Daily Chat Monday 18th March 2013: Hi everybody... - Quit Support

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Daily Chat Monday 18th March 2013

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
13 Replies

Hi everybody, yeah Monday again :P it soon flippin comes around dont it, :o but am not bothered this week cos am on holiday, although it is a working holiday cos got a list as long as my arm of jobs to do :o but hey, it keeps me out of mischief :D :D

What are you doing today ?? anything interesting :o or just having a lazing about day :)

Sue we are all thinking about you gal, love, huggs and positive vibes heading your way :) and I hope everything goes well, speak soon xxxxxxx :) :)

A big welcome to Jarvo :) :) for those of you who dont know Jarvo, she is another lovely quit support adviser and she has stepped in as Emjay is on her holls this week :)

Jo - first day smoke free today :) if you need help gal, give us a shout eh :)

Simba - have you quit today ??

Buttons - day 8 for you I think :o ace gal, just ace you keep at it :)

Elissa - I think its 1 week for you today isnt it :o you stay strong and focused, cos it will get easier now :)

Jillygirl, I aint half missing you getting at me gal :o :D hurry up and get that battery lead back, you have a nice day eh :) :)

Rite am off to get some jobs done :o any body has any questions or needs advice please feel free to come and shout about it :)

Speak later, Pete :)

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monky profile image
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13 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

I think the gremlins are with us today, cos its took me ages to post the Daily chat :(

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Morning Pete or now its afternoon, hope you haven't too many jobs for your hols., and can get some "me" time and relaxation as well.

Just got back from treatment (day 9 - 6 more to go) which is a pain as it is a 40+ trip every day but we don't smoke in the car anymore so that has helped. Yes it is Day 1 and so far so good, have several NRT lozenges this morning when I got up, I came on this site which kept me busy until it was time to leave home. Just got back and again coming on here until the craving goes helps - 6 hours so far! My worse time is morning and evening so have got over the first hurdle, although I had cut right down it was first thing in the morning and after dinner at night when I had "the odd one".

Don't forget your "me" time, holidays are few and far between so make the most of them :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to simba196

Hi Simba :) good on ya gal, thats just great news :) :) and yes I think first thing in the morning and in the evening was worse for me too, but it does get easier :)

I hope your treatment is going well too :)

Ha ha ha, I've just been looking through the archives and found this, Jillygirls first poem :) :) It just might amuse you a little :)

dont give up

Posted by jillygirl 1 May 2012.

Hello to all you ex smoking critters,

Welcome aboard the club for quitters,

Dont get in a flap when you get a craving,

Its no good ranting and raving,

Dont let your body tell you your in need of a fag,

Listen to your brain saying its evil that drag,

Take a deep breath and think you have peace in your mind,

Make yourself a cuppa, sit down and unwind,

Go into this site at least once a day,

Take in the advice from our friend Emjay.

If you get bored, and you get the time,

Send us all a blog to go with this rhyme.

Jillygirl. :)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Afternoon John, fairly new to this site and I keep reading about your lovely little birds, and wondered if you could give me a bit more info about them :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

This was Emjay's reply -

EmJay ROY CASTLE 1 May 2012.

This is good - this stop smoking ditty,

words of wisdom, put across quite witty.

All the advice, the hints and tips,

will help you through those little blips.

Deep breaths in and deep breaths out,

if you need help - just give us a shout!

The friends you make, the things you share,

stop you from having a complete nightmare.

We're here to help you, through and through

but your experiences shared will help others too.

Onwards and upwards is the way to go,

take each day as it comes, just go with the flow.

Remember! Stay positive and be clear in your mind,

that this is the way forward - leaving smoking behind.

I've tried my best here with this little verse,

JillyGirl's was better, mine was worse! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Then I replied with this ha ha -

monky 3 May 2012.

This NHS site is supa

better than bupa

Quit that pesky ciggie

and go have a jiggie

Exercise is good for you

dancing-running what ever you do

Emjay she is great

just like a best mate

She is always there in the background

to help us all, i'm sure you've found

We all help each other on here

so you knew comers have no fear

There is always help at hand

Emjay-Jillygirl and the band

I know its a bit of ado

but its the best i can do.

Pete :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Just found one of Mad's too -


Posted by madmad 9 May 2012.

No more ciggys, I need to give up.

You,ve ruled my life for long enough.

Todays the day i,m going to quit.

With a little help from a e-cig kit.

I,ve decided that i don,t want to smoke anymore.

It wont be easy I know that for sure.

I,m getting a cough, never had one before,

my thoats always dry and gets a bit sore.

My Blood Pressure,s gone higher, its always been low,

Sorry ciggy, you just have to go.

I,ll probably miss you, the addictions so bad,

But I refuse to allow you to make me feel sad.

You,ve been part of my life for such a long time,

Its hard to let go but i,ll be fine.

Now is the time to let you go,

You once were a friend but now your my foe.

Its nearly three weeks without my white stick,

but smelling you now makes me quite sick.


I,m glad that your gone.

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

These are great, just what I need to read every day to keep that thought in the mind that NIC must go! Thanks for your time in finding these for me, think they should be put on the site somewhere that anyone can just click and they come up to read. I wonder if EmJay could do that if you also think that would be a good idea.

Take care and don't word too much :)

jarvo profile image

Yey you're here Pete.

Hope everyones doing well today, its very busy on here today :D. The sun's gone in here :-(

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jarvo

Aup Jarvo :) its so lovely to see you again gal, it is :) :) yeah its a bit dull here in Derbyshire too :( butttttt you've just brightened my day up gal, with your lovely pic :) :) thank you Jarvo :)

Well how are you ?? what you bin up to ?? how many kids you got now ?? have you bin on your jolls ?? ha ha sorry gal, just that I aint seen you for ages :(

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

They are great, there is nothing better than having loving pets whatever they are, I had two dogs but sadly lost one last year at the age of 14. He was fantasic, but is missed by his mate who is 12. When I read your posts now I can "put a face to the name"! :)

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Good things come in three's John.. £50 from YouGov, £10 lottery win, and thirdly and most importantly... A happy healthy Amor :-)

Night night one and all xxx

Bellabella profile image
Bellabella18 Months Winner

Pe love the music... :-) wish I was on hols.... One more day...

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