Hi all. I seem to have some sort of entrapment/irritation of the rectal branch of my pudendal nerve. It can get irritated directly (sitting), or indirectly (lying on my side, or attempted muscle release of glute med , or flexing my knee towards my chest past 90 degrees). Does anyone have any detailed descriptions for pudendal nerve glides?
Pudendal nerve floss: Hi all. I seem to... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pudendal nerve floss

Yep my pt does pudental nerve glides on me ...she puts two fingers to put some pressure on side of anal area an then she moves my leg back and forth....also she does trigger points there....really helps to release pain and entrapment
How exactly does she move your leg? Knees to chest? Something else? Cannot let pudendal win!
I lie on my stomach and she places her fingers on the pudental nerve path at anal exterior then she moves my leg from the knee side to side slowly about 20 times
Sorry to butt in but I am curious as to where you find these physios that know how to do nerve glides ? I have had pudendal neuralgia on the right side for 10 years and I have been to two pelvic physios on the NHS who don't really know what to do for me , do you see your physio privately or NHS ? I am desperately seeking one who does nerve glides , thanks
I am in Arizona and I was blessed to find my physical therapist she doesn't go by protocol of the clinic she does what she feels is right they accept that about her I hadn't even heard of pudendal nerve glides ... she suspected maybe some pudentsl nerve involvement so she does the glides... you can tell the physio how to do it she just has me on my stomach and she puts two fingers of pressure on the external obturator muscle at the anal area... feels like pins and needles then while holding those fingers there she holds my foot and moves my leg back and forth about 20 times each side....hope we all get better at some point🙄🤔😒
I am from Sunderland in UK but have lives in US for 38 years ..I am on Medicare now I am a young 65 ...Medicare approves me for 25 pt sessions ...I pay my copay only $20 so I am good with that
I would be prepared to get a friend or hubby to do this procedure if it helped, as it’s impossible to find a PT who does this in the uk.
I'm not a doctor, I can only tell you what worked for me. I have had numerous operations on my anal area since 1991. About a 2 years ago, I started taking PurZanthin ULTRA 12 mg. A supplement from Stop Aging Now. I'm totally cured I have no problems anymore what so ever. I'm so thankful that I found this supplement. NO MORE SURGERIES!!

Do you think the other brands of Astaxanthin would do the same thing?

I just saw your post and was wondering why you think the pureZanthin worked?and are you still doing ok?
I don't know, that's the only one I've ever used. Just make sure it's 12mg.