Daily Chat : Friday 2nd November 2012 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat : Friday 2nd November 2012

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer
78 Replies

Good morning everyone, i do hope that you all had a good nights sleep :) :)

Well its Friday again, Hurrayyyyyyyy, I've finished now until Monday :) :) how are you all getting on with your quit smoking program :o

I see we've got some new faces and new old faces :D Newromantic nice to hear from you again, and i love the list that you've got, i can think of a couple more to put on it :) :)

Jillygirl were all with you today gal, i hope everything goes well and you dont get tooooo doped up :o :|

All you lovely people out there keep on marching forwards and dont half give them cravings a good thrashing :) :)

Rite thats enough of me going on, you all take care now, Pete :) :)

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog seperately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.

Soooo..... chat away! :) :)

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monky profile image
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78 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good morning Pete and everyone else.

We had some heavy showers just before light and it looks like we may have a few more but the sun's shining at the moment. :) Let's hope that's a good omen for Jilly. :)

Love the kitty pic today Pete, thought I'd let you open again today. :) Be nice if all those new people come and join us here - especially as most of them are a bit like you - done lots of practicing to make perfect. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Morning Andi, I thank you for letting me open today gal, thats just lovely of you :)

As for practising to make perfect, some of us have too :P and by the way you've spelt practising wrong :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Andi -

This is what i do to get a picture on here :)

Open a new tab in your browser

Type in what you want to look for !

I just typed in ( happy friday pictures ) for todays pic

Then pic a site to look in

When you find the pic you want

Right click on it

A drop down menu will appear

Left click - ( save image as )

A browse option appears

I just save it to My Documents :)

Then when you write your blog, just go to the bottom, and click on ( choose file ) and just look in My documents to find it :)

You will find it so easy when you've practised at it :D :D

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Morning all, day 2 and all good so far! Dreading the weekend cos I really associate smoking

with weekends and wine lol! Also wer'e doing a big firework display tomorrow with lots of

people coming so I'm thinking shall i smoke this weekend and start again on Monday?

Advice needed please!

Dawn xxx

PS Thinking of you Jillygirl...good luck x

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply todawlol

Good morning Dawn :)

Weekends are the worst for me Dawn, so with the firework display, wine and loads of people there, hmmm thats a hard one gal.

I think it depends on how much you want to quit, i know it would be hard for me :( but you just think, if you could get through it :) :) just think what that would do to your self esteem, your confidence in yourself, that would just be a megga boost for you gal :) :) but thats my thoughts Dawn, you've got to think - can you do it !! are you going to have a damb good try !! or are you just going to give in now !!

Erm like i say that is a hard one, perhaps Emjay or Jarvo can shed some light on it for you :) :) i'm sorry i cant help you much, i'm sure you will get help :) :)

Just wondered if you have tried to change your pic yet ??

Pete :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good morning

Dawn, what Pete has said about saving a picture to download is exactly what you need to do to change your profile pic.

I have tried to stay away from alcohol for the last few weeks as I know it might lead to a relapse, I'm not doing that for ever but just until I feel a bit stronger. I would like to know the answer to your question as well so maybe someone else could help with that one, I'd love to know a helpful tip or two as I'm sure a lot of people would.

Hi Sue, looks like you had a very busy but enjoyable day yesterday and well done you for getting all your Christmas shopping done.

Well done Emjay for doing your 3 mile walk, you must have felt very proud of yourself when you had finished and I'm sure your pup loves you :) I was surprised when Andi said that she had only been exercising since she was 44, I presume you were one of those sporty types Andi who loved exercise and had been doing it all your life. There is hope for all of us :) I don't think I will ever get to your dizzy heights of the exercise world though.

Love the pic Pete, that Friday feeling my favourite day of the week.

One thing I have done to spur me on in my campaign to keep the cravings away is I have downloaded some inspirational messages from the internet, such as the one EmJay tells us that 'nobody said it would be easy, but everyone said it would be worth it, and 'you can do it' etc. I have then copied and pasted them onto an A4 card and I look at it when I am having a weak moment. I think the positive messages really do help. I've also stuck them all over my new quit smoking diary.

Speak to you all later.

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply toKazzachoc

Hi Kazz, i had a great day yesterday :) now i need to rest, am sooo tired

i love your idea of the inspirational quotes, thank you for that tip, i'm gonna do that myself :) :)

Have a great day Kazz :) xx

sue52 profile image

Good morning everyone, i managed to surface at last, it was 5am before i got to sleep, listened to the rain all night, and it still is :o :D

Dawn i think Pete's right there, you would get a great boost if you could stay away from the cigs tonight, you'd feel amazing :) but i'm Emjay or Jarvo will help you :)

Have you got your spear finished Pete :D sounds like i'll need to be hiding :D :D

did you go out running Andi, since you have the sun today, you are amazing, i'd have never kept it up, especially if it was cold :)

Hope you all have a wonderful smoke free day :) xx

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

I've managed to change my pic, it's not really the one I want

but at least it's better than the man lol! I've decided to just go with

the flow over the weekend. I think what Pete advised was right,

I will feel such a sense of achievement if I don't have a cig and at the

moment I have no inclination to have one. The patches really do help me

and I actually don't think of cigs when I have one on. So if I can stay in this

frame of mind tomorrow I'll be fine and anyway I'm going to be really busy

so won't have time to even think of one! However I've decided if I do relapse

(because of the wine, ambiance etc) I won't beat myself up and just start my quit again.

Sorry for rambling but I want to be prepared lol!

Dawn xxx

Chickles profile image

Good morning all,

I'm now on day 62! My best effort in a long time, am not feeling overly brilliant, tight chest, the occasional palpatations, (no cough though). Have been to the Doctors, nothing to worry about. it's probably my body still ridding itself of the nasty chemicals and my heart and lungs thinking 'gosh we're working better'.! I am certainly not going to smoke again, just to see if it eases :)

Have a great day all!

I inadvertantly posted this on Thursdays! Ooops!

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChickles

Hi there Chickles, just love that name :D :)

A big big well done for getting this far quit, thats just super :) :)

Erm i dont think we've met before have we ?? but that dosnt matter cus we have now :D :D

I can see that you are a intelligent person because you posted ''inadvertently'' whereas i would have posted - go it wrong :D

Keep up the good work, cus your doing so so well :) :)

Pete :)

andi22 profile image

Morning all - busy here this morning. :o

Chickles, come and join us on today and well done for getting into your third month - doesn't the time just fly! :)

Pete, thanks for that I must have a go when I can get my thick head around it. :D Have you been swallowing a dictionary this morning (actually no - only on my behalf! :o ). I think you are in training to be a practitioner in quitting! :D :D :D

Dawn, don't be daft! You know that's not the way to go! That's what got you back here this week and you're only on day 2. :o :D I think you'll get enough smoke from the bonfire and fireworks and as for the wine - just take more water with it. ;) :o :D :D It will help with your headaches and reduce the hangover on Sunday. :)

Well Pete, when are we going to see what's been going on in your garage this week? :|

Kazz, just thought you'd like to know I've just come in from my run. :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Everyone and Happy Poets Day too :-)

Pete, I'm so happy for you that you have now finished work for a few days. I hope you have some quality 'Pete' time built into your weekend. I went for a '3 mile power walk' last night and have a blister to prove! Shall show it off to Claire when she's back in the office. I think I owe a couple of miles to you still so shall cover them either tonight or tomorrow. Carry on the way you are going and I'll be power walking regularly... much to the amusement of Andi, I'm sure :D

Andi, CONGRATULATIONS!! 6 months quit today, half way through a whole year :D :D :D :D How good must you be feeling then? What are your top tips to stay stopped then? With regards to my running career... as if! I've run the odd 5k to raise money for our place, The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and I did manage a 10k when I was about 16. The past 3 years though I've just thought about it! However, since Jillygirl has been diagnosed with lung cancer, this has kind of spurred me on a bit to do something... so watch this space. I'm also using our lovely Pete and his quit attempt as a motivator to keep me going. I know I only started last night, but it is a start :D

Dawn, welcome to day 2, by now you should have very little carbon monoxide (CO) left in your blood and lungs so your body is starting to really recover now. I shall write up a blog in a bit for you all, and hopefully help a few other members out too :-) You have done really well to come this far and so it would be such a shame for you to take a couple of steps back. I can almost guarantee that if you did smoke, you will feel guilty about it and end up wishing that you hadn't given in. However, you are right in that if you do smoke, don't beat yourself up, just get back on it as soon as possible :-) The feeling of waking up the next day, hung over but then realising that you HAVEN'T smoked is amazing... why not just give it a go? :-)

Hi Chickles, lovely to hear from you :-) Day 62, that brilliant! Just keep on staying positive and remember that each day that you stay smokefree means that you're body is becoming healthier and healthier. Have you noticed the money that you have saved too? You are doing fab :-) Let us know your quit date and we'll pop your name up on our Wall of Winners :D

Sue, you are up early considering that you didn't get away to bed until 5! I hope you have a chillaxing day ahead of you :-)

Kaz, thats a good idea - printing off those little motivational messages so that you can see them often. It really is important to keep reminding yourself why it is you want to quit smoking and by having your reasons and inspirational messages about is a sure way to keep you on track :-)

Remember not to let your reasons for stopping become your excuses for going back to smoking.

You are all doing ever so well and supporting each other.

Just remember ""If it's to be, then it's up to me"

I've sent lots of wheelie bins full of love and positive vibes over to Jillygirl from us for her to take with her into hospital today :D

Chickles profile image

Many thanks to Andi and Emjay for the warm welcome. I stopped smoking on 2nd September 2012. I have just been using the lozengers. Am down to 4 a day of the 1mg ones.

I do know that I've had my ups and downs with it. I did a month not so long ago, and foolishly started again when I got unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

As a matter of interest how long does it take for the body to be chemical free and how long before this tight chest etc goes? I guess each person is different, but knowing a timescale would be good :)

Thanks again!

Chickles profile image

Ooops, Many thanks to Monky Pete too! I didn't see you there being all quiet, ha!

We haven't met before because I am new!

Many thanks for your support and encouragement!


dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Yes John UK, Your'e right. In fact I'm not going to smoke, as Andi said

it would be daft. Tomorrow is day 3 and it would be stupid to push it back further

and start all over again. Thank you guys for all your help and support.

Have a great day everyone.

Dawn xxx

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Going home now - had a good day and only a few fleeting

cravings. I will be strong tomorrow and will let you all know

how I get on on Monday. Have a lovely weekend everybody

whatever your'e doing.

Jillygirl, hope everything went OK today - sending my love and thoughts to you.

Dawn xxx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply todawlol

Have a good one Dawn - and enjoy yourself! :)

andi22 profile image

Evening all, been very quiet on here after this morning. Hope you were all working hard to take your minds off those piggies or out enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. 8-) :)

Emjay, hope you've got those walking boots on cos there's a few miles to go to catch up with Pete's days. :)

I've just put a cake in the oven so had better go and check on it. :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Andi, after my last post i fell asleep, hope i get more sleep tonight, i can't live with this much longer

I hope you had a great day, whatever you were doing :), i missed all our weather, just as well it rained all day :D i've been told

You've put a cake in the oven, right i'll be round soon, what kind is it, do you want me to bring cream :D :D :D :) xx

I hope everything has gone okay today Jillygirl, sending positive vibes your way :) xx

andi22 profile image

Hi Sue, what's brought on this jet lag? I think you've been doing too much this week - all this galivanting, sopping and going to the flicks. :D

I've finally made my Dorset apple cake. We've got another coffee morning tomorrow so I've made two and will keep one - eat part and freeze part - that's if there's any left after you lot have been round! :D :D

ps it is recommended to eat it warm with cream ......... mmmmmmmmmmmm! :|

sue52 profile image

Hi Andi, that sounds yuuuummmmyyyy, i'll need to go buy an apple cake now, it's put me right in the mood :D :)

I probably did too much, i should now better, my health can't take it, one good thing though, i didn't get any cravings :) xx

Chickles profile image

Oh no don't mention nibbles and apple cake and the like! I don't even like choccie and sweets, but have been nibbling away this week! This has got to stop, I'll end up looking like a proper roly poly :)

I have been off work today, so have been shopping, bought a new dress for a dinner dance I'm going to in a couple of weeks,*good incentive to keep the nibbles at bay, cos I won't fit in it )made hairdressers and nail appointments, bought some more bits, and had a look at the Christmas grotto at the local garden centre. My daughter was ever so patient with me, bless her.

Tonight is a chill night, meditation and some self-healing Reiki before bed! I will heal myself of this 'tight chest', it is improving! Have been using a 'Sol-Rock' healing therapy rock salt crystal as well. It's marvellous! I got it at the Harrogate Health and Healing Festival.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening!

andi22 profile image

Hi Sue, sounds like you were going to sleep this morning when I woke up. :o I awoke at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep again and finally gave up and got up at 6 so it doesn't look like much has changed in the sleep department. I know that if I sit down on the sofa during the day I drop off so haven't done too much of that yet - I try and take myself off for a walk instead. :)

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply toandi22

Hi Andi, we're the opposite of each other, wish we could both get our sleep sorted, i'm gonna try something, don't know what yet though, better painkillers might be a start, then i'm stuck, aww well it can only get better :o :D xx

sue52 profile image

Hi Chickles, I missed you earlier, i fell asleep :o

Third month since you stopped smoking is brilliant :) hope i get there, i'm on 4 weeks, this time, i hope you're tight chest goes soon, glad it's improving :)

know what you mean about nibbles there my downfall, i probably look like a roly poly now :D :D

have a great chill night :)

andi22 profile image

Cakes are out of the oven and dinner's ready. Look in again later. Don't know where the old man's disappeared to today - probably in the pub by now knowing him! :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

No, the old mans here now, cus his bin for some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Rite just got to go in my garage and get something :o :D

Ohhh by the way enjoy your dins gal :) :)

Chickles profile image

Hi Sue,

Well done on the 4 weeks! I am so focused this time! Halloween and having left over Trick or Treat sweeties is so, so tempting, but I've promised them to the Pumpkin Competition tomorrow at our local organised bonfire, drat, ha!

Tis week 9 for me tomorrow, I think I must have 'stopped smoking' that many times I've lost count, but this is the right time! I haven't caved in at all, despite those not so nice things in life that seem to make you reach for the dreaded smoke sticks!

Re the roly poly bit, well, we can always lose weight, better than smelling of smoke and letting smoking habits take over in social situations!

The worst bit so far me has been the rather bad 'wind', but thankfully, that has now passed, so to speak :)

Am just catching up on some emails, then it's feet up time!

Hope you manage to have a good sleep!

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply toChickles

Hi chickles, I'm the same , can't remember how many times i've tried to stop, but this time, like you, i'm gonna do it this time :)

well done giving the sweets away, i'd have had them eaten by now :D :D

have a great relaxing night :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Evening everybody,

Andi did i hear you say you had a bun in the oven :o :D :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply tomonky

:D :D :D :D Andi will get you for that one Pete

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Aup Sue, it sounds like you want a job working nights gal :o :D you can have mine if you want it :) :)

As for being a roly poly, lets all get quit first and kick them piggies into touch :) :) then we can sort the roly poly bit out, cant we :) :)

Hey we could start a new roly poly site on here couldnt we :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Sue i only said it cus i know she's having her dins now :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

I just KNEW that you'd come out with that one! :D :D

I see my spear's still working fine and flushed you out. :)

I think you and Sue would go really well together as you seem to have such similar sleeping habits - do you snore as well Pete? :D :D

I'm off.....................

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply toandi22

:D :D :D :D i could cut down entire forests with my snoring :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hi Pete, I love the thought of a roly poly site :D :D brilliant, i'd join :D :D

i should do night shift, if i could finish about 5am, that's roughly when i drop off with exhaustion :o think your work will be okay with that :D :D xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

We could have Andi as our personal trainer to sort our exercises regimes out, hmmmm dont know though cus i bet she would be bossy :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Andi are you saying that Sue snores then :o :D :D

Hmmm got to keep my eyes open for them spears :)

sue52 profile image

Don't know Andi, but i heard all personal trainers are bossy :D :D :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply tosue52

meant to say" about Andi"

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Believe me Sue her will be bossy, :D :D rite just got to fetch something :) :)

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply tomonky

rite i'm outta here then :D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tosue52

(Whisper) I thought I'd finally get him to show us what he's been up to all week out there - quick, catch this invisible invicible sheild I've developed or we'll be for it!

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toandi22

Invincible, sorry.

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply toandi22

(whisper) caught it he he he

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Whooooops Sorry Sue :D :D


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Ha ha haaa he he heee i'm the laughing gnome and you cant spear me :D :D

here's a magnet to catch your spears before they get me :D


And just in case them spears get past that, here is my back-up


An Andi & Sue spear shield :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

hahaha it's ok girls, he didn't do a Kaz spear shield, my purple, heat seaking spear is on it's way hahahaha :D whoooooooosh ===============>

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKazzachoc

Fridge here i come :D :D i forgot about you Kaz :o :|

Take that --


Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER in reply tomonky

Well!!! I certainly was not expecting that. Just need to check... did that pie have fruit in it? :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKazzachoc

Hi Kaz,

yes it had fruit in it, cus i only make healthy pies :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER in reply tomonky

That really makes it 10 times worse then, can't believe you actually threw a fruit pie at me laddie !! :O You haven't heard the last of this, revenge will be mine mwhahahahaha :/

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Well done Andi on 6 months today, that is a fantastic achievement. Can't wait until I can say I haven't smoked for 6 months.

I'm glad you managed to get a bit of sleep today Sue, it's not good when you aren't sleeping at night, but you do seem to be keeping cheerful :)

I hope that next time we hear from Dawn she can tell us that she didn't smoke at the bonfire night party, keeping my fingers crossed for her.

Thinking of you Jillygirl, loads of hugs xxxx

Have a good evening everyone. xxx

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz,

hope your having a good evening,

way to go getting Pete :D :D :D

i can't put a pic up getting him, i'm on my phone just now

hope you had an easy day with the cravings, and had your purple spear to hand :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Aup Sue dont you go encouraging her,

andi22 profile image

Thanks Kazz, will try and do a list like Emkay suggested earlier but can't concentrate on anything this late in the day. :o

Looks like my invisible, invincible shield worked earlier - think Sue must have been holding hers upside down or something. I think you need one also Kazz, here, catch! It'll help you out next time. :)

I think the old man's knackered himself out with all that running out to the garage and throwing - hehehe :D :D Perhaps he's gone back out there to work out his next strategy on his rowing machine. ;) :o

sue52 profile image

I've got mine the right way round this time Andi, he won't get me now :D :D

I think he's lying down knackered, he won't be used to all that running :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52


Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER in reply tomonky

Ha! Looks like you were right Sue, he just can't take the pace :) have a rest and a pie :D :P oh yes and a Fanta :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

:D thanks Sue and Andi, I need that shield I think. I don't think he's in the garage working out his strategies, I think he's out their stuffing his face with healthy fruit pies ! D:

No it's much to late for doing lists Andi, leave that for tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know earlier that you had just got back from your run.... I get worn out just reading about your antics :) You never seem to keep still.

I've had a good day today Sue thanks, hardly any cravings at all and what I had weren't worth mentioning. I did have my trusty spear to hand, but I always do just in case our Pete starts throwing things again. Andi, Pete thinks you would be bossy as our fitness instructor, but I think that is what he needs to keep him in line :) that and our invisible, invincible shields of course. ;)

andi22 profile image

He can't be asleep again - he's only just woken up!!!!!


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Yawn yawn, i wish you wouldnt shout so loud Andi :P

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

How about 20 press ups for us all please?

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

: ) brilliant idea Andi. The good thing about Pete being asleep, is that we are safe from flying spears and fruit pies :D

Let us know when you have finished your press ups Pete. I can't do 1 press up, I can do 1 collapse on the floor but can't push myself back up again :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKazzachoc

Aup Kaz you keep trying gal, cus you know what Andi says, practise makes perfect :) :)

Rite i shall leave you lovely people to it, cus i've got to be up early in the morning to go shopping :P :P just luv it.

So i will say goodnight to you all and God bless you, luvs ya all xxxx :)

Jiilygirl i hope you've got your feet up gal, after your stressful day, thinking of you and luvs ya xxxx :)

Nite nite everybody :) :)

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply tomonky

nite nite Pete, sweet dreams xx

sue52 profile image

aaarrggg my computer can't keep up with all the posts, can't do press ups either, i collapse on the floor like you Kazz :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER in reply tosue52

:) I know Sue it has gone a bit mad, or maybe we have gone a bit mad. Having a good laugh on here is much better than going out in the cold for a fag though :)

andi22 profile image

I keep trying but can't do much more than that myself at the moment Kazz. :( I'm feeling it terribly in the midriff department since my trip. All the exercise I've done in the last week doesn't seem to have started shifting it yet but I'm sure it will in time. Just being a bit impatient about it. Never mind, at least I'm not smoking again and Rome wasn't built in a day (as they say). :)

andi22 profile image

Oh no, I feel a choccy moment coming on - haven't had one of those for ages. :o :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Night night Pete, sweet dreams xxx

With all the exercise you are doing Andi, any extra weight you are carrying after being away will be zapped away in no time, it wont happen overnight but I don't think it will take long at all. I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't do press ups :) Not sure I want to keep practising either. I'm having a choccy moment as well Andi, sat here eating Cadbury's Dairy Milk and it's mmmmmmm :D

sue52 profile image

I had my choccy moment yesterday, ate a whole box :o :D :D

having a laugh is much better Andi, just think i need a new computer, this ones not much better than my other one was :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

You had a nice day yesterday Sue, Christmas shopping, going to the pictures and a whole box of choccies :)

Maybe Father Christmas will being you a new computer, if you've been a good girl and as you've given up smoking for 4 whole weeks, I would say you have definitely been good. Pete might disagree with that :)

sue52 profile image

goodnight Andi, goodnight Kazz, i need to go to bed soon am getting sleepy

sweet dreams luv yas :) xx

goodnight Jillygirl, hope you recovered from today, sweet dreams, luv ya :) xx

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good night Sue, I really do hope that you sleep well tonight.

Sweet dreams, luvs ya too :) xx

andi22 profile image

Nite nite Sue, nite nite Pete, Hope you both manage to get off to sleep, especially as you've both been sleeping all day as well! :o :D :)

Hey Kazz, have just been catching up on the old blogs and I saw you and Pete both promising on the 20th October that you were going to start exercising on the 22nd. I shall wait with bated breath tomorrow for all the excuses you'll have had time to dream up! hehehe. :o :|

Anyway, think it's time I turned in so I'll wish you nite nite too and hope you sleep well. :)

Love you all :) xxxxxx

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Night night Andi, I hope you don't wake up at 5am again, knowing you, you would have to get up to go for a run ;)

I did do my Wii Fit on Wednesday :) for 30 mins, it's a start :) Just give me overnight to come up with some good excuses, or I will just copy whatever Pete comes up with :D

Speak to you tomorrow xxxx

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