggling with the flavours, i am going to stick to tobacco flavour for now i think x

ChrissieG profile image

Hi Everybody - I'm home! :)

Well it's been a pretty tough day for me today, but once I got home, was reunited with my "puffer" and sat down and read these posts, I cheered up dramatically and I realised that it would have been a tough day anyway, even if I hadn't stopped smoking and actually considering all that, it's been another good day!

I know we are all suffering to a certain extent but I am definitely gaining strength in that we are all doing it together - Mummy when you said that you were feel so down and tearful I felt so bad, and then when you said you were not giving in though - you were going to do it - honestly I nearly cheered!

Louby exactly the same - you are still so positive inspite of feeling crappy at times - honestly I felt pretty miserable tonight but you have both cheered me up and made me feel positive again! Thank you so so much!

Dave, I couldn't be happier for you, I really couldn't - You desperately need to do this and the fact that things are improving for you already just makes me feel so happy for you, it's just brilliant!

So okay, I was feeling a bit mardy earlier but honestly I feel great again now and I've got all my positivity back and I'm happy!

So the "Pack in Puffers Possie" (love that name) are still going strong and THANK YOU to everyone else who has posted messages too - Monky I WANT that cake!!!

Love Chrissie xxx

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toChrissieG

So proud of the pack in puffer possie, you are all doing fantastic, blimey it will soon be a week! :) the feeling low is a bit of a cheeky one as it sneaks up on you, but you all are doing the right thing and popping on here. x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

You are all wonderful, thats what I call team work. Have a lovely smokefree evening. well done to all. :) :)

ChrissieG profile image

I've been craving tonight - and it's been really really bad - I couldn't decide what to do - the things is it wasn't a cigarette I was craving, it was chocolate! Oh my gosh, I so wanted chocolate (ok I'm a hormonal woman of the 21st century - it happens!)

Anyway I really didn't feel like going to the shop and then eureka - I found a Cadbury's Cream Egg in the fruit bowl! ha ha ha ha ha - I have a very healthy fruit bowl! I actually bought the egg for my daughter when she was home last and she left it behind - I cannot describe what a joy it was to find it - it was as if I'd won the lottery!

Anyway, fun over, it's all gone now - and it was a pleasure!

So from one pleasure to another, I'm off for a long soak in the bath now

Have a lovely rest of the evening everybody :) :) :)

Chrissie x

Mindermummy profile image

You know what...I actually do think I found the excercise class easier...or am I imagining it...after one day, not sure I would find it that much easier?!?

I have really found I hard today/tonight ....the thoughts that have gone through my mind..... But I'm determined , I really need to stop... Tough day...when does it get easier?! ;(

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toMindermummy

Hi Mummy, hey you could well have found it easier, Dave was saying in his post earlier he too has noticed a massive difference already :). Are you using any nicotine replacement...or you going cold turkey? trust me after 3 days you no longer need the nicotine, and your brain will tell you it does...but its lying lol. Stay strong you can so do this xx

Mindermummy profile image
Mindermummy in reply toPinkiezoom

no im using gums and e cig, although only a few times per day/night. Had another restless night....hoping today is ok...its thu and fri that worries me as im off work and that's when I would smoke more :(

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toMindermummy

ahhh the ecig, that has been my saviour, you just have to tell yourself that if you use your ecig it is giving you the nicotine you need, so actually you dont a real ciggie, now they dont even cross my mind....well not too often anyway lol!

I hate the weekends myself as i dont work then, i struggled a little the first weekend, and wont lie, i was puffing on my ecig like a maniac, but then after the first one it seemed to get easier. I dont restrict how much i use my puffer though, so i am different from you as you seem to be using yours very little, which is much better in the long run.

I saw my quitting as a 2 prong attack... i needed to get smoke free first ( which i am pretty sure i will remain for the rest of my life now ) and then i will become nicotine free. I have tried to quit a few times before and think i rushed in never planned and never really committed to the idea, but this time i feel i am in the right mind set. No longer a slave to an evil white stick :)


Ave been real poorly today with this virus. Been walk in centre tonight as had terrible ear pain. Wax pushing ear drum apparently. :( :( Not been around, will go have a read now.

in reply to

Hope you feel better soon :-) x

jules56 profile image
jules56 in reply to

Get better soon

in reply tojules56

Thanks Louby and Jules. I feel like a new woman actually :o Walk in centre may have been a place riddled with every germ and virus known to man sat in the waiting room for well over an hour but it was sooooo worth it. Lets hear it for Ibuprofen - yaaayyyyy. And of course the lovely nurse who advised using it, she is my hero (heroin) of the year. I've been dosed up on paracetamol every 4 hours on the dot since Friday. Have also had Cocodomol. They helped but still not good. Docs yesterday said it was a virus and antibiotics would not help - fair enough. Just after lunch though, the constant background ear discomfort that I've had with my sore throat suddenly escalated to excruciating pain, spreading all down one side of my face. By 6.00 tonight I was in absolute agony and thought I was going to die from earache. Nurse at centre explained why Ibuprofen was a good thing to try and also explained what was wrong and how an anti inflammatory would help to shrink the Eustachian tubes back to their normal size so that they could do their job properly thus relieving the pressure on the ear drum. Ok, I thought, whatever you say. I've always seen Ibuprofen as the poor relation of pain killers. But I took one when I got home, of my hubby's prescribed extra strength ones. Wow, within half an hour of taking it the pain started to subside, within 1 hour, even my throat was starting to feel better, even now, 3 hours later am still relatively pain free and since Ibuprofen have a cumulative effect, can't wait to take some more tomorrow - a miracle cure, so am now one happy chappy, hope it lasts.

jules56 profile image
jules56 in reply to

Fantastic! They are a great little pill with big effects. I use alot for pain in my joints, which I was told was a form of degenerative (mature woman) arthritis. In hands knees hips and back uch!! Hate being 50plus. Oh well could be worse, could be 60 plus (soz to any one who is).as we say in our house keep takin the drugs! Haha x

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to

Hey hun, sounds like you have been through the mill, but YAY for ibroprofen, hope you are ok today xx

mrssunnyside profile image

Poor Sinfree, feeling so rough with a virus, I to have trouble at the moment with ear wax in one ear, have been using oil for days, so it's a trip to the docs tomorrow, :-( Hope you feel better soon, :-)

in reply tomrssunnyside

Hi Sunny, Thanks. The olive oil is well worth using - well according to hubby anyway. He has to have his ear cleaned regularly as he had a mastoidectomy some time ago, the hospital always recommend using olive oil to loosen hard wax as it makes it much more comfortable for you when they clean out your ear. Good luck tomorrow - don't envy you that one, not nice.

Galaxy is my downfall Chrissy :-) got a bag of galaxy bites in the cupboard oh and a bag of chocolate peanuts mmmm

in reply to

I love galaxy too.

Ah a bag of galaxy bites will help you to feel better :-) x

in reply to

I wish it did, but chocolate tends to make sore throats worse. Just had a couple of Cadbury's Crunchums, now they're weird little creatures, not too keen, they're supposed to be some sort of cereal inside the chocolate but they're salty.

I do keep getting volcanic eruptions inside my ear, which is quite scary cos I keep waiting for it to suddenly hurt very much. Voices, including my own are a bit strange at the moment, they've taken on a weird vibrating echo. Not heard any of the new quitting posse people mentioning strange dreams yet?? It's apparently something a lot of new quitters experience though I never did. I never dream, or never remember any anyway. However with this bug thing I haven't been sleeping too well. Last night at 3.00am I woke up with a bit of a start, don't know why but when I opened my eyes there was a weird glowing sort of cameo type thing on the ceiling with the vague image of a face looking down at me, then it gradually faded. How weird is that? And the weirdest is that I wasn't even scared, I just kept staring up at it trying to make out what it was. Hahah, must have been hallucinating from all the painkillers I've had.

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

I started my first practice on Friday night and since then my sleep has been a bit rubbish. the dreams were odd but the worse thing was waking up more at like 4 or 5 am. Yesterday I was woken up with heartburn which was horrible. But last night was much much better and I feel better for it - obviously the cream egg followed by a nice soak in the bath really helped! So I didn't wake up at all and I feel physically so much better this morning.

I've just noticed that when I cough this morning (which has only happened a couple of time so far)) it actually feels looser now, could this be the start of the de-gunking? x

Must go now, I might be able to survive on very little sleep but poor hubby keeps getting woken up by me moaning and groaning about my throat and stuff and he keeps sending black looks across to me that it's time to go to bed cos he is tired even if I'm not. So night everyone and hope tomorrow is kind to you and doesn't give you too much hassle.

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

ps No more than 4 doses of paracetomol and 4 doses ibuprofen in 24 hours though sin (it'll tell you on the packet what the dose is) - it really does help when you are feeling really poorly x

ChrissieG profile image

Hi Sinfree - sorry I didn't see you last night - I didn't get back after my soak in the bath because my internet connection keeps dropping - it's happening like every 10 seconds (it's doing it now actually) and a girl who has just stopped smoking does not need this stress! Phew, anyway

So pleased you've discovered the benefits of ibuprofen. Another one is that a double whammy is you can have ibuprofen then 2 hours later have paracetamol, then 2 hours later have ibuprofen, my doctor told me this and it really helps to manage the symptoms when you are feeling proper poorly!

Ah keep warm and I hope you are feeling better soon.

Chrissie x

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