I have had symptoms of pudendal nauralgia for nearly 3 years with a positive but shortlived response to nerve blocks that I had in the last 6 months (performed in London). I am hoping to travel to Nantes for surgery and had a few questions for those that have already been there. Do the doctors there speak fluent English? Can you recommend a good hotel close to their clinic and what is the approximate cost for bilateral pudendal nerve decompression surgery?
Pudendal Nerve decompression in Nantes - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pudendal Nerve decompression in Nantes

There are lots of hotels ( ranging from cheap 50/60 Euros to expensive 100 Euros + ) in the centre of Nantes which is where the University hospital is located. You could search on Booking.com.
Catfish on here can tell you what the cost is, you can e-mail/pm her on here.
Hi sorry to ask a dumb question but is there nowhere in the UK that does the same thing. I am concerned that I may need this treatment but can't afford it done privately and wondered if theer was any way round that
Thanks for any advice
The team in France have much more experience than anyone in the UK.
As far as I know, the surgery is not available on the NHS.
Dr Gareth Greenslade is a pain management consultant in Bristol. He has been to Nantes and has a surgical colleague who has been to Nantes to train in their surgical techique for pudendal nerve decompression.
I saw Dr Greenslade privately in Dec 2012 in Bristol. I found him a caring compassionate person. He did a diagnostically successful nerve block and I had a few glorious pain-free hours before the local anaesthetic wore off. The corticosteroid component has not helped at all. My GP was happy to make an NHS referral and I have an out-patient appointment with Dr Greenslade mid-March. I will take it from there and see whether my PCT will fund a referral for surgery in Bristol if that seems appropriate. I live in a different area with a separate PCT. I will let you all know what happens.
Thank you for your response. I will do the same if the nerve blocks dont work. I wish you all the best
Hi, I had bilateral decompression surgery in Nantes in 2012. The cost was about 6,00 euro and yes they did speak English but I would suggest that you word your questions in a simple manner as they do not understand everything. They were very helpful once you got past his secretary who in our opinion is anti Brits. I wrote a letter in English then waited several weeks for a reply which never came and Prof Robert said he had no knowledge of it.
I expected to go to France for tests and Steroid injections first but they do not use the steroid treatment any more and go straight to surgery so 1 week after we arrived I was in theatre and it all came a bit too fast for me. The success rate was explained as lower than I had first been told. I was not one of the lucky ones but I have a complex problem which involves the cluneal nerves as well which means walking also brings on my pains.
Gather all the information you can before making a decision about surgery. It appears that there are doctors and physios in UK who do understand our problems, I was not aware of this when I went to France.
Hope you find the right answers and get help, regards Marion
May I just say something here as I have been a patient in Nantes and dealt with Professor Robert and his secretary - she is most certainly not anti-British. Far from it. Remember when you enter into another Country one has to try to be very calm and have a go even if it is just ''Bonjour Madame Lafrancoise'' and a big smile even if you are suffering as it goes a long long way to help you. If you write a letter to a French Surgeon or Doctor in English they will not reply to it straight away - they may have to get it translated. I have always tried my best at getting an important letter translated into French before going to see them.
yes I am sure there must be Surgeons and Dr's in England.
Hi , sorry but is that 6,000 euros or 600 euros , the placement of the comma is confusing my pain med brain lol. I want to see dr Greenslade because 8 years of cluneal nerve entrapment and being told ...." It's like you have to have an amputation, there is nothing you can do, just accept it is what it is " ... Basically nothing can be done for the pain. I want to consider the decompression surgery in Nantes but need to know the estimated cost. Plus, was the referral to France / Nantes through Dr Greenslade ? Thank you !!!!
Hello! I have just joined the website, do you still need help with details about Nantes? Let me know if you do. I would be interested about your current condition. I have been having the same problems with my father. He has already done 2 visits to the Nantes clinic and in August he's having nerve decompression surgery.
Hello there. Please look at my profile under my 2cv1964. Read my posts re ''I had Decompression surgery in Nantes... there are 7 now as I have just written one after just returning from my 6th month post op appointment.
I hope you have seen Dr Riant - the most wonderful pain specialist I have ever seen. Dr Riant speaks English and so does Professor Robert the surgeon. They are not fluent but make a dam good effort at it and are extremely patient.
Take care.
P.S. yes I know of a hotel 10 mins walk from the hospital where my Mother stayed so she could visit me.
kind regards,
Hi I’m 38 and suffering terribly. I can’t sit at all. Can you tell me the procedure you went down to get the surgery please?
Hi Natty
I just jointed this blog and I can give you some tips about this condition that I also suffer from.
If you want to share your experience I'll be always here to give any information at my reach.
What treatment are you currently undertaking, If i may ask ?
Hi, I know this thread is a bit old but very curious as to what happened with you. I’m like you, can’t sit down either, lying on my back is becoming another problem. Ty.
Hi, I’m sorry to hear your in the same boat. I couldn’t cope with it any more and I have been to France for decompression surgery, it turns out my pudenal nerve was severely entrapped, the surgery was in December, it’s still early days and I still can’t sit but I’m better pain wise than before. I have hope that I’ll heal and the nerve will regenerate... my surgery was performed by Dr Beautrant in Aix-en-Provence. I hope your on the road to recovery or getting some help x
Hi, I’m sorry your not still well enough to sit, it will take time I guess. I’m not sure how to even start going forward with all this. I don’t know who to contact as regards to phoning about appointments to see someone. No doctors or gyneas will help here. I’ve seen 6 gyneas at the larger hospital, has two mri’s, a transvaginal scan, 3 biopsies, and all I got ap was a letter saying my L5/S1 might be causing issues. I feel like phoning them and saying I know it’s a nerve, I can feel it inside me but they can’t or won’t do anything. I hope you recover fully by summer, it’s a nightmare of a road to be stuck in isn’t it.
I also have pn only can sit on a yoga bench with a swimmingboard on top of it where i carved a hole out. I can recomment that its good for your core body and i can enjoy meals in a vertical position i know what two years of only laying did with my body . Success you all. I had some relieve from PTNS treatment i use it ones a week and my pain is for 1/3 less. Google on PTNS and pelvic pain and you find a trail with people how also got effort from it.