I am breathless and fatigued and diagnosed with Anemia, but Iron/b12 levels are normal/high not lifestyle or food-related.
I also had a stiff neck and all-over pain on rising in the morning so they first thought it was Polmalgia and put me on steroids but it didn't get the reaction expected from Polymalgia so was tapered off steroids
I had been having blood tests and when one came back showing my Serum Immunoglobulin M rate was 3... I was told they were putting me on the 2-week urgent Cancer haematologist appointment .... but it didn't reach that far, and I was put on triage and got a phone call to say on looking at past blood tests no trace of cancer phew....
So back to square one and the breathlessness and fatigue is a little worse from the initial stage from someone who could easily do 10,000 steps I am now down to less than 4000 steps and need to rest after ...
I am concerned as this Anemia is untreated with no suggestions of medication or treatment for more than 4 months. And know word from the Dr if further investigation ..which worries me and never had an actual face-to-face meeting but done by phone mainly on my instigation ... I also think there may be some personality cognitive change but that could be down to anxiety and lack of sleep with worry ...
any help or advice gratefully received thank you
My last blood tests showed .. this below but have been worse ...but these are out of range ...
Haematocrit 0.335
Haemoglobin 106
Neutrophils 8.29
Platelet Count 498
RDW 15.3
White Cell Count 10*9/L
Serum Alanine transaminase 9