Good morning everyone,
Hope you have a good Thursday - the weekend's nearly here!
Whatever you have planned, don't weaken your resolve to stop smoking.
Good morning everyone,
Hope you have a good Thursday - the weekend's nearly here!
Whatever you have planned, don't weaken your resolve to stop smoking.
Good morning Andi, hope you slept well. bit overcast up here, forecast rain. Its very humid so may have your thunder storms due.
Hope everyone else is ok. catch up later. xxx
Good morning Andi and everyone,
I hope you have a brill Thursday too :, I don't have anything planned, except housework, I'll be doing that at a snails pace
The weather here is a bit like yesterdays so i hope the sun comes out later. I hope you all get the sun as well
I'm away to have a cuppa if anyone wants one x
Good morning Jillygirl,
I didn't see you there earlier, I should have gone to specsavers
I hope your weather improves and you get some sun, humid weather is horrible, i think, especially with all the work you'll have to do packing for your move.
Hope your day goes great x
Good Morning Everyone
Hi Andi, I hope your having a delightful Thursday too
Great to hear about your news of a definite confirmed moving date JillyGirl
Hey Sue, it's a tad grey here but quite humid with it
Lots of catching up to do for me on here, I only had a quick nosie yesterday
Hi Jilly, Sue, Emjay and everyone. I just posted the chat before going out this morning as no-one else had. Back from pt session now - a bit later this week. It's weird cos he works you hard but you don't realise it or feel it at the time. Weigh-in - yep, down a bit again.
Well, we didn't get the thunderstorms but weather out and about is grey, misty and drizzly. Think I need to get my duster out today for a bit. Oh, just remembered, I've got a pile of ironing in the cupboard so I might just do that as well.
See you later.
Hi all,
On a break from housework, don't know if I'll start again now that I've sat down though
More weight lost again Andi, that's good, i bet you don't need to lose any though hope you've got all your housework done and your now having a well earned rest
I hope your weather has improved Emjay we have the sun here now so it's not so humid now thankfully
Hope your all having a great afternoon x
Hello all, Well everyone seems busy today cleaning etc. Me I am trying to get organised, but hubby is a bit of a pain. He is thinking of where things will go when we get into the flat. Me I am thinking just get out of my way and let me pack.
Hope you get your ironing done andi, then get your feet up.
Sue hope your not doing too much housework have a break with Andi.
How was Robbie and Olly Emjay. bet it was a good do.
Well hubby off out so I am going to crack on in peace.
Hi Jillygirl,
Isn't so much easier when hubby's are away, i find that i can get on much faster without mine
Hope you manage to get a bit done now :), I've stopped now, so gonna have my shower early cause i' way to hot
see you all later x
Just what I'm doing Jillygirl hope you have your feet up now
I certainly have. Hubby snoring on the sofa. (whats new!)
wish mine was, he's playing his stupid xbox, that's the tv tied up, he'll be thrown off it soon
That must be very annoying. heres a hint.
love it, do think it will be okay using mine cause it's marble
Right i better get a nora batty face on first
Ha ha ha you flippin gals get me laughing, you flippin doooooooo @
Hello there Pete, You ok. Sue you only have to mention Nora and he appears.
I've bin a busy busy little bee again, cos av ad my fave nephew and gang here today
He's got a new car and well the last one died of erm, lack of oil
so I've showed him were to check the oil and everything, cos his old mans got no idea
God he's about 19 foot tall now he towers over me, he cut, coloured and blow dried er-in-doors hair, and gev me a snip snip here and there tooooo
So am sorry i havent bin on here all day
Hi everyone, Jillygirl your husband with his thinking about where everything will go when you get to your new house reminds me of when we moved at work a few years ago. We had Pickfords moving us so everything had to be in a box, colour coded and numbered and taped up so they knew where to put it when they got there. They were amazing the way they got everything out at lightening speed and then got most of it in the right place when we got to the new place. They even managed to have a joke as well. I kept hearing a cat miaowing. Then one of them asked if we had a cat (our offices were based in a large house), they said sometimes cats can get in amongst the boxes. We'd never seen a cat in all the time we'd been there but we kept hearing this flipping miaowing. It seemed to be coming from one room in particular and my friend said I'm sure its up the chimney. She was there on her hands and knees in front of the fireplace trying to entice it down from up the chimney.
Anyway when we got to the new place, we'd been there ages, we were all excited because everything was brand new and this was going to be our new workplace, then me and my friend walked past a box and heard the cat again. OMG we said, there really is a cat, so my friends there rummaging through all these boxes. Others by this time were getting quite doubtful. In the end one of the guys from Pickfords said does it sound like this and Miaowed very convincingly. It had been him all along and he had kept that up all day without any of us noticing him doing it. So if you've got Pickfords in Jilly, watch out for cats.
Andi, if you dont watch it gal, you will be as fit as erm, erm, a fit Woman
I can picture them, but cant put a name to them
I'm sure you know what I mean
Hey Sue have you noticed when we start to get tired , the evening shift appear.
I think we could do with this sort of evening shift.
Yes I did put my deodorant on today so it isn't that.
And I'm just out the shower so I'm okay
Ooer, is it bedtime already?
Ok we give in . what have we done wrong.
Sin I wonder if Pete has gone to wake Andi up.
Well it's 8.00 so am off to wash up in a minute and shine my sink hope you all have a nice sleep, see you tomorrow. I've got a days holiday tomorrow, so that's my working week done - 1 day - yay. Off to give my grandson a bath in the morning as his mum can't lift him in and out of the bath yet, and a cuddle with the new little lady - must post a pic. I'll put it on my to-do list.
Night everyone.
Night Sinfree. big cuddle from us all to baby. xx
I'll pass that cuddle on Jilly
Night Sinfree, can't wait to se your photo see you tomorrow
Night Sue
When we moved up here, erm, nearly 35 years ago, we had a cat called Sooty, completely jet black
We lost him for a couple of days , then we started to hear this meowing, and it was coming from the fire place, so I investigated as one does, There he was behind the flippin gas fire
How the flippin heck he'd got there in the first place, I dont know
I rang the gas people, and got a lovely Lady, that told me to ring the RSPCA, with in 20 minutes, 2 men arrived, took the gas fire to bits, and said to me, go get him They suggested that I put an old sheet or something down, before I go after him
flippin good job toooo
Ha ha I shoved my hand up the chimney, I tried to grab him, no flippin chance, I got covered in soot
the third time I tried, he came bouncing down, over my head, into er-in-doors arms, and covered her with soot too
Aww, he was trying to live up to his name
Nite nite Sin. I was thinking about that new pic of yours. Are you no longer a scarecrow cos of your new-found "cleanliness"?
Sleep well.
Aww, I really best go, hubby's started the washing up No, no more scary crowing I'm going to be Oh what's she called now............Aunt Sally (Wurzel Gummidge's girlfriend.
Hi all,
I'm getting sore now so I'll have to love and leave you, away to get tablets and have a lie down.
Nite nite Jillygirl, Andi and Pete, sweet dreams, see you tomorrow
Love and hugs xxxxxx xx
Aaaahh. Nite nite Sue, have a nice rest and sleep well. Hope you're feeling better in the morning and back on top form. Sweet dreams.
Getting tired now, so Nite nite Andi . Sue . Sin, and Pete. have a good night and see you tomorrow. love ya! xxxxxx
Nite nite Jilly, have a good sleep - another busy day tomorrow. Sweet dreams. xxx
Andi, are you still talkin to me
or have I upset you
You could never upset me Pete, you know that.
Think I'll sign off now and get an early night so I can get up early tomorrow.
Nite nite Pete and everyone else. Sweet dreams. xxx
Am sorry Andi, ave got to go now, er-in-doors is shoutin, so have got to get up that wooden hill
So I will say nite nite Andi, and I really luvs ya gal, well you know that toooooo
Sleep well, and dream of the lovely times
Nite nite everybody, just remember
If you go out for a drink, remember the stink
Cos those fags dont half pen & ink
Take care everybody, you all get a good nights sleep now, and enjoy it