Daily chat: Thursday 4th July 2013: Good... - Quit Support

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Daily chat: Thursday 4th July 2013

andi22 profile image
50 Replies

Good morning everyone.

American Independence Day today (not that that means much to most of us. :-) :D :D )

I hope that everyone's feeling more independent from their habit too and enjoying their freedom, if not, I'm sure you will be soon. :)

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andi22 profile image
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50 Replies
jarvo profile image

Good morning everyone 8-) is that the sun I can see???

How's everyone doing?

Betts, did you enjoy your day? How do you deal with stresses now you've quit? Emjay snd myself have put information on here to help with these tricky times. Try looking for our breathing exercises, they really can help.

Ill pop back on later, see you soon. In going to eat my maltesers ;-)

sue52 profile image

Hi Andi, jarvo and everyone,

We have lovely warm sunshine here today 8-) hope you all do to :)

I'm having a break from decorating my living room, I'm a bit sore now so think it's cuppa time if anyone wants one :)



some low calorie cake as well, for those of you watching what you eat :) have a brill smoke free day everyone :) x

I knew there was something significant about 4 July. It's my independence too, todays the day I ditched lozenges, e-cigs and all the other nrt sh*te that doesn't work and have gone cold turkey. Had enough of being lied to and conned. Nicotine is a seriously addictive drug no matter what medium you take it in through. The only way to quit for good is to turn your back on it and suffer the cravings till they've gone. EEEEEEEKKkkkkkk.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hi Sinfree :) you dont sound a happy bunny gal :(

Soooooo your goin cold turkey then, hmmmm all I can say is, poooooor hubby :o :| :D :D

Sin, now please dont bash me for sayin this gal :o but NRT is supposed to help you quit and when you have, then you cut the NRT down until you are free of that :) :)

Erm I think I'de best go find a hidin place ;) :|

in reply to monky

Really Pete? Well it doesn't appear to bloody work does it! I thought I'd give it a try since things ain't getting any better, at least I've left the ciggies alone when feeling down and pissed off.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hey Sinfree, am sorry gal :( :(

But at least your off the flippin fags and all those rotten chemicals in em eh :) :)

So your not goin to bash me then :o :)

sue52 profile image

Hi sin,

I'm sorry that none of the nrt worked for you, I could never have gone cold turkey, I wasn't brave enough :o, I'm sure with your determination you will win this war, and Andi will be able to help you :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Hiya Sue :) :)

Where you bin gal, cos I was gettin worried about ya :o :( :(

brien profile image

Hi guys and Gals,

First of all let me say "GOOD LUCK" to sin for going cold turkey! Brave. I know i couldn't do it, or my wife.

Its now day 2 or 39 hours.... I'm doing ok, with only one craving, after i've eaten food. My wife (Chrissy) is also doing well!

Chrissy even turned down a cigarette offered by a friend this morning, so feeling really proud of her =)

Good luck to everyone else, who is also on the journey of being smoke free!!!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to brien

Aup Brien & Chrissy, nearly 2 days quit now, thats just great :) and a massive well done to you Chrissy, for actually turning down a ciggy :) :)

As for feeling proud of her, 'yes' so you should and yourself too :) tell each other about the bad bits, and how you got through them, and praise each other and yourselves when you get through them :) perhaps this will keep your spirits up and help you to stay positive on your quit.

I myself have been quit for 30 days now :) ha ha but have tried a erm, lets say a few times :o but am well on track this time, and hope to do it for good :)

Speak soon, Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Ahem! :D :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to brien

Hi brien and Chrissy

A big well done for getting to day 2, and to Chrissy for turning down a cig, way to go :) you must both be so proud of youselves :) you'll do this with others support, and ours too :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Good evening Sue, how you feelin today then, have them flippin docs sorted your tabs out yet gal ??

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

Still no tablets sorted out yet Pete, they haven't even decided whats wrong with me yet :o I have to go for a lip biopsy now, i'm not looking forward to that :(

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to brien

Hi Brien, sounds like you and Chrissy are doing really well so far. :) You'll have all those triggers to get through and each one you survive, you will come out stronger. Just think of all those times when it was "I'll just have a fag first" or "now that's done, I'll just have a fag" and so on. One day at a time, onwards and upwards! :)

sue52 profile image

Hiya Pete,

A big well done for reaching 30 days, that's brill :) :) woo hoo :D :) you 'll do it this time Pete, I know you will :)

As for me, I've been busy decorating my living room, or trying to scrape the walks, there must be about 5 layers of paper to get through :o :D :D so it's rest time now,

I hope your day has not been too bad :) x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Oooo thaks Sue :)

Ha ha ha 5 layers of paper, that sounds like my Dads house, cos his idea was, the more layers of wallpaper you put on the walls, the warmer the room :o :) :)

sue52 profile image

Hahaha, it's not half a pain to get off, it's gonna take me till i'm 90 to do it all :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

:D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Jillygirl hopes to be back online at the weekend, and she sends her love to you all :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hey Andi, are you munchin or noddin gal :o :| :D :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hey Pete, where has everybody gone, i remember this being so busy i couldn't keep up with the posts :o even Andi is not on at the moment, do you think she's got herself tangled up in a yoga class :D :D

sue52 profile image

Thanks Pete, hope she's back then, send my love to her :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Will do Sue :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Sue I think everybody has gone on their hols, and Andi is either munchin or noddin :D :D

sue52 profile image

Wish i was on my hols, better than doing this bloomin room :D. I bet Andi is nodding :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Sue I dare you to send her a WAKEY WAKEY pm :o :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Watch it Sue, she's woke up :|

sue52 profile image

:D :D :D i might just do that, but get somewhere for me to hide, you got room in your fridge :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to sue52

:D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Hi all, no, not nodding this evening - not yet anyway. ;-) :D :D (Did have a quick munch though, on chocolate! :) )

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Aup Andi :) :)

Tell ya what gal, ya cant beat a bit a choc -- now and again -- :P :D :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to andi22

Hi Andi, we wondered where you were, I was hoping you were okay and there you are munching on chocolate :o :D :D :D

sue52 profile image

open your fridge Pete, think i need to hide :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

hold on a minute gal, cos got to take the cannies out yet, hmmmm while there out, I might as well drink um eh :D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky


sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

:D :D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Wow, Sue, sounds like you've been really busy. Will it be worth it though, I thought you wanted to move?

sue52 profile image

I do want to move Andi but i don't know how long it will take so i'm doing this in the meantime, it's long over due :D

andi22 profile image

I just had a bit of a busy day for a change. Pt this morning - and we went for a run, then I had a boob squash at lunchtime and was booked in for a sports massage this afternoon. :o He suggested I get my back fixed before wasting money on massage. It should all improve much quicker then. Then this evening I had to go to kiddies cricket to see my friend for her birthday. :)

sue52 profile image

I'm sitting here noddin, was up way to early today, so nite nite all, nite nite Pete and Andi, sweet dreams, see you tomorrow, luv yas :) xxxxxx

nite nite to you too Jillygirl, see you soon, have a great nights sleep, luv ya :) xxxx

andi22 profile image

I think Pete's emptying more than just the fridge! ;-) :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Its a flippin big fridge :o :D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Nite nite Sue, I was awake from about 3 this morning so I don't think I'll be too late either.

Sleep well. :) xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Nite nite Sue, you take it steady gal, and I hope you have a lovely nights sleep :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Ermmmmm Andi, whats a flippin boob squash :o :|

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to monky

No dont tell me, otherwise I will be dreamin of it :D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

It's a mammogram Pete. :P Have you emptied that fridge yet? :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Sorry Andi, got to go now gal, so I will say nite nite to you, and dont let them bed bugs bite ya :D :D sweet dreams Andi and luvs ya :) xxx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Nite nite Pete, sweet dreams - Friday tomorrow. :) xxx

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