Hi all, just joined for support in my stop sm... - Quit Support

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Hi all, just joined for support in my stop smoking journey, been 3 weeks now am using a ecig.

Sukeen1 profile image
Sukeen111 Month Winner
12 Replies

My co tests have been 1 when I have been to stop smoking clinic and I am asthmatic my peak flow has gone up by 80 also just wandered if anyone else using the ecig.

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Sukeen1 profile image
11 Month Winner
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12 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Sukeen, a massive welcome to you :) if you want any help or advise, then you've found the right place.

A big well done to getting to 3 weeks quit :) and your co test down to a tiny 1 :) thats just great.

There are quite a few on here that use e-cigs, some say there good, and others say there cr__ erm, not so good :o but, its got to be better than you smoking eh :) You say your asthmatic, and your peak flow has gone up by 80 erm, I'm sorry, but I dont know much about that, but saying that, I suspect that you can breath easier now :) :)

You stick at it, cos your doing ever so well :)

Pete :)

Sukeen1 profile image
Sukeen111 Month Winner in reply to monky

Hi Pete, thanks for yor reply I use a peak flow monitor every day to keep a eye on my asthma, it measures the air I can blow out from my lungs this has gone up to 430 from 350 so am very pleased with this result. My aim with the ecig is to reduce the nicotine every 6 weeks I have my strategy wrote down lol. So far no cravings for a cigarette and am finding the ecig very good.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Sukeen1

Aup Sukeen, thank you for getting back to me :)

Reading your reply, well it sounds like you've done it gal :) :) I cant fault you one little bit, you have got it all worked out :) It's no good saying, am going to quit, then do it, cos 9 out a 10 times you fail :( But when you have a plan of action, then you have a lot more chance :)

Am so glad your peak flow monitor is reading higher, that must be an incentive if ever there was one eh :) Speak soon :)

Friezfriend profile image
Friezfriend13 MONTHS WINNER

Hiya and welcome, well done the first 3 weeks are possibly the most evil so that's great. Some people use them and love them others don't, I think you have to go with your flow so to speak, keep coming on here, the support is fantastic and it's great when you are struggling you can scream in safety! Keep on,well done you and good luck for the next leg of your journey. :)

tazdave profile image

gday sukeen.also asthmatic.went for medical for work when smoked.i got 78 percent perdicted on spirometer(not good.scared me a little).went again 15 weeks after stoped smoking.plus walking light jogging ect. got 120 percent on spirometer..and doc couldnt even pick the asthma up on flow chart..yep very happy...43 male smoked 30 to 40 cigs a day for 23 years

Sukeen1 profile image
Sukeen111 Month Winner

Well done tazdave I am hoping for a good result on my next spirometer as I have been diagnosed with early copd unfortunately I can't jog as have oesteoarthritis in my knees and ankles but am trying to walk around a little more etc will update you when I go for my check

tomc profile image

Using ecig for 8 months now and not had a real ciggy in all that time.

A couple of my friends are on them also BUT! we are all having the same symptoms since we started with them.

The symptoms are:: Burning tears in eyes, sticky plastic taste in mouth, heartburn, breathlessness, insomnia.

We are now making the move off ecig but not back to fags.

Hope you are well.


EmJay profile image
EmJayPartner in reply to tomc

Hi Tom, lovely to hear from you. If you need any help with planning to reduce your use of the e-cig, please just give us a shout. If not, let us know how you get on and maybe share your success of how you finally quit the e-cig too :-)

tomc profile image
tomcLONG TERM WINNER in reply to EmJay

Hi Emjay, nice to hear from you as well.

I have not been on the site for a while as I have been quite unwell, Have Bronchiectasis, asthma and a few others thrown in for good measure!.

Ecigs are now starting to show they are not so healthful as they are made out to be... My eyes burn plastic taste in throat decrease in functional breathing and worst of all..............my friends who have been using them report same symptoms.

I have been using patches all day for two weeks and only vaping at night and symptoms have greatly improved.

I posted the comments on site to alert other members to the problem and hopefully encourage others not to put as much faith in them as I and my friends.

I appreciate your concern and that of others on this site and consider myself lucky to have found you all.

Thank you all so much.


Ruthus profile image
Ruthus20 Months Winner in reply to tomc

Hi I'm using ecigs as well did have chest pains felt dizy but have cut down on nicotine now you have to work out how much nicotine you need

Eye_ profile image

Hi Sukeen1 welcome to our forum, lots of support and advice on here so you have come to the right place. An increase of 80 in your peak flow is fantastic, 430 is great. I also have asthma and at my best have a PF of 500 but it drops to about 450 if I have a cold or chest infection. It will make such a difference to you to have improved your respiratory function.

Sukeen1 profile image
Sukeen111 Month Winner

Hi eye when I have a exasperation my peak flow goes down to 230 have been hospitalised a few times recently with my chest, stopping smoking means so very much to me for my health as also been diagnosed with copd am really feeling the benefits even after just 3 weeks, am so glad I found this site x

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