Well - its day 70 and I can honestly say that but for this site - I probably would have been back smoking by now, I think it would have been the shame in having to admit it!! For all those who suffered my ranting's when I put my notice in last week - I'm pleased to say that my interview went well this morning and I have now got a new job subject to CRB, references, and a medical. Its all a bit scary as I wasn't thinking of changing my job before retiring next year. Worst of all was the fact that my e cig packed in on me, but at least I had some back up with the nicomist - phew!!
Not a bad day!!: Well - its day 70 and I can... - Quit Support
Not a bad day!!
Hey Veecatz, well done on 70days. that is fantastic. And well done with the job interview.
You must be really chuffed.
Well done Vee, once you're settled you'll have to try reducing the ecig. Did you read Jilly's post yesterday? That should help you to keep on track. Good luck with the new job.
Hi Veecatz,
Well done on 70 days, that's brill good luck with your new job, hope all goes well
Aup Veeeeeee, thats great news gal
Ok it will be strange to begin with in your new job, but am sure a Lady of your capabilities, wisdom, knowledge and intellectual as you are, will over come that little hurdle quiet easily if you put your mind to it gal
You take care now Vee and you know we are all here to help if we can
Speak soon, Pete