Last week was the hardest of all.But got through.I Haven't felt well either with a free cold someone gave me.Thank you.
I had my pre op assessment this week and I will be operated on in the early part of January op number two.I will be out of action for 6 weeks.Its a five hours op and a week in hospital.Not looking forward to it but its got to be done or I will lose my leg anyway.So an op' with a chance of saving my leg is better than an op' to have it removed.Phew.Its all go.I had a word with the sister on the ward about using my e cig and she says its OK if i do it discreetly.I can do discreet ha ha.
I keep reading the posts and it encourages me to keep going,so thank you everyone.I'm not to good at replying. Anyway that's all and thank you again.