Hello everyone I have just signed up. I am a... - Quit Support

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Hello everyone I have just signed up. I am at present still a smoker. Did anyone feel scared when they were setting a date to quit?

naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner
29 Replies

I am 51 years old and have smoked since I was 13 years old. I know I need to stop and my Grandchildren plead with me to stop. I Bought my Ecig today in preparation but I still dare not name the day. What is wrong with me!!!!

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naughtynan profile image
1 Month Winner
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29 Replies
Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Hi naughtyman,

I was terrified at the thought of stopping, but you have done the right thing. I joined on here before I stopped too, and had my ecig ready :) I started using my ecig while still having normal smokes, but just ended up cutting back naturally until I was only having 3-5 real fags a day.

Set your stop date a bit in the future say the 15th of March for example and really plan it this time, I also read a book by Allen Carr ( not of the chatty man fame lol ) called easy way and it makes you look very differently about smoking. Although he says no nicotine substitutes but I knew I would not manage without it.

So for mr I am smoke free first and going to start reducing my nicotine down soon. But everyone is different, and have very different experiences. I have found it relatively easy but had my moments, but I think of my puffer as a cig now, I know it's not ideal but I just know this time I am going to do this!!!

Good luck and keep popping back on here, the support here is amazing.

Oh I decided to just try one day with just my ecig before my quit date just to see and as there was no pressure as it didn't matter if I had a smoke I found it really simple!


naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner in reply to Pinkiezoom

Thank you I like the idea of having a practice run first. Congratulations to you for finally getting there x

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to naughtynan

The practice run is for winners, because it's before your quit date there is just no pressure at all, it's a bit liberating as you can have a fag if you want one, but it's the fact you don't lol! Have you tried your ecig yet? It's a crazy thing as just makes the step to being smoke free so easy :) x

naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner in reply to Pinkiezoom

I haven't tried it yet because I didn't charge it properly der! It is hopefully now charging and I hope to make friends with it tomorrow lol x How long have you been a non smoker?

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to naughtynan

Ooh exciting times tomorrow then when it's all super charged. Just be careful you should only charge them for 2 hours, or they don't last too long, and get a cotton bud and clean out the bit that unscrews to put in the charger .... Like the head of the battery if that makes sense!!!! Oh I have been smoke free for 4 weeks on Saturday :) actually can't believe it, mainly because it hasn't been that traumatic lol!! My ecig is one with the liquid so it's a vape one. I went for the strong strength liquid as I was a benson and hedges smokers so bought the liquid branded the same, just feel such a fool for not trying it sooner. I have smoked for over 20 years and towards the end well over 20 a day :( ......stupid huh!! Ooh come on tomorrow and let us know how you got on please. I bought 2 friends cigs and they are both smoke free too !! We can so do this :) x

Hi naughtyman

Similar to you I smoked for a long time - 42 years. I agree with Pinkyzoom, the Allen Carr book really did it for me. I went cold turkey nearly 8 weeks ago and haven't looked back. The first week is the worst but it really does get easier as time goes on. I wholly believe it is down to frame of mind.

I never ever thought I would stop successfully but I just know this is it for me. I understand the addiction and that cigs are just a false comfort....the more you want them and give in to them the more you need them. They are out to kill you, nothing less than that.

I wish you all the good luck in the world .. Be brave, it's not as bad as the nicotine monster would have you believe.

naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner in reply to

Thank you ,LOL. Its not really the Nicotine Monster that scares me that much as I know I can get that in other ways. I know this sounds stupid and over dramatic but I cant remember my life without cigarettes playing CENTER stage!! Am I lost cause :)

EmJay profile image

Hey Naughtyman, welcome aboard to Quit Support :-)

Stopping smoking...It's such a big (but worthwhile) decision to make - life changing almost. Cigarettes have been in your life for all of your adult life (so far) and have probably gone through many ups and downs with you so it's no wonder you might be feeling a tad apprehensive about letting them go. However, cigarettes aren't really something or the 'friend' that you want to have in your life. They cost you all your money, use up all of your energy and chances are they could cost you your life.

How you are feeling is quite normal, you just need to now set a quit date and then work towards it.

Some great suggestions above already, planning is the key to success.

It's National No Smoking Day (NSD) on Wednesday 12th March, why not set your quit date on 15th as Al (PinkieZoom) has suggested but have a practice run on NSD? You could just try and go cigarette free for that one day, no pressures.

As Rozi has said, if you brave up to the nicotine monster, you may find that given time it's not as bad as you may be led to believe.

Planning... Preparing... Success :-)

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER

Hi Naughtyman. Well one on taking the first step and deciding to quit. After smoking for so long that really was an achievement. You can make the first step and set a date. And we're here to support you through it

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Hey Ellie, its Naughtynan gal, not man :o :D :D

I know your blonde and a young bit of stuff, but, am just wandering now whether you've only got 1 brain cell toooooooo :P :P :D :D :D

Rite I think its time I wasnt here :|

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to monky

Oops I thought it was man too lol!!! Sorry :)

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to Pinkiezoom

Oops. Sorry NaughtyNan. I was imagining.... Well maybe it's best I don't say what I was imagining

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Come on out with it now you started it :o

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Lol :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hmmmmmm, your a young blonde bit of stuff toooooo arnt you Al :o

I rest my case :P :D :D

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to monky

Holds hands up..... Yup it was me. Hangs head in shame :( !! But I am neither young nor blonde Pete, just plain stupid lol !!! X

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hey Al, your a lot younger than I am gal, so therefore your a young bit a stuff to me :) Your not stupid either, well, not all the time eh :P :D :D

Perhaps that man flu you got is making you a bit iffy eh :o I hope your better today :) :)

naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner

Thanks to everyone. I have been reading through this site now for a couple of hours and I feel quite positive. I think I'll log in on a daily basis to keep my optimism topped up xx

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to naughtynan

That is a brilliant idea, that's what I did and just joined in lol, I actually ended up quitting a week earlier as all the vibes from here got my excited for it in the end lol. After my practice quit I never went back, even though I could have until my official quit date. Look forward to catching up with you tomorrow x

jules56 profile image

hi naughtynan how you doin. glad you joined us, its a great first step and a really good place to get help and support. i was scared just like you, but like pinki (al) i just sort of tried it, my ecig, and just thought i would see how long i could go without a fag, and well its 4 months and still going!

i smoked for 40yrs, heavy, i cant believe how fairly easy it has been with my ecig. i am a nic addict! but hey its better than cigs, no tar no chems, just nic and that wont kill me. so good luck, and keep comin on for a chat.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Naughtynan, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site gal :) :) and yes please do come and join in with us on a daily basis. The more the merrier Nan :)

Rite, down to the nitty-gritty gal, you've had loads of great advice :) which I cant better :o erm, I think you have to sit yourself down and have a chat with yourself, ask yourself why you want to quit ? and write it down :) Perhaps keep an unopened pack of ciggies in a draw, but put that list of why you want to quit on top of it :) This way, you know in the back of your mind that you have some real ciggies there if you really need them :o BUT!! you have your list on top of them, sooooo, you will have to read that first :)

I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say :o :)

Hope to speak soon Nan :) Pete :)

naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner in reply to monky

I do not know what you are trying to say and it makes a lot of sense, thank you. I do really find it helpful to read other peoples experiences, it shows me that it is less terrifying than I have made it in my head. 15th March is my date I have set so I'll let you all know how I go on. Thanks again.

naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner in reply to monky

That was meant to say I DO know what you are trying to say, sorry

sophloch profile image
sophloch7 MONTH WINNER

Don't set a date just do it go 4 hours without one then go 8 hours then soon a whole day would of passed, then days, weeks you will get there it just sounds like you working yourself up over something which in the long run well be amazing :)

yellowsnowdrop profile image


I'm Helen & usually like the Hind legs of a donkey,find things last on here!!!!!! .I'm a bit older than you and had been smoking for 40 years,I quit just over 5 months ago.Not going to pretend it's been really easy every step of the way but it's just so worthwhile.I had a reason to stop (I needed surgery on my back which I possibly wasn't going to get until I stopped) but regardless of that as everyone says make a plan and stick to it.When life gets tough come on here and shout for help,somebody will answer you always.You absolutely CAN do this I promise,so take a deep breath and off you go.Good Luck flower,let us all know how it goes.H

naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner in reply to yellowsnowdrop

Thank you and well done to you x

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Hey naughtynan, did you test drive your ecig today? X

naughtynan profile image
naughtynan1 Month Winner in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hi Pinkiezoom

So glad you realised I wasn't a dirty old man!! My user name comes from my eldest Grandaughter who always called me Naughty Nana. Yes I tried my ecig after getting it replaced because it was faulty (it wasn't me who was thick after all). I did actually cough a lot with it, which I don't with cigarettes. Think I need to get the size of the puff right lol. I'm all prepared for the 15th March as you suggested. I've got my list with all the reasons I don't want to smoke. I've also got Paul McKenna's DVD to watch each night. (is that sad?) I think I have been waiting to wake up one morning and just not want to smoke anymore and that aint going to happen. I have also got some patches ready as well. After what I have spent for my No Smoking Box I cant afford to carry on :) Thanks for you support Everyone x

Henry583 profile image


it took me 4 months of planning to do it. Similarly, I have smoked since early teens, and never thought I could give up. I held off for months, and then decided enough was enough. I did go to a Livewell stop smoking advisor, as well, as I found the support great. I have now not smoked for 2 months, don't really miss it, and am really glad i did. I am using patches and lozenges as nicotine replacement. 2 of my friends have quit as well, but only after i started...... Get it done, and keep trying. you will feel better for it.

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