Daily chat Thursday 16th May 2013.: Good... - Quit Support

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Daily chat Thursday 16th May 2013.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer
36 Replies

Good morning everyone, :) :)

Brrrrrrr its flippin cold here, am just wondering if some kind person would verify that it is May and not March :o and that I havnt jumped a few Months ahead in time :)

Cos you all know I've only got 1 brain cell, and well that gets a bit clogged up sometimes ;) especially me being an old boy anall :o :|

Quitting smoking isnt an easy thing to do by far, and I'm sure all of you are aware of that :( but if you can say ''NO'', then maybe it will become a bit easier :)

Emjay posted this a few months ago, and well it might just help you :) :)

How hard is it to say 'No'?...

Posted by EmJay ROY CASTLE

Two little letters that make up a little word that can sometimes be very hard to say - "NO"

When stopping smoking, it's funny how by not using this word can have such an impact on our actions and leave us feeling as though we've let ourselves or others down, causing a feeling of guilt .... We really do pile ourselves with added pressure sometimes

By practising using this word in a positive way can only strengthen the ease of being able to use it when you need it most.

Whether you are saying it out aloud or thinking to yourself, how about trying to use the word 'NO' in some of the following ways?;

1. NO thank you, I don't smoke.

2. NO I don't want to smoke, I just think I do. This is only how I am feeling for now. This feeling will go away.

3. NO I don't want to be putting all these poisonous toxins into my body.

4. NO, this is my choice, and something that I feel very strongly about. I will not smoke.

5. NO, smoking really isn't for me.

6. I am going to say NO for now, I can always change my mind later.

Maybe you have some suggestions of other ways that you can build the word NO into your stopping smoking vocabulary.....

I hope you all have a lovely smokefree day :) :)

Pete :)

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monky profile image
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36 Replies
cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER

Morning Pete and all.

On the subject of saying 'no', someone asked me if I had a light yesterday. I felt really pleased with myself when I was able to say 'no' but it does feel a little bit odd.

Have a great day.

Sally :)

LilyMay73 profile image

Morning all :)

It's a beautiful sunny day here for now, if a little on the nippy side but, being in good spirits yet again I'll let the chilliness go.

It's a great feeling to be able to say NO even though work colleagues are looking at me as if I'm a little mad. You see I haven't told people that I have quit smoking, I find the pressure too much then and I've always caved in so I thought this time I would keep it to myself and they would eventually figure it out.

Have a wonderful, smoke free day everyone :)


bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Morning Pete, Sally and All :-)

Its a beautiful bright, sunny 8-) but slightly cold day here down south. It's one of those days that you are glad to be alive especially if you no longer smoke. :-) :-)

Ring arrived yesterday. It's my treat to myself for quitting and saving money. Love it, love it love it.:D :D :D

Ok, now the more serious business. Kettles on....who's for a cuppa???

Have a great smoke free day:-)

Sue xx

in reply tobunnyrabbit

Hey - Good Morning to you Sue - You just appeared when I'd submitted so you must have sneaked up on me whilst I was typing! and I didn't notice so sorry, wasn't ignoring you just didn't realise you were there!

If the kettles still on, tea with milk but no sugar (I'm sweet enough?!) if that is OK.

Will catch up with you later - have a good day.

Luv, hug and a :) special for you.



bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

I think LilyMay and I did similar as once I hit post we were both there. Have a great day and STAY STRONG...we are all sending you good good good vibrations.....isn't that a song by beach boys:D :D :D

Sue xx

Good morning to all us early birds and Good morning to those that join us later.

Don't know whereabouts you are Lily but glorious but not too nippy start to the day here so already been out making the most of it.

Hey Sally it's amazing how saying just one word can make us feel strange but I feel dead chuffed for you that you were able to do it so feel chuffed/very pleased with yourself as to me the fact that you don't carry a light with you means that you are soooooooooooooo determined! Stay strong cos that little black devil will try and tell you that you should carry a light with you so that you can help others and we all know his little game don't we?

My other half is watching the cricket today and was intent on the weather forecast and then proceeded to tell me what it was going to be like at Lords - as (a) we don't live near Lords and (b) I aren't interested in the cricket - why does he tell me this useless information. I like to know - well I think I do but depends on what they say - about the weather where we live but of course he's so busy telling me about Lords weather, I missed the little that there was about our area.

Men!! Impossible to live with sometimes but even more impossible to live without! Good job he's retired and can watch all the cricket all day because if I was retired as well think there would possibly be some difference of opinion to say the least. Oh well, keeps him out of mischief!

Going to work today and hopeful to get a full day in so as I better start and get ready to go, will leave you wishing you all a lovely day with no stress and, of course, smoke free.

Enjoy today as tomorrow is Friday - YIPPEE!

Take care everyone

Luv, hug and a great big :) and also :D cos is just feels right to do both to celebrate this glorious morning.


Betts profile image

Morning all

Pete, it is May, just checked my diary, and can confirm :) Last night it was light so late, bu so cold and wet, just not right! Booking an outdoor concert for my husband's bithday in July, floyd at Jodrell Bank with family coming too, and found myself mullingf over what waterproofs and woollies we might need! Then stoipped because July will be summer, determined.

All that and have to say it's not bad here today, and as you say, all the better for not smoking.

So right, Sally, it is great not having to have all the tackle.

Lily, is it day 9 or 10 today?! Brilliant, doing great, no fuss, no bother, they,ll be scratching their heads at work ;)

Bunnysue if anyone deserves a treat, you do :) Enjoy yor ring :)

Kath, have a gentle day and don't work too hard.

Whoever's arrived while I am typing this, and all yous,

I've got a fresh pot of tea on the way, and a big packet of ginger biscuits if you fancy it?


LilyMay73 profile image
LilyMay73LONG TERM WINNER in reply toBetts

day 9 today :) very testing day at work but I won't let them break me! Hope you've had a great day :)x

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toLilyMay73

That's the spirit ! You are strong, strong, strong, and together we are even stronger :)

It's been a good day, not without it's cravings, but knocking em off one by one! You guys help me so much with this, just knowing we're in it together :) I am not alone. Yesterday was a humdinger, one thing after another at work, and on the way home! Well! But I didn't stop stopping :)

A day at a time is fine.

Thanks, Lily xx

veecatz profile image
veecatz2 YEAR WINNER

Hi Everyone, Day 38 and still in the world of "there's something missing" - but hey - so is the smell, the expense, the standing out in the cold to get my fix at work. Sooooo - I figure I'm the winner. I do have an e-cig which helps enormously. Just to cheer you up - everyone was searching for it at work cos I'd lost it. People were on their hands and knees, going through bins under desks moving furniture etc etc. No joy. Hadn't the heart to tell them I found it later - I had put it in a very safe place so I wouldn't lose it - down my bra!!! Ooooops! Senility sets in!!! ;) ;)

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toveecatz

Love it! People are great aren't they! :)

Thought it was just me!! Keep the inhalator down my bra. :) :)

veecatz profile image
veecatz2 YEAR WINNER in reply toBetts

It was great!! And they obviously thought it was important, so it was really under the counter support to stay stopped - think there was a pun in there somewhere x

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply toveecatz

Veecatz. Day 38 .....you star :-) I also do the bras thing. Have a great day :-0

Sue xx

veecatz profile image
veecatz2 YEAR WINNER

Hi again, don't know where you find 'em!! love it. Got my e-liquid by the way - brilliant - works a treat Many Thanx x

in reply toveecatz

Mine doesn't work a treat, flaming useless, I give up and am sticking to lozenges from now on :(

Hello all. All warm and sunny here. Amor and Vida are in their dayroom enjoying this mornings sun which is what I'll being doing later when I venture out for a stroll. Despite the onging virus problem, Amor is still being active so I take that has a good sign he is trying to rid himself of the virus problem. Bye,

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Hi . Going to try and upload a picture!! :-) it is of my 2 bunnies Fifi and Lulu. If this works I'll try again with some cross stitch pics :-) :D :D :-)


in reply tobunnyrabbit

It worked. You have two lovely rabbits there. I had a grey rabbit when I was but a little lad. When I go the pet store to get things for Amor and Vida I always go and take a look at any rabbits they have. Just love the twitching noses :-)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Think I've cracket it. Thanks to madimans help.

Here are some tapestrys I've done. Pics are not great but gives and Idea :-)

2 wolves playing


leopard in tree


teddys in a sewing room


2 wolves...can you see the one who is hidden?


big cats


in reply tobunnyrabbit

Lovely work. 'teddys in a sewing room' is like a watercolour picture that hangs in Amor and Vida's room - kitchen roll taped on upper frame to keep tiny droppings off!

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply tobunnyrabbit

A member has seen an image of a face of a little boy in the teddy bear pic. Can you see it and if so where?

Many Thanks

in reply tobunnyrabbit

I see some kind of likeness to a face at the upper center - but you really have to stretch the imagination.

in reply to

Reminds me - About 10 years ago I made a 3d model of a basement that included grungy textures. Released it as a freebie and someone was convinced I had built a face into the textures which I hadn't.

Betts profile image
Betts in reply tobunnyrabbit

Stunning! So much work. It is beautiful art.

You are amazing bunnysue !

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Thank you for your help couldn't have done it without you xx

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Now who.s the clever one!! :D :D :D . Thanks again you made it possible xx

Back from seeing the fluffy chicks with around where I live.

Does anyone here make use of BT Cloud (online storage for BT broadband users). Just wondering if it's reliable and secure. I've been using computers (since the early 80's when there wasn't any internet, just bulletin boards and one to one comms) but don't know enough about cloud storage. Grateful for any 'Cloud' advice.


Just about every man and his dog provides cloud storage these days, Amazon, google drive,dropbox to name just 3, secure? As long as its not your will or your bank details its secure enough.

in reply to

Thank you. Only to be used for non commercial images and 3d models.

Yesterday and today I researched about Polyoma Virus that is affecting little Amor. To keep it short the more I looked the more I saw that there is no treatment and is likely to be fatal although that's not always the case. Just have to wait. It's highly infectious so it's likely that Vida also is infected. 'She' isn't showing any signs but may be a carrier.

Some info' about the virus @ parrothouse.com/polyoma.html

I read too much at times! Back at the lovebird forum I visit this was a reply to my posted concern about Amor:

PBFD is Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease. Surviving Polymavirus can leave a parrot open for it If Amor has had it that long, he's survived it. If Polyomavirus is going to be fatal, it's very quick, with few to no symptoms at all. Even PBFD isn't always fatal, either. Mary in Florida had a lovebird named Sweetpea who suvived and recovered from PBFD. Sweetpea lived to be 17. I lost my Abby hen at age 8'

So I'm done with the research now that I've learnt enough. When I spoke with the vet a few days ago he said he could give Amor some anti-inflamatory medication. It's not a cure but may ease Amor's skin irritation. So, off to phone the vet to find out more.

Good evening everyone

Walked the dogs had my tea and himself has said he will wash and dry up so all I need now is my next door but one neighbour to do his stuff with my little present to myself that arrived on Tuesday. This evening is the first time my neighbour was free so here's hoping but although I will be popping on and off the board, don't think there will be a blog today so you're all very lucky a nice peaceful evening with no posting from Kath.

Catch you all later as someone's knocking at my door (sure that's a song - any clues or answers anyone?)

Have a lovely evening all


Its stupid. Hubby filled it last night, couldn't get anything out of it this morning so left it at home while I went to work, came home and its fine. Wondering if my house is too cold for it, was very cold this morning. Bottle says store in cool place between 16 and 21 degrees, (personally I'd say that was pretty warm myself) was about 11 degrees in my house this morning.

Thanks Madi - you're like an encyclopedia - I am really impressed and very grateful. I bet you're a whizz at pub quizzes?


So, back at the lovebird forum I visit this was a reply, from a very experienced person to my posted concern about Amor:

"PBFD is Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease. Surviving Polymavirus can leave a parrot open for it If Amor has had it that long, he's survived it. If Polyomavirus is going to be fatal, it's very quick, with few to no symptoms at all. Even PBFD isn't always fatal, either. Mary in Florida had a lovebird named Sweetpea who suvived and recovered from PBFD. Sweetpea lived to be 17. I lost my Abby hen at age 8'

So I'm done with the overall research now that I've learnt enough and all back to be hopeful again. When I spoke with the vet a few days ago he said he could give Amor some anti-inflamatory medication to help with the skin irritation. It's not a cure but may ease Amor's skin irritation. Phoned the vet to find out more and all being well I have some medication to collect tomorrow. Amor's doesn't know it yet but 'he's' back into the 'hospital' enclosure Saturday morning (makes giving medication easier for me and safer for Amor) :-)


Years ago I used to go to training sessions and meetings at London Staying overnight with a friend who was also an avid U2 fan. Their War album was played a lot. I have a couple of favourites from that: Two Hearts Beat As One and Sunday Bloody Sunday. I've found the former on YouTube for a bit of rock themed musical entertainment. With that, night night all.

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