Daily Chat: Tuesday 29th October 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Tuesday 29th October 2013

EmJay profile image
19 Replies

Good Morning Everyone and welcome to a much brighter Tuesday :-)

I remember some time ago when we looked at today as a day of choices;

We may choose to stop smoking today

We may choose to continue to live a safe and smokefree lifestyle

We may choose to take a more positive outlook on our lives, which will help living it a lot easier

We may choose that NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) is the way to go

We may even choose to to move again (JillyGirl :p )

... and all the above is why today is called 'Chooseday' :D :D

Have a lovely day everyone, no matter what you choose to do :-)

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EmJay profile image
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19 Replies
mrssunnyside profile image

Morning EmJay and everyone, I'm going to Choose to hide my e-cig again today, ( out of sight out of mind )

I'm going to choose to start my Daily exercises, that's every day !!

And I'm going to Choose to be really possative in my thoughts. :-)

Here's to a happy possative Choose day. :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Emjay and everyone, My day is consisting of Choosing 2 cookers 1 for this flat and 1 for the new one.

Before you say anything the one that is in this flat now is yukky and rusty so we only use the hob when needed.

Then I choose to go to the dentist. I may even choose to strip the lounge wallpaper off. Not that I`m choosey or anything. :D

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Very good afternoon everyone

And I hope nobody is thinking of going left !!! Think we can do without the habits of: HATE, DOUBT & STRESS today, mind you one or two of these are around in small amounts uh oh !!!!

Now that all the celebrations & compliments have ended for getting to 3 months I will not be toooo demanding I think...anyway have a great SMOKE FREE day everyone & back soon.

Mrs Sunnyside ... GREAT ATTITUDE today & go for it....

Whoof whoff



EmJay profile image

Afternoon All :-)

Jonathan, you have never been too demanding. Everything that you have been through has all been part of the whole stop smoking experience and by sharing all your ups and downs with us has helped many others, some who you have interacted with and chatted to, whilst others who have just read your posts. So you see, you have helped without even realising it :-)

JillyGirl, that's some choices that you have today, not being a choosy person and all that ;-/ :D :D

Mrssunnyside, I hope your positivity has continued through the rest of your day. You go girl :D

We have lovely blue skies here now with the odd rain down - Saying that it has just gone really dark and absolutely poured down again as I type!

This site might be all about helping everyone to quit smoking but it's also a great place to find out what the weather is like around the world :D :D

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner in reply to EmJay

Thanks EmJay

"Yes" I am all for everyone stopping - whatever it takes I feel.



monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good evening everybody :)

Emjay, a great opening gal, I chose to read it for a start :D and saying that, I've had a pretty good choose day today too :)

Sunny, you go a hell of a lot of choosing to do today gal :o :)

Jillygirl, it looks like you've got some choosing to do today tooo !! 2 flippin coockers :o Well, thats just being greedy gal eh :P :D :D

Jonathan, it sounds like your on form today pal :) and like you have said, we should all keep to the right, goooo forwards and keep going forwards :) just like an army, keep marching on through thick and thin, to get our FREEDOM back again :) :)

Hello all, thought I'd join the site and see what help and support I could find here. I stopped smoking (went cold turkey) 3 weeks ago and have felt really miserable ever since. I've suffered from depression in the past and understand that quitting can cause low mood, irritation and anxiety etc. I really do not want to go back to smoking - after 15 years I have had enough!! Any advice you can give me would be gratefully received :-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Aup M, I've just found this which may help you, if you click on posts, you will find it :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya erm, well, I'm not calling you miseryguts anyway :(

Hi ya M :) thats much better, firstly a massive welcome to this lovely quit support site, there's just loads of help and advice on here :) and a big well done to you for getting to 3 weeks quit, and cold turkey toooo :) :)

M, I think most of us have gone through the misery, moody and irritation etc bit :( Do you exercise at all ?? I ask you this cos when I've had a bout on my rowing machine, I climb off it and feel just great, as though I could concur the World :)

Orrr, what about going out and flippin treating yourself to something nice :) out of the money you have saved :)

Speak soon, Pete :)

One day I'll rename myself... When I feel better! Yeah I'm exercising but I'm also eating loads too! I don't miss the fags really but wish I felt more positive about life. I've noticed that I feel down about stuff for no clear reason (apart from not having nicotine in my system) and read that it can take up to 6 months for the brain to rewire itself after so long relying on cigs to feel good!! Eek, not sure I can cope with feeling like a miseryguts for the next half year but am reluctant to go on the anti-Ds. Has anyone tried meditation or hypnotherapy etc? Thanks for responding :-)

in reply to

oops our posts posted at the same time. Welcome to your alter ego, misery guts the second :) (me) Just ignore my rant below. Am just sulking cos I get so fed up with the weather. I think you've done brilliantly to have stopped smoking cold turkey. Are you sure you don't still have cravings? You've only been stopped 3 weeks. The nicotine will all have gone from your body now, but......... there are receptors in your brain that will still be calling for the nicotine and getting increasingly distressed that you're not taking it in any more. You're bound to feel in distress as your mind doesn't know what's happening. It's sometimes said that stopping smoking is a bit like losing a loved one. You kind of go into mourning even though you are glad to be rid of cigarettes. To stop smoking is a massive change. Any life change will have an emotional effect. Try not to think too far ahead. Some people might take 6 months to feel better, some like me take, well for ever to feel better but you might be one of the lucky ones who will be fine in 3 months time. If you really don't miss smoking, that is a big thing in your favour and definitely worth sticking with the quit. You just feel at a loss at the moment because a big part of what was your every day life has suddenly gone. I am sure tomorrow, you will get lots more advice. Good Luck.

in reply to

Hi Sinfree, thanks for your response. When I say I'm not missing the fags I mean I'd reach the point when I really wanted to stop and as none of my friends/family smoke I've not been in a situation where I've been tempted. Psychologically though, I feel like something is missing from my life and that things were sooooo much easier when I smoked!! I know that's BS though, am trying to ride out the feelings of emptiness and I'm sure it will get easier with all your wise words and support. Many thanks and lots of :-) !!

They say it never rains but it pours. Well its certainly poured today. Roughly about every 10 minutes. I think the clouds were suffering contractions and their waters broke on far too many occasions. Well I don't care if I'm moaning, I am sick of the stupid rain now, its been raining every single day for the last 7 days and I've had enough. AND my car has developed strange noises and isn't going too well, hubby is suspecting injectors, seriously expensive stuff and if that wasn't enough the campervan has conked out too. After some digging around t'internet hubby is somewhat alarmed that it may be a flywheel/clutch and starter motor problem. For gods sake, what else? What else? well the piggin news is on at the moment and someone has just been interviewed outside Westminster, stood there to a backdrop of clear blue sky and looking quite summery, baaah. How the sun shines on the bloody righteous eh. Come on then positivity????? show it to me, cos I can't see it anywhere.

mrssunnyside profile image

Hi M.....guts, or should we just call you guts because that's what it takes to give up smoking the ciggys.

This is a great site to get help and support.

Wow three weeks going cold turkey, a huge ' well done ' :-)

Monkey suggested doing some form of exercise, and that's what I find so beneficial for me too.

I must admit I am feeling so much better, I am now on week 8 quit, and after 45 years of smoking cigarettes I'm feeling so proud, even though I use an e-cig occasionally, perhaps that is helping my moods, as I am not getting depressed or irritable as I have in the past when trying to quit.

Hope to hear from you soon, :-) :-)

Hiya, thanks for the words of encouragement! I have been going to the gym and trying to eat healthy etc. I'm sure these feelings will pass but I was just getting so frustrated that I wasn't feeling any benefits of quitting yet. I did have an e-cig for a while but wanted to give up nicotine completely. I find that I'm drinking more caffeine as a result though! Have a great day :-)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

Hi M and welcome. I too quit cold turkey and I was still around quite a few friends who still smoke but found that it didn't really bother me. I upped the caffeine for a while and sat on my hands a lot. Sin said a lot and it really helps to come and join in here and chat. I never really felt any different either and people couldn't believe it, I think that being pretty fit and healthy before quitting might have had something to do with it so don't worry on that score. I did find that my breathing capacity "changed" for a long time and have only felt that improve really since the summer. (I quit 18 months ago). Anyway, good luck with the quit and look forward to seeing you in the chat. Andi :)

in reply to andi22

Cheers Andi, giving up co-incided with some other life changes and that is probably adding to my feelings of despondancy. I know I need to get through this bad patch and out the other side and coming on here to chat has made me feel more positive already. My friends are sympathetic but they don't really want to hear me moaning all the time! Hope y'all have a good week, speak soon :-)

Friezfriend profile image
Friezfriend13 MONTHS WINNER

Hi Ms Guts, how are you today? I hope you are feeling a bit more 'up' today. You are being so brave doing this cold turkey, 3 weeks is very very early in your quit, be gentle with yourself and don't expect too much of yourself yet. I don't know if this helps but I kind of put my head down as though facing a storm, decided it was all going to be poo for a while and went with it, in week 3 I found this site and it has helped so much it is untrue, just being able to come on and say how you are feeling and getting support and advice back really helps. I'm week 9 today and genuinely feel better I keep getting little sparks of happiness running through me which are great. Even a few weeks ago that was not happening, so stick with it, I'm sorry just realised I've assumed you are female, sincere apologies if you aint! Good luck and keep going I promise you it is worth it. XX :)

Yes I am female, did I mention I was stuffing myself with chocolate to make myself feel better?! Thanks Friezfriend and well done on your quitting smoking! I do feel more positive already thanks to all you lovely people being so nice! Sending hugs and :-) to you all!

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