I am new to this group and being treated for GCA since April after headaches, jaw pain, blurred vision and abnormal blood tests.
I was on 60 mg of steroids until 2 weeks ago when I had a black out and collapsed,.
The next morning I had weakness and numbness in my left hand side and my speech was slurred, so was taken to hospital where I was transferred to a stroke ward. Fortunately after numerous tests I was told I hadn’t had a stroke but had a bad reaction to the steroids and has migraine with function. I was also told that there was no evidence of GCA and was told to come off the steroids. They told me to drop to 40mg for a week then last week to 20mg.
This has made me really ill, all the symptoms have returned worse than before and I can’t sleep and have lost my appetite. I spoke to my rheumatologist today and she said I need to increase my dose to 50mg. I’m just very confused as the rheumatologist and my GP think I have got GCA but the neurologist was insistent I haven’t got it despite all my symptoms and raised inflammatory markers in my blood.
Has anyone else been given conflicting advice? Also was it normal to have my steroids reduced from 60mg to 20mg in two weeks. I have never felt so ill!