Daily Chat: Monday 4th February 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Monday 4th February 2013

andi22 profile image
25 Replies

Good morning everyone.

A nice, sunny warm one for the start of the week.

Hope the cravings are getting better for you all, but don't forget Emjay's breathing exercises for when they hit you - remember, it's all in the mind and you WILL survive without that little white stick.

Hope you all have a good day. :)

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andi22 profile image
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25 Replies
EmJay profile image

Happy Monday Andi and Everybody :-)

Oooof! We had two Daily Chats for a minute there. I posted the following and your daily chat hadn't shown up. I've deleted mine and just copied it over to here :-)

Today is a fresh new day, of a fresh new week. I wonder how many will take the opportunity to make a fresh new start...?

The sun is shining and the weather seems to have perked up a bit,I spotted the daffodils popping through the ground this morning, does this mean that spring is actually heading our way now?

Focusing on our positive choices today, lets remember that as any cravings happen - they are a positive sign that your body is recovering and that you have a choice as to whether you win or they win.

I'll pop up our Wall of Winners today and so if your name isn't up there, please let me know.

I'll also open up JillyGirl's Cafe and see if I can pop some useful links on it to for healthy eating.

Andi's message has also just prompted me about the breathing exercises too, so shall route them out for you :D

Remember to stay strong everybody, you are heading in the right direction and you have lots of support from each other on here :-)

Thanks EmJay, the healthy eating links would be really useful as I have been eating loads since I stopped and I plan to knock that one on the head before it has chance to take a hold. It would be good for people to share recipes too as I am a very lazy, and rubbish cook.

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi everyone

Great picture Andi, it made me smile.

It's sunny here now but was dull and very windy earlier. The wind was so strong during the night it woke me up but I like that, being in bed nice and cosy and hearing the wind and rain outside, even better when there is thunder and lightening. It's forecast snow here for later today.

I also need some healthy eating ideas so JillyGirl's cafe will be very useful.

I can't wait for Spring EmJay, I used to say the best time was around May or June then somebody pointed out that March was probably the best time because the rest of Spring and Summer was still ahead, the night's are getting lighter and as you say, those Spring flowers are beginning to appear :)

I hope you are all having a good day, stay strong.

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Hey all, had a very lazy monday morning, not neen feeling to great, I did think it was the dreaded bug but Im feeling fine now so not too sure.

Its a horrible day here, Orkney has the biggest winds in the UK today :(

Id love a bit that we can share recipes, Im not sure if mine are necesarily healthy but Im a slim person usually and Ive certainly filled out a bit in the last few weeks and with me being under 5ft I cant afford to put much weight on, Ive avoided the scales now for over a year now because I lost 2 stone and was under 6 stone, got back up to 6 stone 12lb which was a grand weight for me but Im thinking I must be around 8 stone now which is just too heavy for my height and frame...........

EmJay profile image

Just to get us started, I've reposted a couple of the recipes. I'm waiting to hear about some redevelopments from HU about the whole site, which may make posting regular subjects a lot easier. At the moment there is only room for 10 questions and 10 blogs before they 'fall off' the end and if you search for a blog, then you have to sift through quite a few of the same due to me re-posting all the time.

Hey Kaz, hope you are okay. How are you getting on now? I agree that March is probably the best time, did you know that all the best people were born in that month too?.... ;-)

Hi Sarah, we'll love you for how you are no matter how tall, short, or whatever shape! Just as long as you take care of yourself :-) I hope you are feeling better soon, be sure to drink plenty of fluids too...

Hey Sinfree, I'll try and 'dig out a few 'sinfree' recipes too then :-)

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone,

I'm just back from the doctors, again, I feel like i've been living there lately :o :D just bloods taken this time, that it till next week then I'm back again!

It's nice and sunny here, but freezing cold, it looks nice along as i'm inside, no spring flowers here, just penguins :D :D

It's good to see Jillygirls cafe open again Emjay, I could certainly do with some healthy food, I hope HU are able to sort something out with the site, it would make things much easier :)

I hope you feel better soon Sarah, stay in and keep warm, like Emjay said, drink plenty fluids :)

Hope your doing fine Kazz, I was the same as you the other night, lying in bed and hearing the wind outside, I love that, do feel sorry for anybody having to work in it though :)

I'm off to have a cuppa, see ya ln a bit :)

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

My weigh has always been an issue, if I was peckish after 8pm I would smoke not eat so that kept my weight way down and now I cant

One thing at a time though I suppose, I will just do what Im doing without all the crisps ;)

Its very cold here today, Im feeling a bit chirpier than I was before, just upped our mortgage payments, Stew woll prob have a fit but that is when Im going to put my money towards, we are just about getting by at the moment but Id rather do without my fags/luxuries and scrimpfor a while and get the mortgage paid off quicker and that is one less thing to worry about.

The kids will be home in a houe and a half and we are going to head up in the attic for one brilliant sort out, I cant wait, the only downside is that the study will be filled up with stuff that we're going to sell and its not a very big room.

Ive put another £10 in my jar, its starting to look healthy, a bit like my lungs maybe lol

I am very glad to see Mad back here, I know we were kinda flummexed to where she had gone :)

Oh its not long till March now eh? Got the lovely daylight to look forward to, getting backout for walks/cycles and trips to the beach, I hope we get more than 1 beach day this year!! Although saying that we did get one in October, then it was snow the day after lol

Hmmmm a cuppa sounds good Sue, how about a carrot stick to go with that?? ;)

in reply toOrkneysarah

haha Sarah, your weather sounds about as good as ours. It was sunny and warm in March last year, we were walking round in summer clothes, then that was it - gone for the whole of the rest of the year. Nope I tell a big fat lie, we had two days in August too because by a sheer stroke of luck we were in our campervan in Blackpool when it happened.

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good for you John, it's so easy to reach for that ciggie when times get tough but as we all know, they don't solve any problems.

Sounds like you are keeping yourself busy Sarah, and you are sounding positive both, keeping busy and staying positive are the best way to get through this, though it is easier said than done at times.

Sorry to hear that you have been to the docs a lot lately Sue. I know it must get you down but the main thing is that you get better. You keep warm and stay away from those penguins, they can give you a nasty nip :)

Well it's supposed to start snowing in 10 minutes according to the weather, lets see if they are right.

Chickles profile image

Hi all,

Hope everyone is well and hasn't been blown away! Gosh, tis proper windy (the weather, not me) :)

Been working and had a snooze this afty, I needed it! We're having Shepherd's Pie for tea, with honey roast parsnips, swede and carrot crush and peas, with a couple of Yorky Puds for my daughter. A good old winter warmer that is!

Had a lovely, chilled day yesterday with my Angelic Reiki group. We did some meditations, and gave and received healings. I was in bed by 9.30pm last night, my friends went about 9pm, they only stayed a couple of hours, they got the hint when I was contstantly yawning lol

Am going to have a chilled evening! Tomorrow am up at 6am, out for work at 7.30am, home for 1.30pm, have a quick shower and get changed, prepare tea, then the dentist (ongoing treatment) at 5pm, home and tea, then a couple of peeps are coming round to see my daughter about her speech this Saturday, and the National competition 22nd-24th Feb.

Hope your blood tests went well Sue.

Glad you're feeling a bit more upbeat Sarah.

Did you have a good weekend Kazz?

Spring is just around the corner- yay!


Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Well he didna go off the head about me upping the mortgage payments :)

It is the first time in my life that I have taken control over a household bill like that and sorted something out (Im 30) its usually him that pays the bills etc and sorts everything out.

With any luck we'll have it paid off in 5 years :)

I am fine through the week, its when he's home that I get grumpy, he riles me up sometimes (most of the time) because he wont let me have things my way (Im usually right) he doesnt do/see things my way but I have to do it his way and he wont comprimise (was the same when we built the house)

Thought after 12 years Id have got him trained but obviously not gonna happen lol

Anyway its a new week and month for us all and fingers x'd it will be a good one for us all.

Had chips and pizza for tea tonight (all homemade) and it was good. Made rice krispie squares this afternoon coz Id ate ruths last night so she threw a strop so I said Id make some for her

in reply toOrkneysarah

They're all the same - men - always think they know best. We've been to Ikea today to look at mattresses as we need a new one. Now we don't have an Ikea bed, we got our bed from Woolworths funnily enough, years ago. So I told him Ikea don't have standard size anything. Yes they do, he said, I've looked on their website. So we measured our mattress in cm and went off to Ikea. I asked him what size the mattress was when we got there. He said he thought it was 190cm. What do you mean 'you think' have you not got the measurements? He'd left them at home but I remembered the 190cm too, so how comes all the mattresses are 200cm then, what we gonna do, chop a bit off the end? So he stomps around the place adamant that he'd seen 190cm on the internet, we never did find one to fit but hey ho, I love it in Ikea anyway, just as well isn't it. ;)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi Chickes,

I had a good weekend thank you. You do some lovely meals, reading what you are making always makes me feel hungry :) and I've just had my tea. I had haddock in a cheese and leek sauce and mashed carrot and swede which is probably what you call crush. Oh yes then had a Crunchie for afters :) You sound very organised as well.

It's been very windy here as well, forecast snow for 16:00 but it rained instead.

Great news about your hubby not going mad about you changing the mortgage payments Sarah. I should hope he is happy because it's a good thing you are doing and paying your mortgage of earlier can only be good. It's a great thing to do with your quit smoking money, an investment for your future. Your tea sounds lovely as well and all homemade, puts me to shame with my ready meals :)

Have a good evening everyone.

Chickles profile image
Chickles3 YEAR WINNER in reply toKazzachoc

Hi Kazz,

Your tea sounds equally delish, I love any sauce that has cheese in :)! My Swede and carrot crush has a bit of chilli in and pepper. Tonight I did it in the blender, and used a bit of lurpak light. I alter how I do it :)

Tomorrows tea is Spag Bol, but I put peppers in, passata, beef stock, mushrooms, garlic, onions and some red wine tomorrow, to finish the bottle from yesterday.

I like to be organised, makes my life so much easier.

Just waiting for some washing to finish so I can pop it in the tumble dryer before bed. Washing and ironing is never ending! A woman's work is never done :)

Hope everyone is having a great evening!


Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

I like the sound of your tea Kaz..... mmmmm fish is really good for you, think I might do that for tomorrow nights tea ;)

Coming on here is great inspiration for making stuff for tea ;) Im always fed up of making the same old same old stuff.

It is great, he's foound a great isa interest rate to put savings into too, so it will be worth it.

Does anyone have plans for the mid term break?

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Is that the ones emjay posted before? Not had a proper look at them yet.

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

No I don't think there are any Spanish recipes on there Sarah, I had a look earlier and didn't see any. You should put your lentil soup recipe on there :)

I don't eat fish very often but as you say it is good for you. I did enjoy it though, makes a nice change from chicken.

Sue asked me to say night night to everyone, she has a bad headache and has had to go to bed.

Hope you feel better tomorrow Sue, sleep well and sweet dreams, luvs ya xxx


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :) :)

Wow there's loads to read on here today :o :)

Nite nite Sue, you take things easy gal :) do you hear me Woman :) sleep well, luvs ya gal xxxxx :) hopefully speak tomorrow night eh :) :)

it's lovely to see Jillygirls cafe back again Emjay :) i see you've bin super busy today gal :o and on a Monday toooooo :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Aup Kaz, it's nice to see you again gal :) :)

Where you bin hiddin then :o not that i want to know, cos am not nosey :D you know that dont you :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

sarah, you sound a lot happier today gal :) :)

Hey and you leave Ruth's rice krispie squares alone, no wonder the poooooor gal threw a strop :o flippin Mums :D :D

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner in reply tomonky

I think I'll be eating all her rice krispie squares after her behviour tonight..... all going well helping me with the attic, then relaxing watching the soaps, Alfie came through and told her to press backup on the tv control coz programmes were clashing and she threw a complete and utter wobbler and screamed at her brother to f off, she is 10 going on 100! She was even less impressed when she get sent to bed at 8.30 with no supper and no second corrie!!

Then Im hunting through old photos for some man coz he might buy our coffee table (wanted ad) and of course me being a woman knows nowt about frigging computers and how to attatch photos, so sent him some bloody random photo to begin with so after a hour of faffing around with that Im waiting paitently (or not so) for him to say yay or nay

Pass the fags please lol

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toOrkneysarah

Ha ha ha you are hilarious gal :D :D luv ya so :) arrrrrr dont eat all of ruth's rice krispie squares, well leave her one then :o :)

I hope that bloke buy's your coffee table, or what ever he think's he's buying :o :D :D

as for fags I aint got none, so you aint havin any :P :D do you hear me gal !!

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

chockles :) hmmmm everything you cook sounds really yummy :P even your swede & carrot mush with chilli in it sounds scrumptious :)

I hope you found a nice dress the other day :) and hey !! you got a tumble drier as well :o hmmmmmm who did you trade in for that then :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Good night everybody and luvs ya all xxxx :) :) sleep well :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Night night Pete, I've not been hiding I've just been hibernating :D I know you're not nosey, you are just curious :)

It was swede and carrot crush not swede and carrot mush :D :D Mine was more like swede and carrot mush, just swede and carrot and a bit of butter, .'twas nice though : )

Sleep well Peetie Weetie and everyone, sweet dreams xxxx luv yas xxxxxx :)

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