Hi everyone. I'm now in my second day of quitting and I'm finding it tough but not too bad. However i have been snacking on jaffa cakes and peanuts quite a lot though. I'm not a big fan of fruit so not sure what else i should snack on. I'm reasonably active as i play football and go to the gym occasionally so not overly worried about putting on too much weight. I know i prob shouldn't be snacking but it's only way i can cope at the moment. Any tips on what i should/shouldn't be snacking on would be appreciated. Or any advice on how to deal with cravings would be most welcome. Thanks
New Here: Hi everyone. I'm now in my second day... - Quit Support
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Hi there Jmcf81, Welcome to quit support. First of all well done on deciding to quit and on getting pass the first day.
If you have a browse on the right hand side of this page and go into healthy recipes or the Hints and tips you will probably find something to suit you. I know I snacked on nuts and melon or carrots. Like you say not worth worrying over putting weight on within reason. Sounds like your pretty active so you shouldnt have a problem.
There is a nice recipe on there for granola bars. may be something like that may appeal to you.
Emjay our advisor will probably be contacting you and may be able to help you.
Meanwhile have a browse around. Join in the daily chat , although its very quite at the moment. It normally gets busy in the evenings.
Hi Jillygirl
Thanks very much for the response. Hadn't seen the healthy recipes or hints and tips on the page but will be checking them out for sure. I'm not using any NRT's at the moment but bought an online course that uses NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming). I wonder has anybody here had any success using this method. I have to listen to the recording for half an hour during the day and half hour at night. It's a little bit creepy in some parts lol but working so far.

Healthy Granola Bar Recipe submitted by Monky
This recipe is very easy and fast to make, and what I really love is that it’s made in muffin cups, which means no fiddly cutting afterwards!
1/2 cup whole nuts (your choice, but I like to use almonds)
1 ½ cups dried fruits (for example cranberries, apricots and raisins)
1 cup rolled oats
1 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch cinnamon (add more if you like)
1/4 cup pumpkin or sunflower seeds
1/2 cup nut butter
2 bananas, mashed
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
In a food processor, coarsely chop the nuts and dried fruits. Add to a bowl, then mix in the oats, vanilla, cinnamon, and seeds.
Mix the nut butter and bananas until a paste forms, then add this to the other ingredients, and mix well.
Spoon into lightly greased muffin cups, and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until lightly golden.
Makes about 18 bars.
Those sound nice Jillygirl but I'm not the best cook lol but I'll give it a go anyway
Healthy chocolate!
Chocolate has an unnecessarily bad press in health terms. Yes, a nougat or sugar-filled milk chocolate bar the size of a brick isn't the best choice, but you can eat chocolate as a healthy snack option and part of a healthy, balanced diet. Dark chocolate containing at least 70 per cent cocoa solids is a good source of antioxidants — particularly flavonoids, which are the type that are found in green tea and red wine. And while chocolate is high in fat, it consists of saturated types — including stearic and palmitic acid — and oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil. A number of studies have found that chocolate's main fat, stearic acid, has a neutral effect on the LDL (or ‘bad’) cholesterol. Dark chocolate has also been shown to reduce high blood pressure, and has twice the magnesium of and more iron than milk chocolate. Plus chocolate makes us feel good!
Apparently jaffa cakes aren't too bad as far being unhealthy is concerned. They're low in fat and a good source of energy and it's dark chocolate . A lot of professional football teams eat them so if they're good enough for them they're good enough for me! Just have to resist from eating them all at once ha.

Hey Jmcf81,
Welcome to Quit Support, you've come to the right place and I'm sure we'll be able to see you through to a completely smokefree lifestyle
I believe that there are two reasons that may cause you to want to snack;
1. Boredom
Regardless as to whether we smoke or not, we are all given 24 hours each day, However, when you stop smoking you suddenly find that there seems to be a lot more than the usual 24 hours. What do you do with this extra time on your hands? Well, most people find themselves opening and closing cupboard / fridge doors, reaching for whatever snack they see. Not necessarily eating because they are hungry, but because they are looking for something to do. This feeling can last just a short time, however - if you stop and think about it, put all your focus on it - then it becomes ALL you can think about. Think about using some sort of distraction technique - Find something to do to take your mind off it. Maybe clear out that spare 'junk' drawer that most people have in their kitchen. Drink a pint glass of water, this will not only fill that 'hinger pang, but is also good for you too.
2. Food tastes great
Your senses of taste and smell are one of the first things to return when you quit smoking. This means that food is definitely more flavoursome and we can enjoy it more, sometimes a lot more means we go for a second helping! Again, I would suggest that you try the pint of water to stave off the initial munchy attack.
Depending on what type of foods you like to eat, maybe you can eat more of the 'right stuff' rather than things like Jaffa Cakes etc. Although I have to say don't deprive yourself of the things you like, just don't go eating the full packet. You say that weight gain really isn't too much of an issue for you and it's good to hear that you are quite active already.
If possible, it's worth filling your fridge with ready made snacks and nibbles that you can just graze at as and when you feel.
Here's a link that Pete (Monky) popped up some time ago, there's also a link to it with some healthy recipe suggestions;
There is also the NHS Choices website which is packed full of lots of ideas, have little nose on the following link;
Here's their healthy snack ideas link too;
I think that you have the right idea, not worrying too much at the moment about your weight - however, it is still important to retain an element of control of what you eat.
Cravings are a positive sign that your body is recovering, by keeping up a positive momentum and by exercising is one of the best ways to deal with cravings
I'll pop up a post for you about cravings and the best way to look at them.
Meanwhile, you're doing well so far - you'll be into your 3rd day and halfway through your first week before you know it
Thanks for the informative reply EmJay I'll check out those links
You're probably right about the boredom thing. I'm off college for another 2 weeks so basically laying about the house bored! I smoked more when i was at college so I'm hoping by the time i go back i won't give in to the pressure! Regarding the cravings they've been coming and going but it's the constantly thinking about smoking/giving up smoking (without it being cravings) if that makes sense that's getting to me. I can't do anything without thinking about the fact that I'm not smoking anymore.

During the very early days of stopping smoking, having it on your mind constantly is normal
It's no use saying try not to think about it as everything is pretty much real to you and really is in your face.
Besides, if I were to say to you 'don't think about a 60 foot purple elephant with green spots", it's the first thing you'll try and think of!
Here's the link to cravings that I think might help;
Remember that whether you have a cigarette or not, they will go away....
Thanks EmJay
I'm determined this time to not let the cravings win. I think I'm better prepared this time after a few failed attempts in the past few years. Do you know what kind of success rate there is by using NLP?
Remember how positive and determined you feel right now so that when you do feel ata low, you can remind yourself that it won't last and that you know how it feels to 'feel good' about stopping smoking. Sometimes when a cravings hits, this can be difficult to call on!
I'm away from my desk at the moment - (I'm typing from my phone) but when I get back in the office tomorrow, I'll see if I can find any stats on NLP for you.
Hi there and well done on getting to your 2nd day! I find carrot juice from Pret is delicious and sometimes drink Ribena if I want something sweet. I like eating radishes, carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes which I munch on when I'm really feeling those cravings. I can highly recommend ordering snack boxes from Graze too as they send you little boxes that change every week (you can change frequency of delivery to less frequent if you wish). The boxes are a decent portion but not huge which means you're not over snacking. The best bit is the variety which is immense plus you can decide if you want detox option, healthy option or boost box and they cater for vegans and non-coeliac too. I've got a discount code if you want to try them out.
Hi BeeL thanks for the support.
Had never heard of Graze before but just went on their website to check it out. Seems they can't post to Ireland as we don't have postcodes (backward Irish ha)! I'm quite fussy anyway to not sure how much of it would have suited me but thanks very much for the offer. Was eating banana today (even though not a big fruit fan) so it's a step in right direction compared to yesterdays peanuts!
Check out the combinations of food they use then make your own. You will have Holland & Barratt or health food shops and it need not taste like bird food I promise! : )