I have asked for advice on this forum before but my bladder problems are causing distress. Because I cannot take Solifenacin though it worked well as far as the constant need to pee. It caused me terrible constipation which even with laxitives was difficult. Now my urethra is sore and some pain. The doctor will fit a pessary but not even sure it is the prolapse causing it. I do read that mirabegnon has a less side effect of constipation and my physio is all for it. Does anyone here take it , just that not with another of these meds. I notice many of you take another med with the mirabegnon, how do you find it. I have the tens machine, not making much difference really. Does it work just on its own? I feel at the end of my tether. So difficult to talk to doctor appts not easy. Thankyou
mirabegnon: I have asked for advice on... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

hi I have been taking mirabegron 25mg for about 4 months it did make a slight difference to my bladder issues & didn’t get the dry mouth but it did cause constipation I’ve have been on 50mg for 3 weeks & my bladder symptoms have got worse but strangely the constipation seems to have improved … like you I feel I am getting no where with urology appointments & not getting ti the bottom of what is causing my issues
Thankyou for you reply. That is worrying as it was my only hope really as all the other meds do cause constipation. Whereas reading up on the mirabegnon it is supposed to be minimal. Solifenacin thought most effective had the highest incidence of constipation. I am not incontinent just the pressure to go as soon as I have been. It happened quickly. Literally one day normal next day it started . I try to hold on as long as I can. Haven’t even been to hairdressers.
I am exactly the same started a year ago & gradually got worse. I have had ultrasounds, ct scans where they found my right kidney doesn’t drain but they don’t think this is why having the problems I’ve had urodynamics test where they found my bladder doesn’t empty fully I’ve even a camera in my bladder & they say all normal I just keep getting passed to different consultants which takes time to get appointment & find some of them very rude & condersending. I have tried various medication & have been on a bladder diet but nothing works. I’m fed up & just want answers as it’s effecting my mental health x
well I have had no hospital appt. Supposed to have one in April. From what you are saying it doesnt bode well. I just wish the Solifenacin had not caused the severe constipation as they were working, maybe not a 100%. But enough that I could get out and about. I don’t have a life at the moment. Just hope the mirabegnon work for me. I do have a prolapse bladder but it has been like that for a long time with no probs. The pessary worries me as don’t know if that will work and so many side effects with that. Glad to have someone to talk to who knows the problems Thankyou.
Hi. Just wondering? Are you feeling the urge to urinate all day long. Are you losing urine?
I have a neuropathy in my pelvis. A major nerve was left pinched for over 4 years. I’ve had it ‘ decompressed’ but it’s still inflamed at times.
When my bladder was overactive, my doctor gave me Toviaz. My bladder was neurogenic. It worked.
I take 50mg Amytriptyline at night and it is helping. I don’t need Toviaz anymore. Have you been offered that?
Have they ruled out interstitial cystitis and a Urinary tract infection?
From a natural remedy standpoint, I can attest that passionflower tablets help pain, sleep and anxiety. You might benefit from a trial of them.
Finally, drink coconut water or aloe Vera juice to prevent constipation. Cashew nuts, dates and prunes help BM’s to.
Are you able to go for a 30 minute walk everyday? You need to move to get blood and lymph flowing.
Thankyou for replying. Yes I do feel the urge all day but not losing urine. I do not have a problem at night. I do not have a UTI tested twice. Not seen at a hospital yet. I eat a high fibre diet. Constipation was not a problem before this. Are you from UK not heard of Toviaz. It was the Solifenacin that was the trouble though was good as far as the urge was concerned.
I’m Canadian. I think the Toviaz might help. Keep me posted. Good luck.
well spoke to GP. She said that mirabegnon can cause constipation too. All the OAB meds affect people differently. It is wait and see. The thing about mirabegnon is the adverse affect on the heart. I have high blood pressure and sometimes palpitations. So elected to give Solifenacin one more try. Nervous about it, but it seems even those ladies who have had all the tests still end up on these meds. Seems unless it is something specific the specialists do not know what to do. Like cake lover taking over my life. Even my GP does not have the answers.