Have had a pessary ring fitted since 2009.I was advised to attend Gynocology clinic every 6 months for a replacement ring. atThe hospital . This entailed an inspection of the uturus in case of Infection or an Alcer and inserting anew ring. Was really painful at first but I now use a cream such as replense 2 times a week and just suffer a little discomfort. Being 78 years old I couldn't have a hysterectomy due to a heart problem in 2005. Unless I had an epidural which I discounted.I am fortunate being in the UK as I don't have to pay. I have never been advised to replace the ring myself which I think I could do if requested by my GP. But feel relieved to know that I am receiving the best treatment.
Pessary ring experience: Have had a... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pessary ring experience

I am glad I read your post. I am in the process of finding a diagnosis and pain relief for pelvic pain. I visited my g p on Monday and she wanted to do internal to see if I needed a gynea referral. She found a prolapse and has arranged for me to have a ring fitted. I didn't get a chance to ask any questions and because I suffer from pelvic floor spasms I am terrified. Are you able to carry on normally with this ring fitted? I am wondering why she didn't ask me if I wanted a repair or hysterectomy as I am 58 years old . Thank you for any advice
Hi I understand your worries. It is quite painful but if you use a cream for a few weeks prior to your consultation I use Replense but have had oestrogen cream from my GP. But not too often becausef there is a chance of cancer! I was offered a hysterectomy but as I am 78 and had a heart problem in2005, I was advised to have an epidural which I declined. I was not offered a repair as the prolapse was too far dropped! However I advise you because of your young age to enquire about a hysterectomy. It's a chore having to attend Gynocology clinic every 6 months. Yes you can carry on as normal sometimes causes constipation though . As for the sexual side I wouldn't know asI am on my own and in view of my age.! Best of luck Bailydog.
Thank you so much for your kind reply. I actually am getting it fitted on Tuesday which is very quick. It's all happened really quickly and I'm unsure really about having it fitted. As for the sexual side it is still important but as I say she never discussed it. I am seeing a gp next week who will fit the ring so I will ask before getting it done. Il let you know .
Sorry I repeated myself Bailydog . Just a thought Replense Cream is available over the counter. Might be an idea to use it before you go, it does help with the discomfort while the ring is fitted. Sometimes it takes several times before they get the correct size. and a visit to the loo is suggested to make sure it doesn't fall out. I hope I have been of some help as it does help if you know what to expect.
I have had a ring pessary fkitted. It didn't hurt. Having it out was a bit painful but on the whole it was ok. It has relieved the symptoms a bit but still have a rectocele to deal with. It is less uncomfortable with the ring though. I am due to have a hysterectomy but have to wait between 9 to 10 months. I just want to get back to normal. I am 71 so don't want to wait until I'm too old. Ring pessary will help. Hope all goes well for you.
I have a pessary fitted and have no problem with it. The 1st one was fitted at hospital but the consultant never explained a thing to me. It was like wham, bang, bye, see you !
It fell out when I went to the loo so I went back to my GP. She tried a different size and I've had no bother since. She was very good at answering my questions, especially after I told her about the hospital visit - which had left me in tears walking home.
I imagine the GP uses a lubricant as it is not painful but feels strange when they take it out.
We have had sex and although my husband can feel it it doesn't put him off if you catch my drift.
I certainly feel more comfortable ''down below".
Hope this is reassuring.
Please can l keep in touch with you. I'm worried about sex with my ring pessary. We haven't tried it yet scared it will dislodge it. I have 64mm with support. It came out when l had a bowel movement but my husband managed to put it back in. Lots of instructions online. Please tell me your experiences. I have a prolaspe and my uterus is retroverted towards my bowel.
Hi Bailydog. No probs. Instructions on box use twice a week in mornings.J tend to use it a few weeks before my appointment for 2 times a week. The doctor will use a cream before inserting the ring as well.Hopes this helps.