Good Morning everyone,
It is clear blue skies here in NE London so hope it is the same around the UK.
Have a brilliant day.
Good Morning everyone,
It is clear blue skies here in NE London so hope it is the same around the UK.
Have a brilliant day.
Morning Sally and everyone else who is up and about this glorious day in Yorkshire - glad you've got the weather as well Sally - wonderful how much better it makes you feel. Strange things us humans - sunshine and we smile rain and we are so
but today is fantastico so am determined to enjoy.
Kettles on if anyone wants a quick cuppa but off to work now so have a wonderful day all and catch you later.
Onwards and upwards - smoke and stress free is the way to be!!
Anyone for a quick half marathon
before breakfast?
Good morning Sally , Kath and everyone else. Yes, beautiful sunny morning on the south coast too. Just wondering when that chilly wind's going to disappear though. At least I'm managing to do a little bit in the garden every day. There's one patch I haven't got to yet for digging and the grass is over a foot tall now.
Enjoy that lovely fresh air and sunshine while we have it.
Good morning ladies,
Hope you are all well. Lovely to see the sun is out again. Off out today but don't know where yet. Hopefully for a ride and then a walk.
Enjoy your gardening Andi.
Take it steady at work Kath. get a bit of sunshine on your lunch break.
Have a lovely day Sally, whatever your plans are.
catch up later. xx
Good morning everyone,
We have a lovely sunny day here in Dundee as well, gonna get a washing out, some housework then visit my gorgeous grandson, maybe take him for a walk
I hope you get some sun when you've finished work Kath.
Have a good time gardening Andi.
Enjoy your day Jillygirl, I love your pic.
I hope you manage to get ut in the sun today Sally.
Whatever your plans i hope you all have a brill smoke free day
See you all later xx
Thought I would take the plunge and say good morning and hi. Its a beautiful day up here in Scotland, they don't happen too often so I will try and make the most of it. God, for someone who never stops talking I am now lost for words. But that will come and god help you all on that day :)
Oh and have a lovely day everyone.
Good Morning Everyone
Lovely to see the sun is shining again I was up extra early today to see to my chickens
I really love them I do!
mummyquits, great to see you made it over onto our daily chat. Fancy a cuppa? Or maybe a nice cold fresh juice See how you go over the next couple of days and if tea and coffee makes wanting to smoke too tempting for you, maybe consider switching to decaf
Sue, enjoy your Grandbabba cuddles and have a lovely walk
JillyGirl, any news on your big move yet? I love the cat
Andi, I thought you'd be the first one up waving your arms for a half marathon I've just been giggling to myself after having a flashback from last year when you told us that you went for a beach walk and decided to go for an unplanned run, hitched your skirt up, popped your bag under your arm and off you went
Maybe JillyGirl and Sue can remember it?
Hope your day is going well in work Kath
Right, kettle is going on...
Ooops, forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS to Sin on the birth of your Grandbaby, Olivia
I think a celebratory drink of your favourite tipple is in order rather than having a cigarette
Aww, love the card EmJay, thank you. Haha, I managed to survive the desperate need for a ciggie yesterday. Took my grandson to see his mummy and new baby sister tonight at hospital. Aww, he was taking the covers off his mum and trying to pull her out of bed and kept saying going now, going now? Guess he must have had enough of living with grandma chicken
Hi Emjay,
I can remember Andi's run on the beech, it had me in stitches
Hope you can get some time out in the sun today
I have managed to squeeze an outdoor lunch in Sue and it was lovely This kind of weather certainly does help give that feel good factor
Howdy folks.
Hi ya All
I hope your all havin a lovely sunny day, like here
I have donded my patch and have got gum, and mouth spray primed at the ready So here I go again on my rocky trail
I havnt bin on earlier cos mowers packed up, and ave bin tinkering with that
took it to bits, but with my gammy eye
I cant focus straight !! ha ha, I lost a screw out of the carb, but Monkey my cat found it for me, as she went to have a sniff at it
Emjay I can remember that Andi running on the beech with her handbag, erm think I've got a pic of her somewhere
Hmmmm maybe I should have used the zoooooooooom lens eh
Hi again
Erm, how do I put this
Somebody has managed to get onto my account and write comments as me !!!!!
1 person comes to mind, and that is johnUK that was, who I suspect is now Aeontremor !!!!
John, I will do everything in my power to get rid of you from this lovely site !!!!
I have reported this problem, and hope it will be resolved ASAP.
So I will say nite nite and sweet dreams to all you TRUE lovely people on here, and i am so so sorry
Please do one thing for me, make sure you log out of this site when you have finished tar.
Speak soon, Pete
Nite Pete, we're behind you all the way xx
He is determined to ruin this Forum, DONT let him, he is also Miriranna as well, so beware.
Hey, just to let you know I have taken the most appropriate steps possible so far and will be speaking to HealthUnlocked first thing in the morning.
Just off to check a little coupe of more things, I'll be back in a mo....