Daily Chat Tuesday 14th May 2013: Good morning... - Quit Support

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Daily Chat Tuesday 14th May 2013

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
50 Replies

Good morning everybody :) :)

I hope your all geared up and focused for another day of kicking nic into touch :) so that tonight you can say to yourselves - YES another smoke free day and pat yourself on the back :) :)

I've been thinking, and yes before anybody says anything, it did hurt :o :P :D I and some of the others have been on this lovely quit site for over a year now !! ha ha we found this site before it opened up properly :D :D I think they were about eight of us then, we didnt have a Daily chat then, it was a Weekly chat :o :D Then gradually we got more and more members, and had to make it a Daily chat :) :) cos it was taking tooooo long to scroll down to the bottom of the comments :D :D

Although I have had erm, a few setbacks on my quit trail :o I tell you all that this lovely, helpful, happy and friendly quit site has helped me tremendously through my quit attempts :) :) Quitting smoking is the hardest thing that I have had to do, and to have a laugh along the way really does help :) so please please lets keep this site a lovely,helpful, happy and friendly one eh :) :)

There are now 516 members on this site, so maybe tempers will get a bit frayed at times, but please please private message Emjay with your argument, so then she can take the appropriate actions if needed. Please dont show it on this lovely site, because I know it has upset some of our other members too :(

Rite thats my 10 pennyworth in, if any of you have anything to say to me about it, tuffff cos am going to put my ear muffs on now, and get some flippin kip :D :D

I hope you all have a lovely smoke free day, and enjoy living :) :)

Pete :)

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monky profile image
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50 Replies
bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Morning Pete and all.:-) :-)

Hope you all had or are having a lovely sleep. :-) :-)

Well that's 6 weeks for me and I'm really happy. :D :-) :D Didn't think I'd have the will power. This site and all you lovely people sure do help. Thank you :-)

Have a great smoke free day and I hope you don't get too wet where ever your are (Is this autunm now???)

Sue xx

Morning all,

Goodness Pete, what time do you get to your bed? You must be shattered! Hope you have a great sleep.

Six weeks for bunny sue, eight for me... that's some going for two long time smokers. I don't think about it much, but when the cravings creep up, then it really does "play with my head".

It's a bonny day here, Sunny and very, very cold still. Hope all you walkers and cyclists have a warmer time.

See ya all later, another busy day for me.


Morning everyone

Nice day not raining and nothing further to say at the moment.

Have a nice smoke free day everyone.


Hello all. How lovely to see some nice concise posts this fine sunny day.

monky - I had a great sleep, hope you did, or will, too.

bunnyrabbit - The weeks of not smoking soon mount up. In your mind do you now feel like a non smoker

Gillyflower - Occasional cravings can pop up at any time with little regard to how long someone have stopped smoking. I still get cravings to smoke but a lozenger (NRT) so sorts things out.

Just been out for a walk to along the local canals. Saw quite a few hatched chicks.

Coffee and then because I'm home until this afternoon I thought I would continue to browse older posts. It's amusing to see some similar very styles of writing that some members use - almost as though it is the same person using different user name/s. Even use of punctuation looks the sames.

I suppose most of us talk to ourselves at some time. Writing to ourselves takes things a bit far don't YOU think?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

morning John,, hope you enjoy your walk pouring with rain here so I wont be going far, Have a good day. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning every one, sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hpho...

May be that's the answer to the problems on here. Guide lines for blogs may be worth a read.

in reply to jillygirl

When I was growing up my Nan used to say something along the lines of "you know where you stand with a thief but not with a liar". I agree a guide for future blogs would make a good start. It used to be so friendly here at one time with lots of great concice friendly chat and banter, in addition to all the useful help in quitting.

Sunday was the final straw to the gradual deterioration that has been happening - something is amiss me thinks!

andi22 profile image

Good morning everyone - just started raining here on the south coast. :( Got out for my run earlier though so feel quite good about that. :)

Suebun, 6 weeks today is just brilliant. :)

Gilly, 8 weeks - also fanastic. :)

Just keep going strong and watch out for when those pesky cravings kick in - I promise, they will do at some time or another, just when you least expect it so be prepared! (As we used to say in the Girl Guides. :) )

Hope you all find things to do on this wet day. :)

in reply to andi22

It's not wet here :-) Sun has been out since I woke up and only just started to cloud over - it was that nice I went for an early walk. Loved seeing the tiny chicks following their mom about - and mother goose looking as though she would do anything to pretect her 'children'.

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Morning everyone

Nice in Derbyshire at the moment but have just listened to the weather and it is rain, rain and more rain with perhaps sleet and snow on hills.

Well done bunny sue and Gilly flower.

Morning John hope you feel a bit better today and pleased you managed to sleep well, at least now you know the cause of the problem for Amor.

Morning Andi hope you have a good day.

Thank you Monky for the inspiring start to the daily blog.

The picture is very accurate Jillygirl and that is how we should think. Ignore things we do not like and carry on with our lives.

Sue cx

in reply to simba196

Hello and thank you. I feel much more positive about Amor today. Now that I know more about the virus 'he' has. I'm going to positive about all this and do my best to ensure that 'he' is around and healthy for a long time yet :-)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

Keeping positive is the way to go John and all your love and tender care will help make Amor thrive.


Here's a photo', taken yesterday, of little Amor at play with Vida during free time. The way 'he' has chewed his plumage is quite noticable. That's the first time in weeks I've seen 'him' so active. 'He' looks bright and alert this morning to.

At 'his' worst he would sleep more than usual and didn't seem interested in anything. Lately, Amor has been more attentive to what's going on around 'hin'. I keep a photo diary of those two and can see it was towards the end of November that he started to chew at the feathers. Get well soon Vida's little 'man' :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi John that's gorgeous.

in reply to jillygirl

I hope Amor will start to grow new feathers before long - 'he' has almost naked tummy and legs :-) Although, unlike me he has a full head of plumage :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

So can we shout baldy when theres any cake around. :D

Mind you John I am a bit thin on top after the chemo. We could share my wig. :D


in reply to jillygirl

Only just saw that :-) If my hair goes all together I know where Linda's wigs are!

in reply to jillygirl

What a lovely cake.

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

Your right John...it's beautiful. Well done onb finding it jilly.

sue52 profile image

Good morning everyone,

It's a lovely sunny spring day here, think we're getting rain showers later though.

Congratulations BunnySue and Gilly :) keep strong you can do this :)

With your loving care John I'm sure Amor will have a long happy life, I love the picture there beautiful :)

hope you enjoyed your walk Andi, bet your glad you missed the rain :)

Have a great day Jillygirl, whatever you do, hope your weather improves :)

Love the picture Pete, I hope you get a good sleep :)

I'm sure i've missed people out, if i have I apologize my brain is still asleep, so i'm gonna have a coffee to waken it up, so if anyone wants a tea or coffee the kettles on. :) xx

in reply to sue52

Thank you. That's all I can do for Amor. Just continue to care for him the best I can in the hope he will make a full recovery. I don't know if little Amor heard what the vet was saying yesterday but 'h'e has been so lively this morning as much as to say 'I ain't going anywhere and here's a bite of your finger to prove it' :-)

sue52 profile image

I'm glad that Amor has picked up today John even though he did bite you :)

I'm off now to visit my grandson I'll see you all when I get back :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Enjoy your day Sue. Love and hugs to mum dad and Nairn. xxx

Betts profile image

Morning all

Glad to see everyone bright and breezy here, glad you can enjoy this slightly brighter weather, hoping you've got it!

I am back on day 1 because of slipping up yesterday. If I want to do anything I want to quit smoking, and think that I have learned a lot from the 5 weeks and 6 days that went before it.

Congratulations bunnysue and Gill, tremendous achievement, take my hat off to you!

Hope you've caught up on the shut eye, mnonky. Thanks for kicking off with a very heartening and jolly post and picture. I was up with you and did a bit of a night shift's work, but cosy in bed with the computer on my knee. Think I've caught up now :) then had a sleep this morning with very funny and exciting dreams, in a weird and wonderful theme park, lots of getting wet! Won't bore you with the rest, but woke up not unhappy about it.

Have a good day jillygirl, no supermarket today?

Having my coffee late today, if anyone would like to join me?

Keep positive and strong all, no smoking, eh, it's another new day :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to Betts

Morning Betts. I would love a cuppa. :-) :-) So hectic at work today. :-o Roll on tonight. Gonna celebrate by doing some more cross stitch :D :D and cooking a nice for me and other half . :-) Bunnie, cat and dog get fed first, then us although there is no begging which is sooo good. :-) Then walkies and sewing ....heaven :-) :-)

Good luck with today although I think you'll be great. :D Soon day 1 will be day 365 before you know, it so just take it hour by hour. :-)

You know you can so do this :-) :-) :-)

Sue xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to bunnyrabbit

Hi bunnysue, Enjoy your sewing. John will be after you to do lovebirds for him. I don't have the patience with sewing. I really admire you.

Have a good day. xx :) :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Betts

Hi Betts, Just a small shop this morning. ache a bit from doing too much exercise yesterday. If the weather is too windy I find it hard to breathe with just the one lung, so I go on the wii , but trouble is I get carried away then. serves me right.


As for you slipping up don't worry. you will soon get back on form.


Catch up later. xxx :)

Betts profile image

Hi bunnysue

That sounds like a gooood celebration :)

I always feed our cat first too. He loves it when I do anything fishy, usually give him just a bit of a taster before.

What are you cross-stitching? I have a friend with beautiful framed pictures she made all over the house.

Here you go, one cup of delicious coffee for you :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to Betts

Thanks Betts. You make great coffee. :-) Currently sewing my best friends parents who are nearly 90. Its from a photo of then outside a beautiful cottage. :-) It's about A3 size, has 176 shades and 324 x stitches to the square inch. Will take foreve,r so doing it at every chance I get. Prefer sewing animal.. :-) :-) .I might even do lovebirds for my next project :-) ...who knows although it's a long way off. :D :D :D

Have a great smoke free day and stay strong babes xx

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

You will do it Betts we have slip ups just brush youself down and start again. Wish I could cross stitch love to see it but eyes let mr down Have s lovely with your grandson suec xx

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to simba196

Thanks Sue :)

Just right! Singing 'Pick yourself up, dust yourself down, and start all over again' voice could be croaky after yesterday! Maybe best to whistle?

'...Hold your head up high and whistle a happy tune...'


Betts profile image

Sounds beautiful, and so much intricate work, a wonderful gift, love stitched into it.

I have got 2 very pretty fan-tailed goldfish, that would take the cross stitch treatment, very bright and shiny, golds, silvers and burnt orange colours, that contrast beautifully with the fine whispery green waterplants, sun shines through the water, reflections. I keep trying to get a good photo, but the short delay on the shutter means I always end up with at least one disappering tail! :)

Don't want to keep you from your stitching, a lot to do !

Enjoy the coffee, I'm on my 2nd (small) cup - don't want to get the jitters :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to Betts

I did do one a few years back of fish. I intergrated metalic threads in with the ordinary ones which really made it come to life

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Here you are girls :- :D


in reply to jillygirl

Oh Jilly!

That has just made my day!

You really could make a "Bomb", opening your own Website to find this stuff for folk. Just brilliant.

It's got me worried though... I think at my age I'm supposed to be past "fancying folk", but, Oh me... He's really dishy - it must be the Hat!

I saw South Pacific when I was 11, on the big Wide Screen in Manchester, and I've always loved it. Thanks for the memories!

G, xx

Betts profile image

Love it jillygirl :) :) :) :) This is some find :)

He has some moves, eh!?

And great outfit!

Even got the bird!!

Mum used to sing this round the house with us, memories too :)

in reply to Betts

Hiya Betts, hope it's been an okay day for you.

It takes great courage to admit a "slip", my respect to you for your honesty. You will have learned an awful lot in five/six weeks. The amount of times I slipped I've lost count of, but it seems the only thing I did "right" was to keep trying. These past few weeks for me have been an eye opener. More because I honestly never thought I could leave a ciggie alone for long. It may be eight weeks, but I know it's a daily job now, and will be until I get used to living with different attitudes. So I'll have to keep practicing, like you and everyone else here.

Sending good vibes to surround you - you'll be just fine. Take it easy huh, and be kind to yourself.

Gill, x

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to

Aw, thanks Gill

That's really kind, and much appreciated

I can feel the vibes xxx

;) :) :)

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to Betts

One deleted above cos I did that double posting thing again (think it was six last time!)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Glad you enjoyed it. Betts.

Simba sorry didn't mean to ignore you. Have a good day . :) xx

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Don't worry jillygirl didn't notice love your last post suec xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Emjay found this one for you :-


Thanks for all the guidance for this site. xx :)

Good evening everyone

Hope you all had days that are better than the weather - very cold and grey at the mo with the promise (so they say) of a good long downpour tomorrow. Oh well, at least we know the sun is there somewhere just wish he would come out of hiding.

Going to read some posts whilst I drink my cup of tea so may catch you later and then again, may not.

Have a good evening anyway.

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

Hi Kath. Enjoy your cuppa. Fed the other half and barnet and off to the supermarket in about 10 mins as I need supplies for work. Then sewing time. Yipee...

Sue xx

in reply to bunnyrabbit

Hi Sue

We should all make at least 1 hour a day (split into two if necessary) to do somelthing WE :) want to do. One of a number of things that the new me is definitely and positively put into my day.

Break the trolley speed limit on your shop :D so that you can get back and start sewing that bit sooner!

Have a lovely evening.


in reply to

Sugar puffs

Fingers running ahead of brain again - should read:

definitely and positively putting into my day.


Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Hey all

Its nice and chirpy in here today.

It has been a lovely afternoon here (apart from a 3rd punctured tyre in 4 months!!!!)

On the talk of 4 months thats my big number tomorrow!!!

I think I have also put on 4 stone!!

I have started doing a lot of walking, trying to get out at weekends with the kids too, been to lovely sights and its been lovely.

Been doing lots of cooking too, some healthy and some not so.

Today I made pizza with a wholemeal base (to make it a bit more healthy) topped with loads of veg and tomatos and pepperoni and then the bad cheese!

I also made quiche for the first time ever and it turned out really good, I filled it with bacon, onion, courgette and broccoli topped with tomatos. The base was a bit thick but I think it was that I used too small a dish.

So the big hurdle of stopping smoking is not over for me even though I am so far in, I still get cravings but I have a lozenge or a puff of the ecig (which now has no nicotine in it)

The cravings are not staying as long as they once did which is great, although I am not feeling any health benefits as yet I sure there must be something happening ;)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to Orkneysarah

Sarah 4 months tomorrow WOW!!! seriously excellent. :-) :-) Your are such an inspiration. :D :D Your quiche sounds great and your pizza. Yum. I love food that I have not cooked best (I was a chef for 30 years) :-) I've gained weight through stopping smoking. :-o Friends at work are trying the "5:2 fast diet" I'll let you know how they go. :-)

Take care you star non smoker you

Sue xx

in reply to Orkneysarah

Hi Sarah, nice to see you here, almost a stranger. Wow 4 months tomorrow, bet 4 months ago you never thought you'd get there then. I'm sure you haven't put 4 stones on, it only takes a few pounds to make clothes seem tighter. Glad to hear the weather is treating you well too. Personally I am fed up with the cold, its getting a bit ridiculous when people round here are still wearing their ugg boots, and I regretted not putting my gloves on when I went out yesterday tsk. And the weather forecast for us tomorrow has actually suggested the rain may turn wintry :o

I still get cravings too, Aldi have put their nicotine lozenges out near the checkouts now (they were locked away in the stockroom since they got them in January and I had to ask for them like a druggie asking their dealer for a fix), they must have got fed up of seeing them kicking around as I think there was only me buying them. My husband said I should make them an offer - take the rest of them off their hands for a bulk purchase price :)

I don't feel any health benefits either but I suppose they must be going on inside where we can't see. Never mind, the bank balance is looking much healthier.

in reply to Orkneysarah

Really pleased that you are doing ok without the cig's. I finished the course of patches some time ago and just pop a lozenger when needed. You will soon sort out any extra weight you may want to shed !!!!

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