Good morning everybody, it's lovely and dull & grey here
I had to laugh yesterday, to cut a long story short, I walked in the house and Monkey the cat was trying to get something from under the settee, so I had a look and found one of her toys, so I lobed it up the other end of the front room, she went after it and I thought no more about it.
Come yesterday evening, I was sat in the frontroom at my computer, computing, as one does, and my Brother-in-law let out a mighty shriek, I looked around, and he said Pete, Pete, there’s a creature!! I said where ?? he said down there, under the settee, then I saw something move, well, I have never seen him move sooooooo fast, he shot out of the room,
flippin whimp
The cat was upstairs taking some well earned zzzzzzzz cos she had been out all flippin night, so I went to investigate, I lifted the front of the settee up and there it was, a little mouse, just sat there shacking, I could see its heart pounding, so I picked it up and took it up the top of the garden and let it go, it scooted off into the undergrowth to live another day
Ok I have given that little mouse another chance of life, but we too can have another chance of life, through quitting smoking, well maybe live longer eh
Sooo come all you wanabe quiters, put a plan into action and go for it we are all here to help you along the way. Good luck.