hi iv seen my gyno a week ago and as said my bladder as prolapsed for the second time he said when they do the op the tissuse get pulled down to fix the bladder he said as the tissuse is plulled down the woum might come down he siad if it does do you wand it hankering back up or a hyrsectomey . i dident want a hyrsectomey if i could help it . but if my woum comes down would it be best to have a hyersectomy as im thinking i dont relly want anther op after this one . so iv got to phone my gyno up on monday which is tomorrow and iv got my gyno what i f my woum comes down do i want it hankering or do i want a hyersecomy im a young ative 65yrs can anyone shine light on this situation to make my desition thanckyou
hi everyone my gyno said my bladder a... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
hi everyone my gyno said my bladder as prolasped again for the second time and

hi I hope this answer isn’t too late for you! It is entirely your choice if you want a hysterectomy or not obviously but I will tell you this. I had hysterectomy at 43 I am now 66 because of fibroids and ovarian cysts it was best thing I ever did. It has been fine for years but then I had an anterior prolapse about 10 years ago and had to have that fixed. I now have vaginal walls which have turned inside out and a severe bladder prolapse which I have to have an op for. If you have a hysterectomy and do your pelvic exercises which I didn’t then I’m sure you would solve a lot of problems. It is quite a big operation so takes a few months to fully recover although I was back at the gym and work after 10 days! Talk it all through with your gynaecologist and go through the for’s and against’s and make your decision don’t be pushed into it if you aren’t 100% sure
Good luck!
I have a bad prolapse of uteris and it has dragged my bowel and bladder down so making functions difficult and painful.The gynaecologist said she would do 2 repairs and maybe hysterectomy.I would prefer hysterectomy but whatever you opt for you can still get a prolapse again I was told.I am waiting for anaesthetist to now contact me as I am high risk. Big decision for you.Let us know what you decide.Good luck
hi , thankyou for your reply and id like to wish you well with with the 2 repairs and your hysterectomy . iv decided if when they repair my prolaspe bladder if my woum comes down iv decided ill have a hysterectomy as my woum could prolaspe again . i dont want anymore ops after this one had gallbladder out had breast cancer 11years a go and mesectomy on left deuction on right bladder prolaspe repair 2022 hopefully theres no more all the best thankyou