As I mentioned in my last post my ultrasound was negative for GCA and my biopsy is not scheduled until March 28th which would put me on Pred for 2 months, from what I have been reading I am not sure I should if I should go ahead with the biopsy given the lenght of time I have been on steroids.
Are they going to get a accurate biopsy after 2 months of steroids, I would rather not have someone cut into my head.
The biopsy should have been done weeks ago but such is our healtcare system it seems to take fore ever to get anything done!
I also have a follow-up with the Neuro via telephone next week I will ask her what she thinks about the biopsy, I will also talk to her about the 50% blockage in carotid artery frankly I am more worried about that than the GCA at the moment.
And for the record I still think I have GCA...and I also think because I was using blood thinners (ASA) that probably helped save my the sight in my right eye given I was having vision issues for 10 days before being started on steroids.