Hi I'm new here, looking for advice o... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Hi I'm new here, looking for advice on where to turn to with my symptoms.

Domino28 profile image
25 Replies

Hi I am a 58 year old female. I started with pelvic/pubic pain 2 and half years ago after a bad attack of shingles. After the shingles cleared up I was left with pain very low down on my abdomen. Doctor said it was post herpatic neuralgia. Suffering from frozen shoulder at the same time so prescribed gabapenten. Took this for about three months then stopped. Pain in shoulder worsened and couldn't sleep so was given low dose of amitriptyline. This helped and could cope with the pain. Came off after about three months. Pain in pelvic/ pubic area worsened, as I have to change position a lot because of pain, started to get clicking noises on right side of pelvis. Had scan 15 months ago all clear. Pain worsened so back to Doctors, full blood tests, all clear. Doctor said loose weight, exercise and take painkillers. I am in pain every day. Work full time, on my feet all day, lifting boxes. Today pain is in lower left buttock across top of pubic area. Shooting pains front and back passages and it hurts to lift my right leg to dress/undress. Uncomfortable to walk or sit. Don't know where to turn, thinking of making an appointment to see a female chiropractor as it is embarrassing to discuss with a male Doctor. Can anyone give me some advice, have the same symptoms? Thank you.

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Domino28 profile image
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25 Replies
Retry profile image

Maybe pelvic floor dysfunction. I had some of these pains. It was a combination hip labrum tear and prolapse . Labrum tears can cause pelvic floor pain. Also can’t lift leg without pain is a symptom. Just a possibility

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to Retry

Thanks for your reply, will read up on that.

Pinky2233 profile image

Hang In there. Are you in the States? In my opinion as a patient,

A proper diagnoses for both ailements is important. It could take many doctors and scans and practitioners to get to the bottom of.

Start with shoulder, pelvic may or may not be related.

Take the scans / tests to rule out injuries such as rotator cuff injuries etc take the tests to another expert for a second opinion.

If scans are clear An excellent shoulder pt should strengthen that shoulder back to working order with proper exercises.

Try rolling a pinky ball at shoulder height up against a wall in fast repetitive tiny tiny movements fast up and down 30 second and back and fourth 30 seconds 3 times of each. This is a basic rehab shoulder pt exercise given to me to start. If anything hurts or is sore stop. It should never hurt

3 months of shoulder pt should make your shoulder feel a whole lot better stronger if you do the exercises every other day. Make sure you skip a day in between for things to rest. A proper burn of the muscle in pt is when I knew it was getting stronger. The day off was equally as essential for speedy proper rehab

Whatever the mechanism of injury find what is causing that. For me it was swimming. I’ve had to now do other exercise. Don’t do what is causing the injury it will continue to create set backs

For pelvic, be clear where it hurts. it is your body and important. Speak up and be proud! It is yours to claim!

If pelvis scan/tests are clear

The Problem Could be in your tissue or muscle. Shingles do affect nerves and tissues and layers of tissues in our body.

The pelvic area cannot move like an arm to free the nerves.

This could be preventing proper healing.

Pelvic pt ( and each and everyone is completely different) softening and moving the tissue should be very helpful. Ask who is the best!

I’m a big fan of pelvic dry needling and pelvic acupuncture. With much treatment it slowly opens the tissue and allows the nerves to recalibrate and function normally.

Re Pain meds

Have you tried Lyrica for nerve pain? I’ve read it’s better than Gabapentin

Please go very slowly up or down on it.

Amitrypyline is best for depression and is said to work best in coordination with Lyrica or Gabapentin for pain

A leg Quell device offers moderate help especially to sleep. Bought at Best Buy

Ginseng and Longan sleep type herbs from a proper Professional Herbalist could help with sleep.

Let me know if anything helps

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to Pinky2233

Thanks Pinky2233 for your reply. I am in the U.K. My shoulder is much better now but I will try the exercises you have suggested as I still don't have the full range of movement yet. Yes I will push for further answers regarding my pelvic pain. I had not considered acupuncture so will investigate. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply, it is a great help to chat with some one, when my family and friends ask how I'm feeling I tell them I'm fine, I'm not.

anne77 profile image

Find a gynecologist who specializes in chronic pelvic pain and have them refer you to a physical therapist who also specializes in this type of pain. I have seen improvements doing the correct stretches they taught me. I have had an MRI which showed that I have a laurel tear in my hip and a couple other issues. I have tried various prescriptions under the care of a pain management doctor. Not only did I have terrible side effects, but they didn't even help after awhile! Good luck:)

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to anne77

Thanks anne77, looks like I need to go back to my Doctor, unfortunately it's cheaper for them to fob me off than to send me for an MRI. He's saying it's nerve pain from the shingles. But why is it going worse?

suzie44na profile image

Hi Domino28, I would ask for an MRI scan, if you don’t know what is causing your problems. I have pains low down and they are due to Tarlov cysts on my spine, showed up on my MRI scan these cysts cause all sorts of problems bladder, bowel, nerve pains etc and only a couple of specialists deal with Tarlov cysts. Most doctors say these cysts don’t bother you, but they do. Make sure you don’t have these. All the best


Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to suzie44na

Thanks suzie44na, yes I think an MRI would be the best way forward. The Doctor was leaning towards sending me for one until my bloods came back clear and then he was happy to pack me off telling me to take over the counter pain relief, exercise and lose weight. I do a physical job and after 8 hours on my feet, bending and lifting I struggle to walk or sit. I am tired and also scared to exercise in case I feel worse. Kind regards, Karen.

Konagirl60 profile image

Hi. What surgeries have you had in your lifetime? C-section? Laparoscopy?Tubal ligation?

I have found that Nortriptyline ( a sister to Amytriptyline ) doesn’t make me gain weight. Have you tried it? I take 20mg. every morning and afternoon and 60mg. at bedtime.

Are you sleeping? I HAVE TO use a 7.5 mg. Zopiclone every night or I do not sleep a wink due to throbbing rectal pain. Pain patches with capsicum help neuralgia to.

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to Konagirl60

Hi Konagirl60,

Only surgery was Rectal Fistulotomy 4 years ago. My problem started just over 2 years ago after shingles. Doctor said I had post hepatic neuralgia. Had gabapenten and amitriptyline for the pain and lack of sleep. It helped. Stopped taking medication and it was bearable and I was sleeping ok again. It has now got progressively worse with pain spreading from pelvis to left buttock, front and back passages and right groin/top of leg. Scan and blood tests clear, sleeping okay once I get comfortable, thank God. Just finding it hard to walk or sit at the end of the day. Will phone for an appointment with a female Chiropractor tomorrow. From what I have read I think they will know from my symptoms what's causing the pain. Thanks for your advice, kind regards Karen.

Konagirl60 profile image

I was just wondering if you have metal hardware inside your body.

Good luck. Keep us posted. Where do you live?

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to Konagirl60

No I don't think so. I'm in Manchester, England, yes will update when I've seen a Chiropractor. Thank you.

kalecolbe12 profile image
kalecolbe12 in reply to Konagirl60

Can I ask why you asked if she had metal hardware I. Her body?I have heard it can cause issues..

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to kalecolbe12

I asked because I had a tubal ligation in 1998 where the gynaecologist used metal titanium Filshie clips. Birth control pills made me sick. IUD’s made me bleed. I needed birth control. I knew I didn’t want more children.

I did NOT get an informed consent. These clips fall off and may migrate into a women’s pelvis impinging on nerves, entering the bladder or migrating up into intestines and lungs!

It happened to me. A clip ended up on my rectum and stretched the rear section of my right pudendal nerve and my right inferior rectal nerve so much that they got stuck on fascia and ligaments in my ischial spine. I had a SERIOUS nerve compression injury.

The other clip went up into my ileum bowel and was sitting behind my bladder.

I had tingling sensations on my rectum and my doctor suggested I get an unnecessary colonoscopy. Big mistake. That made the clips embed more and ten months later my rectum was electrocuted!

I couldn’t sit. PT made it worse. I couldn’t lie down! I almost died from sleep deprivation. No doctor or specialists followed the standard of Care for a pain patient with my level of disability.

I was gaslighted, dismissed, abused, purposely misdiagnosed, given incorrect treatments, neglected, sedated and left to die in agony BECAUSE IT WAS ALL IN MY HEAD...because I’m female.

I do not trust doctors anymore. They are corrupt. Collect all your records and consult notes. Doctor are committing fraud in their notes by misrepresenting the truth.

My pain specialist did this. She wrote consult notes and complete lies to my GP without giving me the opportunity at a subsequent ‘Follow Up’ appointment where I could fill out a ‘Follow Up Questionnaire’ stating my results with meds she’d prescribed. This IS fraud!

Baileymom profile image

Please try pelvic floor therapy, it helps so many conditions. It has helped with the pelvic pain I’ve had for ten years, from a pain scale of 10 down to 1-2 most days. And if you can get Cbd oil try that. Helps with pain and sleep greatly with no side effects.

anne77 profile image
anne77 in reply to Baileymom

What type of CBD oils do you take. I have been trying one , but it doesn't seem to be helping. I live in the US, so I can go online to look:) ty

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to Baileymom

Thanks Baileymom, I will look into both these suggestions, kind regards, Karen.

NavSh profile image

Since you’re in Manchester, ask your GP to send you to a pain clinic. The best one is @ Wythenshawe Hospital. Due to its popularity, there is a waiting list to get on the lists there!

But you need literally force your GP to send you there. Plus tell him/her to send you to the Manchester Royal Infirmary for the MRI scans and refer you to the Kellgren Centre for a second opinion ok.

Don’t let the GP to fob you off ok

Btw I also live in South Manchester..

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to NavSh

Thanks NavSh, that's very helpful, appreciate your advice.

Kind regards, Karen.

NavSh profile image
NavSh in reply to Domino28

Alsoif your GP doesn’t help, then one evening whenthepain is especially bad, a trip to A&E might actually help,but it wil take time!

Best to do it on a Sunday morning, just before the “crap hits the fan” ...know what I mean?

The bloods take upto 4 hours max to come back, but DONT be fobbed off!!!


It may take a cpl of visits to the hospital to get u the treatment you actually deserve, but it will happen ok

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to NavSh

Thanks for the advice. I know that's what you need to do to get sorted. I had an easier day at yesterday so I'm not suffering so much today. Although I've woke up with a side throat and feel like it's the start of a chest infection so not all good. Thanks for your input.

Savt profile image

Hi domini28

I feel your pain. I have found best way to get dressed without too much pain is sitting on the edge of the bed. I too am unable to lift legs with pelvic pain. Cocodamol and naproxen have taken a few days to help me with my pain but nursing constant hot water bottles has been the best relief for me.

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to Savt

Thanks for the advice. Yes I'm finding new ways to move so that I'm in less pain.

NavSh profile image
NavSh in reply to Domino28

How are you feeling?

Domino28 profile image
Domino28 in reply to NavSh

Hi, had a a couple if quieter weeks at work and the problems have been minimal. So I have postponed seeking further help. However, done a lot of walking yesterday and its back. Still feel its something to do with my bones/joints in that area. Will be looking to see a Chiropractor, i think they will know what's causing the problem.

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