Hi, Please could anyone help. I would like to know how to arrange a consultation with the Drs in Nantes for Pudendal Neuralgia. I would like a second opinion whether I have irritation of the pudendal nerve or entrapment. I was diagnosed in Jan 2019 with irritation of the pudendal nerve and have been doing the recommended stretching religiously everyday since Jan 2019. I also started internal trigger point release this year but this has been interrupted because of COVID. I have had three nerve blocks ( one in the alcoves Canal) and pulsated frequency neuromodulation from which I have had no benefit. Slowly things have been getting worse from when I first got symptoms in Oct 2018. I thought with an early diagnosis I would have a reasonable chance of recovery but that seems to be getting further and further away. Anyway I digress.
Any help regarding getting an appointment at Nantes would be much appreciated.
I'm male and live in Kent in the UK.