Hi all
Iv recently been having issues , it started with thrush or that’s what I thought it was , I brought over the counter stuff and it went a few days later it was back so I thought I obviously haven’t cleared the first lot so brought more but it still didn’t go so I went doctors and was given creams to try they still didn’t work so was put on 2 lots of antibiotics for 2 weeks as the pain was going into my stomach and legs .. the Antibiotics helped that but the itching and burning was still there .. during this time I had a few examination and in one the nurse told me my cervix was very low which she thinks was due to my labour 2 years ago being very long and complicated resulting in failed forceps failed ,suction cap , tearing and an emergency c section .. she told me to do kegel exercises but they seem to irritate the itching more .. this is now 3 months down the line and I’m in a lot of pain and discomfort from the Stinging and itch and the dragging feel from the prolapse I have an appointment with a consultant in 3 weeks but just wondered if any one else had been through the itching and could it be related ?