Hi everyone. First time here and 2nd time of giving up. I am using the patches and the e-cig(nicotine free). Also scared of putting on weight so have joined Weightwatchers. At 17st I can ill afford to put on any weight. Im trying to be positive by putting my weight on here as a incentive. More so to eat healthier and monitor what I am eating. Im just wondering if anyone else has done both together, diet and give up smoking and how did you fare.
Day 1.: Hi everyone. First time here and 2nd... - Quit Support
Day 1.

Hi Missbiccie, just love your name gal
Firstly, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support site
Secondly, a big well done for making the decision to quit
Thirdly, quitting smoking and slimming as well, hmmmm, am not sure about that one gal, I think we all put some weight on during our quit, as we tend to snack more cos we get an empty feeling but the secret is I think, is to snack on fruit and veg, as in maybe chop some raw carrot up and chomp on that, chop some fruit up and keep it in the fridge, so that its ready for you when you want it
Erm am not sure about biccies though eh
I myself would stick to quitting the smokes first, cos they are far far more unhealthy for you than putting a bit of weight on eh, then you could put all your forces together to get rid of mr nic Then once you have kicked his ass out a that door, then you can kick the weight problem into touch tooooooo
Take care now, Pete
Hey Pete.
Oodles of thanks for your reply. Biccies are a no no at the moment...loads fresh veg and a mahoosive Sunday lunch....all free apart from the Beef went down very well.
I think more so with Weightwatchers to 'maintain' what I am whilst giving up, but also to get into the healthy eating way of thinking. Cigarettes are the priority.
My lovely Nan passed away a year yesterday from Lung Cancer so its given me the kick I needed, albeit a year later, but better late then never. x
Hey, Biccie, I've just found an old post that just might interest you I've posted it on the questions
ooooh be careful with the 'free' stuff. I don't know what weightwatchers is like now, its been 3 whole years since I was with them but ALL food contains calories and fruit which is mainly made up of sugar isn't as innocent as you might think. I do think it was better when fruit and veg had points. I think that's the best idea to just try and maintain while you're going through the quit smoking process as trying to lose weight and stop smoking is very hard. However stopping smoking doesn't automatically equate to putting on weight. I only put about half a stone on over the whole year and that's down to my eyes being bigger than my belly rather than not smoking. Good luck with both

Welcome to quit support , As for weight watching and quitting I am like Pete perhaps replace cravings etc with healthy nibbles, and when you get the urge to smoke a bit of exercise to take your mind of it. One step at a time.
Thank you for your reply Jillygirl. I have just read your blog, you are such an inspiration to everyone.
Cheers Jillygirl, does that mean I got it rite this time
Would I really admit to that? (your brain cell is as good as mine, )
Hi missbiccie. Welcome!
I'm on day 11 of my quit and have already gained half a stone.
I'm finding that I'm enjoying my food more now, and am never quite sure when to stop eating. I used to finish with a cigarette...
All of our gains are made by determination, however, be kind to yourself. Giving up smoking is really tough. It takes a huge amount of emotional and mental resources. Therefore, I'd suggest being mindful of what you are eating, and of the triggers (the same as when you recognise your triggers for wanting a ciggie)
Don't beat yourself up. The weight should be monitored, but keep your efforts on the quit first and foremost. The rest will follow.
Good luck!

Well folk going to get ready for bed so see you tomorrow. night night sweet dreams. (what shift is it tomorrow Pete?) luvs ya all xx
Ooooooo Jillygirl, just love your new pic gal, Hey, you wernt very old in that pic were you
I'm on the same shift as last week, flippin lates
so probably wont see ya till next weekend, you take care now Jillygirl, if you feel down at all, then go spend hubbies money for him eh
cos that will perk you up gal
Nite nite Jillygirl, God bless ya gal, you do a wonderful job on here
Sweet dreams and loads a huggggggs heading your way, luvs ya tooo

Hey Misbiccie. I'm desperately trying to quit without gaining weight too. We can do this!

Are you going to weight watcher weigh ins? How far apart are they?

Sounds good.
I guess we have to find a healthy alternative to the cravings. For me that's when I'm most likely to reach for the bad food.

Sounds good I'm using the inhalator but I dunno if it's actually doing anything
This is the one im using
Hi Missbiccie,
Fair play to you for both giving up smoking and dieting, I am using a very similiar vape to you, and i cant believe how much i enjoy it! I am not nicotine free in mine though slowly slowly catchy monkey for me.But good luck, and everyone here is so lovely and supportive you would be hard pushed to find a better support site.
Al x

I use the boots one but I think they are both the same.
I'll have a look at the e cig thanks

Hi Miss Biccie
Just thought i would pop my head in and see how you are getting on, got to be day 5 for you now is it? are you still finding it ok? I am doing ok with my vape and dont even really think about real smokes at the moment, but no doubt when saturday comes and it is my official quit date, my brain will play stupid tricks on my and make me dream about them lol!!!
Hope it is still going smoothly for you x
Hi Al,
Yes all is going very well thank you. Its Day 4 today and I have a Throat Infection, so no ecigs for me and tbh I havent missed them. The diet/maintenance is going very well, I see my non smoking lady at health center tomorrow and Im also weighed....so fingers crossed.
I wish you lots of luck for Saturday, but Im sure you will be fine.
Tanith x