Hi, I have a Prolape and have had 2 different sized Pessaries fitted 1 week appart. last on 6/4/20. In the last 2 weeks I have been having similar feelings as when each was first fitted. Things seem to have settled on being uncomfortable when sitting for a while. Apart from that the pessarie is doing its job.
My consult has decided to send me for surgery after I emailed her secretary last week. I really do not know what to do. I still have the Pessarie in place. At present my consultant refferal letter should be with me next week. I do have Benenden health insurance which I used for first 2 visits then I transfered to NHS.
Benenden will not pay for another consultation with new consultant and ask that I get a letter explaining my next treatment If treatment has more than a 6 week waiting list Benenden will concider my situation. Which is fair enough.
Has anyone any advice to pass on please?.
In these difficult times with Covid-19. Emailing my Consultants secretary has been a Godsend and I would advice anyone to do it if they are able.