Next week I have a hospital gyno appointment. I'm terrified. I don't want surgery, I'm wary of pessaries. Help!
Scared about hospital gyno appointment - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Scared about hospital gyno appointment

Hi ...try not to worry I'm 64 and had my first ever pelvic surgery last year ..all the nurses and doctors are so nice..if you have surgery ask for a pre med to but honestly you will be on very capable hands ..what excally is your surgery for .is it a prolapse x
Thank you for that. It's for a rectocele. I can live with it but it's getting worse by the day.
I feel like a advocate for kegal 8 why don't you buy one to strengthen your pelvic floor they are a god send honestly x
I'll look into that today, I have no idea of what they are.
They are a pelvic floor exerciser....they do work I managed my prolapse for 10 yrs so on my 3rd one ..our p.f gets weak after menopause due lack of estrogen so this helps make it strong need to Google kegal 8 and the girls on the website are very helpful your never too old to make it stronger xx
hello, do you mean the kegal 8 ultra. I was told and it wouldn’t help my 2 degree prolapse. You have good results with it, how bad is your prolapse.
Pretty bad, but I'll find out what degree or stage it is next week at my hospital appointment. I forgot to ask and wasn't told at my last appointment.
Hi...grade 2 isn't that severe so I'm sure it would help I managed mine for 10 yrs sometimes it was really low as it depends if you'd on your feet or if you have constipation that can affect it alot ...honestly no guarnettee but def worth a try option use it twice a day at first then once a day etc...but the girls at kegal 8 are super helpful x
Daft me, I answered your question to MOLLYMILO! Whoops sorry
Don't worry ..but I feel like a broken record about kegal 8s I just go off my experience even when my bladder prolapse was low I mean I could feel it ...using my kegal 8 helped...also if u can take hrt and vitimins d and collegan it all anytime u Need advise as I wish someone could have done that for me....jeanette x
I also don't want surgery, I'm sure you will be fine at your appointment, I have always found all the gyno nurses very nice. I have had a pessary for over 10 years, when they eventually got the right size I find it does the job very well, with no problems. Good luck.
I did try pessaries but found them was too uncomfortable .Operation was out of question for me I was told so I live without either n I too have prolapse and rectocele. You can always listen to what they say and then decide
Phew 😌
Thanks so much!