DAILY CHAT TUESDAY 21/05/2013: Morning everyone... - Quit Support

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31 Replies

Morning everyone

Another grey start to the morning here in Yorkshire and a bit cooler than yesterday. No sign of the sun as yet but never mind. Looks like we had bucketfuls of rain last night as everything wet and there are puddles dotted around but at least it did that whilst we were all asleep.

Another day to fight off the cravings as they never really go away do they? They just diminish but lurk in the background waiting to catch us out but we're ready and prepared so they're wasting their time on us! All for one and one for all.

Whatever you do today do enjoy and keep up the good work as together we are strong but sometimes we do have inidividual battles to fight.

I wish everyone a smoke free, stress free day and will catch you all later.

It it rains, just think of it as saving us a job like watering the plants or washing the windows!

You see, you can see good in everything (or most everything) bad people.

Take care all

Kettles on and biscuits at the ready - choccie and for those sweet enough, digestive!

Hug and a :) for everyone.


31 Replies
bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Morning Kath and all :-)

Dry but dull down here ugh!!. 7 weeks today for me alothough I think 49 days sounds better :D :D . Busy day today. Got my annual appraisal at 9.30 which will be my 5th in 11 years.:-o....go figure. Newish boss hasn,t bothered in the last 3 years.

To be honest it's the last thing I want as I have been up all night tossing and turning. Should get home about 5 and then try to catch a few zzz to make up. :-)

Hope you all have a great day and Kath I would love to join you for a cuppa and biccy

Stay strong peeps we are doing this together :-)

Sue xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to bunnyrabbit

Hi Bunnysue, well done.


Betts profile image

Morning Kath Sue and all

Grey here too Kath :( I want a bit of sun! Have a good day and thanks fir that heartening start.

Oh Bunnysue, it is not nice getting a rotten night's sleep. I hope you get a brilliant appraisal, stick out for it :) Then a lovely afternoon and catching up on zzzzs. I had a bad night too, but my stomach, so am looking forward to that wearing off still! At least I can work from home tiday :)

Wishing one and all a good smokefree day x

Good morning everyone. Another totally poo day outside the window. Tbh Kath I don't see the point in cleaning the windows as I don't particularly want to see out of them. All I can see through my window is grey sky (a permanent fixture for years), dark green trees who's only useful purpose is to provide entertainment to three squirrels that wear me out just watching them swing from one tree to another all day.

I'm baby sitting my 27 year old daughter today. She appears to be in slow labour. Her due date is today but she's been quite literally confined to the house for over a week. Every time she attempts to go anywhere she gets struck down by severe cramping pains that extend down her leg and take her breath away. It alarms people in shops to see a heavily pregnant lady hanging on to rails and things panting through the pains til they subside so she's given up going out and is now very bored. Midwife says all is well and these are practice contractions :o what is the point of practising, she's been there before, and could go on for days yet before the real thing. Aww bless, but ooooh so excited.

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

Wow what wonderful news about another grandchild coming. Sorry to hear that your daughter is suffering but I'm sure being with Mum will help. :-) :-)

in reply to bunnyrabbit

She's a girl, so lots of pink and frillies. Nothing much happened today though so we just have to wait . It's little wonder she doesn't want to come out with the weather we're having, hope she's not waiting for summer otherwise she'll be there for ever. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Congrats hope all goes well. :)

in reply to jillygirl

Thanks jillygirl :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Had a glowing appraisal which was great. So looking forward to zzzzz a 5pm :-) Maybe some sewing later tonight :D :D whilst watching CSI part 2 and Hannibal. :-)

Have a great afternoon and catch up with you all later :-)

Sue xx

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to bunnyrabbit

Congratulations bunnysue :) :) xx

sue52 profile image

Good morning everyone,

It was sunny here earlier but now it's duller, I just hope we don't get rain, it was bad enough yesterday.

Well done on 7 weeks bunnysue, that's brill :) I hope your aplraisal goes well today, I'm sure it will though :) then hopefully you can get some sleep when you get home.

Betts you stay nice and warm today, I hope you feel better soon :)

Thats fantastic news sinfree, bet you can't wait to be a granny again :) I hope your daughter diesn't have to put up with this for too long, they do seem to be painful practice contractions.

I'm away to put the kettle on if anyone wants a cuppa, have a great smoke free day everyone :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Hi Sue how you doing, hope your ok. I am having a cant be bothered day. How about you. :O


sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Hi Jillygirl,

I hope your having a great day, I'm the same as you today, love your pic :D :D, I'm too hot and don't have the energy to do anything.

Take care :) xxx

in reply to sue52

Too hot!! oh please can I have some of your hotness, I'm fed up of being cold.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

what a beautiful lady. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Kath hope work goes quick for you. see you later on. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup everybody :) :) ave spent ages trying to get on here tonight :( :( flippin gremlins :P :P

Hmmmm looks like I will have to get my new invention out eh :o :) :)

Its a sooperdilik, multfirering, healthunlockedfriendly, trippleaction, peasingob, fantomround, gremmy buster :o :D :D

Alright, alright, its a flippin pea-shooter then :o :) :D :D but it is multifireing, cos just put more peas in my g-- erm mush :D :D :D

Hmmmm ave just got to try it out now !!!! any takers :o :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Take that you gremmy you :P :P :P :P >>>>>>>>>>> aghhhh

Yeahhhhh got one :) :D :D where's that Kazachoc when you need some backup, bet she's zzzzzzzzzz :P :D :D :D

I will keep at it, with my sooperdooper pea-shooter and try to finish the grems off tonight :) :) gulp, hick, braaaaa, whooooops, sorryyyyyy :o :|

Erm can somebody tell me, what happens when you swallow a load of dried peas :o :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Take that you gremmy you :P :P :P :P >>>>>>>>>>> aghhhh

Yeahhhhh got one :) :D :D where's that Kazachoc when you need some backup, bet she's zzzzzzzzzz :P :D :D :D

I will keep at it, with my sooperdooper pea-shooter and try to finish the grems off tonight :) :) gulp, hick, braaaaa, whooooops, sorryyyyyy :o :|

Erm can somebody tell me, what happens when you swallow a load of dried peas :o :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Take that you gremmy you :P :P :P :P >>>>>>>>>>> aghhhh

Yeahhhhh got one :) :D :D where's that Kazachoc when you need some backup, bet she's zzzzzzzzzz :P :D :D :D

I will keep at it, with my sooperdooper pea-shooter and try to finish the grems off tonight :) :) gulp, hick, braaaaa, whooooops, sorryyyyyy :o :|

Erm can somebody tell me, what happens when you swallow a load of dried peas :o :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Take that you gremmy you :P :P :P :P >>>>>>>>>>> aghhhh

Yeahhhhh got one :) :D :D where's that Kazachoc when you need some backup, bet she's zzzzzzzzzz :P :D :D :D

I will keep at it, with my sooperdooper pea-shooter and try to finish the grems off tonight :) :) gulp, hick, braaaaa, whooooops, sorryyyyyy :o :|

Erm can somebody tell me, what happens when you swallow a load of dried peas :o :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Take that you gremmy you :P :P :P :P >>>>>>>>>>> aghhhh

Yeahhhhh got one :) :D :D where's that Kazachoc when you need some backup, bet she's zzzzzzzzzz :P :D :D :D

I will keep at it, with my sooperdooper pea-shooter and try to finish the grems off tonight :) :) gulp, hick, braaaaa, whooooops, sorryyyyyy :o :|

Erm can somebody tell me, what happens when you swallow a load of dried peas :o :D :D :D

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to monky

Do you have a message stutter? :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Take that you gremmy you :P :P :P :P >>>>>>>>>>> aghhhh

Yeahhhhh got one :) :D :D where's that Kazachoc when you need some backup, bet she's zzzzzzzzzz :P :D :D :D

I will keep at it, with my sooperdooper pea-shooter and try to finish the grems off tonight :) :) gulp, hick, braaaaa, whooooops, sorryyyyyy :o :|

Erm can somebody tell me, what happens when you swallow a load of dried peas :o :D :D :D

in reply to monky

Looks like your finger gets stuck on the send button when you swallow a load of dried peas :D :D :D Are you OK there Pete, you've not choked on them have you :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Flippin eck Pete gremlins are certainly about. here you are.


getting tired now been trying to get on site for hours. so nite nite Pete and anyonr else who managed to stay on site.

By the way Pete had mi hair done for you tonight,


xxxx :)

in reply to jillygirl

That's Vera Hopkins from Coronation Street,

We seek them here we seek them there where are all the gremlins? Bloody well here!!!!

Night all sleep well with pleasant dreams.

Catch you all tomorrow.

Luv, hug and a big :) which may just frighten the grems away for tonight at least.


bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

OMG gremlins on the site and the weather...well!!!!!

Sleet and snow in Scotland tomorrow, northern England Thursday and as far down as the chilterns on Friday :-o :-o Hope they have it wrong again :-o

Pete are you ok you sound a little pea d off. :D :D :D I hope you have put the Gremlins in their place. :-) :-)

Well I feel a little under the weather myself and am going to have an exceptionally early evening for me :-o

Take care eveyone and chat tomorrow when we face another smoke free day :-) :-)

Sue xx

in reply to bunnyrabbit

Snow!!!! aw for gods sake what is happening. Night Sue, here's hoping the forecast is wrong. Just checked my weather forecaster app thingy and it says showers for Thursday 11 degrees feels like 8. Come on weather it's nearly 'flaming' June.

EmJay profile image

Oh Dear!! I have taken all night to get on here and now I don't know where to begin with what I was going to say!!!

I know HealthUnlocked are working behind the scenes on some improvements so maybe it's been something to do with that as to why we have had the gremlins about. I'll get an update from them and keep you posted tomorrow :-)

Until then, keep calm, keep smiling and keep on, keeping on :-)

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