thank you for all you advice about my on going prolaspe. I am having the pessary removed again today as it hurts and makes me sore. Have decided to have a hysterectomy but can t have it until the end of July which means I have to cope with my prolapsed uterus which if it drops to the edge of my vagina makes me sore. Anything I can do to my me more comfortable . I do have a femicushion which holds my prolapse in but I don’t like wearing it all the time. I am using ovestin and doing kegels. I also have a slight problem with constipation.
prolaspe: thank you for all you advice... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Check out for non-surgical, non-pessary approach to prolapse, if you are interested. best wishing for comfort and healing.
I have purchased the first aid for pelvic floor. Have you used the Whole Women programme if so any comments about it would be helpful.

I am a work in progress! Have been doing it for 9 months. Its challenging (24/7 re posture and breathing) , but feels empowering and exciting too. Its a lifestyle change, permanently so, rather than exercise based. My stress incontinence is better, and I am feeling more confident. The most difficult thing with prolapse for me has been the feeling of my body falling apart. I have done 'clinic' sessions with C Kent too, group of 12 women, by zoom, for 6 sessions. Fascinating! Wouldn't surprise me at all that western medicine has it all wrong about women's bodies. - even the female doctors talk about our organs as if they are a nuisance! I really value the point of view that nature is infinitely wise, but we need to understand our bodies to heal them. Where are you? I am in the UK.
I am in the UK. At the very beginning of this journey and finding it daunting at the moment. I have a grade 2 uterine prolapse which is rubbing and making me sore when it drops during the day. Have tried a pessary but it was too uncomfortable and made me sore. Not easy but I will persevere at the moment as I really do not want the surgery.

Yeah, I found it super scary to start with too. Do read and study all the Christine Kent has, she is quite amazing, and loads of women have been helped and avoided surgery, so its very promising, if slow progress work (well for me anyways, for you it might improve quicker!) . If you can afford it, maybe try for a one to one with her? I understand there are many different pessaries, maybe trying different ones will work for you? For vaginal health post menopause, Kent advises to use raw local honey, I mix it with coconut oil (food grade) and put small amount in vagina before bed. It really does help make the vagina and vulva feel amazing! try it. send me a dm if you want to chat further

I have found vaginal sponges better and more comfy than the pessaries.
Hi Miss Star, have the same prolapse, level 2.
There’s so much to learn, I much prefer the natural way.
Love the idea with local honey etc I’ll try that tonight, I’ve only been diagnosed a month .
By the end of the day, it comes down quite a bit.
So learning fast
Thanks for sharing
Hi. I am 72 with a prolasped uterus finding it difficult to decide what to do. Have tried pessary but out at the moment. Am trying the Whole Woman programme as is Miss Star but it is not easy. I am also in UK.