Hi everybody,
sorry am late, cant help being slow
Dins done, lumpy gravy erm lumped so a normal Sunday really
Yep ers dumped another load of snow on us hmmm am going to have to have a quiet word with her I see
will have to find her first though
Erm I let the cat have a day off today, cos she did work well yesterday, when I found her that is
so she is having a lay back day while I do the work
as in digging my van out ''again'' well I have to today cos av got work in the morning
Just a little reminder for you
Stopping smoking is the single most important thing that you can do to improve all aspects of your life... no dieting, no exercising, just stopping smoking.
We understand that for some of you it may be quite a challenge. However, you may be surprised to find that it could be really easy. You won't know unless you try. Success comes from learning from past attempts and to keep on trying until you get to where you want to be.
How about listening to how it may have worked from for others? We have many members who have now quit who are more than happy to share their experiences so why not listen to their stories, ask for advice and then use the advice that best suits you?
Think about it...
Plan it...
Put into action...
Remembering that together we can do this