Daily Chat: Friday 13th September 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Friday 13th September 2013

EmJay profile image
12 Replies

Good Morning and a happy Friday to you all :-)

The weekend is upon us so make sure you have good strong plans in place to ensure that you don't get caught out by any of those sneaky cravings. It's okay to have them, just as long as you learn how to deal with them. After all, getting them is a good sign that your body is recognising that it is not getting all those 4,000 plus nasty chemicals and poisons anymore. Did you know that cigarettes contain arsenic? Or that the tar found in your lungs from smoking is the same as the tar found on road surfaces....?

I found today's picture quite interesting really, it's from a workplace who created a smoking room since the ban came in place in 2007.

Have a nice day everyone :-)

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EmJay profile image
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12 Replies
quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hello Emjay

A very good afternoon to you and thanks for your post today. Avoiding those 4,000 plus nasty chemicals & poisons, arsenic & road surface tar sounds like quite a good idea !! And Cravings are all part of the recovery process - so helpful. It is exactly these comments that have helped me to STOP and stay SMOKE FREE - thank you again.

Not sure if everyone has now gone on holiday or if we have mutiny in the ranks ????

This website has obviously helped hundreds of us Quit smoking and for that I think we should all be VERY GRATEFUL and forget any character clashes or whatever is going on !!! (Maybe it is nothing and I have got it wrong which would be par for the course !!!). I hope everyone is still around. This has to be about the most important thing in my life if I want a life.

Best wishes



sue52 profile image

Hi Emjay, Jonathan and everyone,

Just got back from the flat, bought all the paint etc that we need, so gonna be busy this weekend, I just hope my energy stays up, might need to shift from tea to coffee :D :D

Love your pic Emjay, i have to say i didn't know the tar was the same as the roads :o thank goodness i stopped :)

Like you Jonathan it was all the wonderful people on here that helped me stop, their comments and tips really helped me to stay strong :)

I'm sure the others will be around soon, and not long till Jillygirl and Andi get back :) I would have been on much more if i wasn't in the process of moving house. You keep going strong, your doing great, have a lovely NOPE day :)

EmJay profile image

Hi Jonathan,

Glad you found the post useful :-) If there is anything else related to smoking that interests you, let me know and I'll either point you in the direction of any past posts or I'll find something for you, I may even put something new together if possible :-)

There are a few of our regular members on holiday at the moment and Sue is probably busy packing up ready to leave her old home for her new one :-)

So.... 'fraid you just got me for now :-/ :-/

Let me know of what interests you and I'll see what I can find. Meanwhile, if you fancy a cuppa I'm just away to pop the kettle on :D

EmJay profile image

Hey Sue, our posts crossed! I reckon that you just heard the kettle going on!

:D :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to EmJay

I can smell a boiling kettle miles away Emjay :D :D :D

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hi Emjay & Sue

I have no questions at the moment because they are all being answered as we go along - so again thanks for this and I will continue to follow the sign posts you put up.

Okay so NOT mutiny then - I thought something was up, will wait for Pete to put the cat among the pigeons !!!

Good luck with the move & now decorating Sue ... sounds like hard work but amazing how quickly it all happens when you get going & the hours pass so fast.

best wishes



monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :) its only little old me :o

Emjay, a lovely pic gal, it really makes you think :o :) and I hope you havnt had tooooo hard a day today :|

Jonathan, it sounds like you've got it together today :) and as for the mutiny, I think they are on holiday ! Well I know 2 of the old birds are away, Jillygirl and Andi and they make a lot of noise when there on here :o :D :D :D Just remembered, Jillygirl comes home tomorrow, hmmmm I think I had best find a hiding place pretty smartish eh :o

Hi Sue, you say you can smell a boiling kettle miles away gal, well am just like you, cos I can smell a cannie a lager opening miles away :o :D :D Hey Sue, you dont go over doing it gal, you get your feet up now and again eh :) I too will be decorating this weekend and into next week too :P :( mind you I dont really mind decorating, its deciding on the wallpaper & the colour of the paint thats the hard bit for me :o :|

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Rite am off up the wooden hill again to get my beauty sleep, cos I needs it :o I tell ya !!

So I will bid you all a lovely nights sleep and I hope all your sweet dreams come true :) :) and that goes for all of you on holiday tooo :) xxxx

Hi everyone. It is quiet on here but not been sulking. Well I have but not with this site or any of its lovely people, was really busy yesterday, with childrens problems as always and therefore not very good company as just about fed up of all the rubbish that's being thrown at them. Y'know I'd like to get David Cameron and his stupid mate Ian Ducan Smith, and drag them by their ties around a few work places and the house where my daughter lives and show the buggers what life is really like. Anyways enough of that, once I start on a political rant I never know when to stop.

As for the pic and smoking in workplaces, well going back many years that's what got me started smoking. I never smoked at school, it wasn't until I started work at 16 and smoking was allowed in offices - Imagine that now? Well one woman who was in her late 20's maybe 30 had a particular influence on me. 16 and I used to sit and watch her with her Dunhills and her fancy lighter and she looked so sophisticated and I just wanted to be her. My mum had always said girls who smoke look horrible and its not very nice but this woman wasn't horrible, nor was the woman in the advert in a magazine smoking Craven A's, there were so many people at work who smoked, it was only a matter of time before I thought I'd try it myself, the rest is history as they say.

Good luck with your decorating Pete and you too Sue. Oh and glad you didn't include me in the old bird category, though my grandson does call me chicken. When he starts calling me an old broiler I'll start to worry :D

Eye_ profile image

Hi Sinfree,

Sorry to hear you hav had a tough day.

Your story of how you started smoking is tribute to the influence of the tobacco companies who pedalled the image of smoking as one of cool sophistication. That was before the time when their advertising was limited. Now they use the flashy packets to draw young people in and is why campaigning for plain packs is so important.

You have done great to have kicked cool sophistication in the butt, it's all an illusion.

I hope you have a good weekend, we're here if you need us.


in reply to Eye_

still cool and sophisticated just without the smoking - :D You have a good weekend too Eye

Eye_ profile image

Absolutely Sin!

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