Posts - Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation | HealthUnlocked

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

9,738 posts

All posts for June 2020

Photo: Lower Brailes Church again

I took a photo of this scene the other day ...and posted it. I thought the scene...
S11m profile image

Marnie22 Now this is a bad joke

Bazzak profile image
Reading Rabbits

A short cycle ride to see a friend

I met with a friend today for coffee and a chat and it was so lovely. I cycled t...
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Feeling mentally drained and lonely

I hope everyone is keeping well I had a hectic and stressful week and the tenant...
Roukaya profile image

What's anyone done today

I feel as if I haven't done much, but I've been decluttering again finding thing...
Jennymary profile image

Father's Day gift

Hi everyone hope you are all ok . After my recent fall in the garden about a mon...
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Quality checking forms

Any 1 had this done
Wolf221400 profile image

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JantheNana profile image


Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. ARTHUR ASHE
4woody profile image

Quotation for Friday 19th June 2020

Hi everyone, I decided to choose the heart as my inspiration today. This was b...
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Ability to cope in times of anxiety underlined by fear

I would like to say that I am appreciative of those to listen to me. I have foun...
Roukaya profile image

Camomile field

I took Teddi for a walk in the fields behind my house and in the field behind wh...
Agoodenough profile image

A Watercolour Painting: Rocks at Crescent Beach

Painted using not only paintbrushes, but also (primarily) an old credit card and...
BrentW profile image

Mountain grooves Another puzzle for you. I...
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Happy Thursday will technical ly it's still thurday by 15mins ,oh ok happy Friday😂😁😀

Boring day of cleaning...well at least I have a shiny loo and tram lines in the ...
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Daily Word Scramble Puzzle 6-19-2020

Good morning everyone. Today’s puzzle deals with electronics. You can use the n...
Activity2004 profile image

Need more T--3

I need just about 5 mcg T-3. I'm B,S.'ing my Endo, plue he doesn't seem to care ...
GKeith profile image

NHS RAINBOW! We have seen rainbows in the windows, at home, sch...
Veteran250 profile image

no expectations

Be a true representative of the goodness in your heart, and don’t expect it to b...
4woody profile image

A cycle ride then the weekly shop

Hi all I hope you've all had a good day and it's not been too wet. We had a dry ...
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What's anyone done today

Weather much better here today, no thunder or lightning, but rained on and off a...
Jennymary profile image

I'm new to this group. Am working through fear and anxiety of these times and live alone.

It has now been three months of COVID isolation and I am finding it difficult. I...
QuietGreen profile image

Try new food Thursday - Thai chicken laksa

Hi all, hope you are having a great Thursday and the weather isn't as dreary as ...
SadieHU profile image

Photo to make you smile

And I hope warm your heart xx
Bazzak profile image
Reading Rabbits

Quotation for Thursday 18th June 2020

Good morning all, My thoughts this morning are of fire. Last night there was a ...
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The dr won’t give me meds for ADHD BECAUSE she says I’m too thin, and it’s addictive. What should I do!

Need meds for ADHF
Paintig profile image

Finding it hard

It’s really hard during these unprecedented times. I’m a mum to an eight year ol...
Juliet2020 profile image


How's everyone doing? sorry i haven't been around lately. I've moved lately! But...
Rob-B1 profile image

Here’s some food for thought

Life can be such a struggle during self isolation. We start to question our whol...

South of the Walter Brennan barn

Evening sketch
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