I am new here, suffering from uterine fibroids, due to this heavy menstrual bleeding and in result a significant fall of Hemoglobin level about 7.1/Normal reading is 12-16.So now i am taking iron supplement and i am in premenopausal state so taking bioflavonoids rich supplement. Back pain etc.
Maintaining fibroids and Iron deficie... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Maintaining fibroids and Iron deficiency Anemia

Hi, I had similar problems with my fibroids, they were very large and had 15 day periods, which were extremely heavy. I’ve lost count at how many clothes I ruined. I ended up having a hysterectomy and also my ovaries were removed on the advice of my consultant.
Was there anything in particular that you needed advice with, or just general chat with similar sufferers?
Hi, similar position myself. My fibroid is quite small though my uterus is bulky. 10 day periods with 3-4 of those horrendous, cant leave house and soaking through everything. Terrible back pain. I’m 45 and have two children. Regular periods. Also anaemic. I do also have under active thyroid and lupus so don’t know if that doesn’t help. I’ve seen gynaecologist and on a list waiting for Hysteroscopy to take biopsy and have a look. Possibly remove fibroid. Could you ask for referral to gynaecologist? L x
Forgot to say I take Tranexamic acid and Mefenamic acid to help with bleeding and pain which are on prescription. Definitely helps. Hope that helps!
Me too this month has been bad I am on day 2, I spend the night and yesterday back and forth to loo, used already 21 napkins, I am hoing to try geranium oil compress on water bottle for pain.I am waiting to see a fertility specialist before making any surgical decisions, my attempts with NHS gynae have been disastrous, ( Gp had not called me about abnormal hormones levels ) pvos diagnosed 2011, no formal recognition on file unt 2016, however if this bleeding persists I shall for a tv scan to see if there if there is any more