Jillygirl as you requested, this is a picture of my cat Monkey, and like i said there she is on my work bench noseying to what i'm doing, do you think she looks lovely and sweet ?! huh a couple of minutes after that pic was took and everything was on the flippin floor
but a still luv her to bits
Jillygirl this is the real Monkey: Jillygirl as... - Quit Support
Jillygirl this is the real Monkey

Pete she is a beauty. xxxx

She's a stunner Pete.... A very pretty looking lady-cat
Looks like butter wouldn't melt too

Awwe, she's beautiful Pete xx

She's a beautiful cat Pete and so fluffy, I just want to pick her up and give her a cuddle. I am very impressed with your work bench as well it looks very organised. xx
Hi Kaz, as for my workbench being organised, i do try, but if i dont give her fussin when she wants it, i tell you its a different mater then, cus most of its on the floor
But hey ho, its all exercise for me as in picking it up again
Speak later gal
I see you've got a fluffy one - does that mean you're always having to brush her? And how does such a beautiful cat like that get a name like Monkey?
Hi ya Andi, she was a stray about 4 years ago now, and when she first came to me, her fur was all matted up, so i got her on my knee with a pair of scissors and gently cut them out, just couldnt brush them out !! at first she didnt like it, and ran off, but she came back and i cut some more off, until i had sorted it, and since then she has kept herself nice and tidy
i just give her a brush now and again, mostly in the summer.
As for me calling her Monkey, cus she is one if she dosnt get her way, then everything is chucked on the floor, and she is a very good climber, ha ha a couple of weeks ago i was fixing my guttering, standing on top of the ladder, then i felt something touching the bottom of my leg, so i looked down and there she was, up the top of the ladder with me, she had climbed up to see what i was doing, the nosey so and so her
Dont you like fluffy ones then
Hello🇨🇦Arizona here........ I'll post a pic of Jude...... My cat..... I swear Monkey is the spitting image of Dominick...... A ferrel cat I rescued...... But what I really wanted to mention is .... It is my two weeks today and I would love a new badge hahaha. Thanks Monkey xx
Whoooops, ermmm, I'm sooooo sorry Arizona
I forgot about the time difference between us, but have now rectified that
and I assure you, you will get your other Winners badges on time
1 brain cell Monky
Thankyou 🇨🇦 Many hours btwn us...... I read something you wrote about depression ...... I'm wondering if part of my withdrawal is depression ......... But not the nausea.... Hmmmmm
Arizona, I think we all get a bit depressed when we first quit smoking cos, smoking was our comfort
its like when we were babies, we had our dummy
if you see what I mean
Its like a lot of things in life, when we change them, were not comfortable to start with, then we grow to like them and it becomes comfortable again
Habit plays a very big part of smoking and you try and change a habit, it hurts for a while
I have a post about it somewhere I will nip and repost it, cos it may just help you
hi everyone