Hi everyone- I was just wondering if anyone has had their pudendal nerve entrapped in their obturator internus muscle before? If so where you successful at releasing it and what did you do?
Pudendal nerve entrapment : Hi everyone... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pudendal nerve entrapment

I go to a pelvic floor pt and she thought my rectal pain may be from the pudental nerve entrapment partially so she does pudental nerve flossing and gliding where she has me on my stomach and then she puts 2 fingers with some pressure on my external obturator trigger points then she moves the bottom part of my leg back and forth about 20 times each...really seems to be working
So you had painful regions of your obturator internus? Mine is just tight. Think pudendal may be entrapped from bicycle riding but they say they can’t confirm diagnosis until surgery .
Hi - yes I was originally having Levator ani symptoms for 2 months. I was getting better and had actually stopped the rectal pain through pelvic PT. I was symptom free for 1 week. I had some discomfort with Turing to the right in my Right SI joint radiating into my rectal area. I told my pelvic PT whom is also ortho PT and she had me do this stretch. I think to many muscle groups were being activated and my spine being twisted to much. Anyway I went home that night and started with excruciating burning pain near my obturator internus muscle. I also had severe sacral burning and burning in between my buttock( pathway of pudendal nerve ) for many, many weeks. I just had a pudendal nerve block less then two weeks ago and my doctor confirmed it was the pudendal nerve. I also just had Botox into my pelvic floor muscles so I am hoping and praying to release this nightmare with pelvic PT. I have heard that cycling can be a culprit to pudendal nerve irritation and or entrapment.. I would definitely stop cycling and rest. Please look into pelvic floor PT as they will be able to help release tight muscle around the nerve. Wishing you all the best, and hope you are feeling better soon.
Can you let me know how the Botox works for you?I am in contact with Danielle from this site who also had Botox recently...thanks..my email is mbhs21@gmail.com!!