Hi all!
Well, at 9pm tonight it will be 2 weeks since my last cigarette! I have got my appointment at the doctors today, to see whether the carbon monoxide in my breath has gone down. Has anyone else done this? What kind of a difference can i expect to see over 2 weeks? If any at all?
I also had a big achievement on saturday. I went out drinking. I had A LOT to drink, but yet i didnt have one puff. I remember getting a bit nervous as i was getting ready, and told the people i was with that i expected them to help me and slap it out of my hand if they saw me with one (which clearly shows i didnt have much faith in myself!). But they didnt need to! I have my vape all night and was fine my vape only has 0.6mg of nicotine in it, so i am extremely proud of myself.
Thank you to each and everyone one of you for helping me get this far, you are all my heroes
Jess xxxx