Hello my name is Shay. I have been experiencing pelvic pain for over 6 years now. After many doctors and specialists visits, and painful procedures my doctor decided that I would be treated for Endometriosis. They couldn't diagnose it because it takes a surgical procedure to fully diagnose. I have been living years with constant pain, heavy periods and having to get iron infusions. In 2017, I had a endometrial ablation and it was successful for a year with light bleeding but the cramping only became worse. Then in 2018 the bleeding has gone back to heavy. I also get ovarian cyst that grow to about 3cm on my right ovary. In February 2019 i had extremely pain in my lower abdomen and went to the ER, they discovered a cyst 6cm on my left ovary but refused to remove it because they felt it wasnt an emergency and it will dissolve on it's own. But because they couldn't manage my pain, they kept my in the hospital for a week while the cyst decreased in size. After that I had my period and went to see my doctor who then gave me the Lupron injection so that I wont experience this same thing the following month. Less than two weeks later (after my period and the shot), I started bleeding again and its extremely heavy. I am on day 4 of heavy painful bleeding. I regret getting that injection because it offered no benefit.
Looking for answers : Hello my name is... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
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Hi ShayDani,
What an awful experience--so sorry to hear about what you are going through. Do you have a good gynocologist? They diagnosed my endometriosis the same way--by how I responded to Lupron. It honestly saved my life as I went from all the things you are experiencing to literally no pelvic pain (and no periods woot woot!). It took a while for to work though--porbably 3-6 months before I got a lot better. Part of it was because only the once/month injection worked for me and they tried the 3 month initially which didn't. Maybe give it some time, and follow up with your doctor about pain management while you wait to see if it works? There is also a new revolutionary drug called Orilissa for Endometriosis--my doctor is switching me to it next month. I'm leery since the Lupron works, but it is suppose to be a "wonder drug" for Endo with less side effects than Lupron so we'll see.....Some people have horrible response to Lupron so monitor your side effects carefully and watch for depression and mood swings--if you start getting really awful thoughts, see your dr. right away and note that it could be the drug. Hope that helps an hang in there.
Stay away from Lupron if you can. You didn't mention how old you are but I can tell you that I suffered from endometriosis for most of my life and in the end it literally stole 7 years of my life from me. The ONLY thing that controlled the heavy bleeding and the pain was being on birth control pills. Once I reached 35 they refused to prescribe them to me and from there on it was a slow descent into hell. I couldn't have a hysterectomy due to massive adhesions from an operation mishap years before but do keep that as an option if you are able. Once you reach menopause you can't take any estrogen for at least 2 years because that's how low it takes the endometrial implants to die off. They will travel to all parts of your body and bleed and cause pain every month. I had them everywhere. You may want to try ablation again, it sounds like it worked at least for a little while. Perhaps the second one will be the charm? I feel for you, I know your pain, I know how helpless you might feel. I wish that I could offer more. <<<<MANY HUGS>>>>
That's terrible im so sorry you've had to suffer for so long.