I've had blood in my urine for a couple of weeks now accompanied by pelvic pain and vaginal pain. Bladde and kidney scan was clear but now being referred to urologist. Anyone had this before. I am 39 female. I had a one day episode of cystitis before this but no infection was found in the urine
Blood in urine with pelvic pain - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Blood in urine with pelvic pain

Was your urine sent to the lab for culture ? I have recurring uti's and the infection never shows on GPs dip test, only at the lab.
Yes. Sent to lab and no growths were found. I had to go to emergency yesterday as I was in so much pain. The doctor their found blood again with no infection. He said he doesn't rely on these tests and goes by my symptoms. Which I thought was a very unusual thing to say for a doctor. He again prescribed me antibiotics (second lot now ).
I had cystitis symptoms with blood in my urine and no bacterial growth initially. I was referred to a urologist because of the blood, but they couldn't find any cause. They suggested doing a procedure in which the bladder is dilated, but I read negative reports about it and wasn't keen. I believe that there probably was infection that for some reason was never detected and eventually cleared itself, but in the meantime it caused irritation to the pudendal nerve that I'm still dealing with. Doctors I've seen since then have agreed with this theory. I was nervous about taking too many antibiotics, but I now wonder whether I should have persevered for a bit longer. If they want to do a cystoscopy and you are worried that it will be painful, I would suggest insisting on sedation or general anaesthetic. Good luck.
I had another trip to emergency last night. They did an X-ray of my abdomen and load of bloods and an enema. The pain has 80% gone.the doc said I was all full up with poop. Also the bloods were all clear. But still blood in urine with no infection. I will be going to have the cycstocopy with the sedation I think. Just for my peace of mind. What's the nerve damage symptoms you're having ?
The nerve pain starts as tingling or electrical sensation and then changes to burning and sometimes pressure sensation. It can be anywhere from my rectal area to the front of the vulva / vagina, on one side. Sometimes I feel it over my sacrum or in the buttock or thigh. I forgot that after all this had started I had a heavy fall onto my coccyx region, which probably made things worse, or at least complicated matters.
I had that blood in urine with no infection and saw a urologist went for a ct scan and a bladder scope and they said everything was fine you might have ic check online google ic I think I have that but still not diagnosis yet from my urologist no fun ask for a bladder scope
Hi I've had this. I was in agony with pelvic pain and the doc tested me for urine infection 3 times over a month. He sent me to see a consultant. I had a bladder camera and it turned out the lining of my bladder is very thin and was inflamed at the bottom. I'm now taking antibiotics for 2 months to treat infection that doc didn't pick up !! And I'm using hrt pesseries for 2 months. The problem was caused by lack of eastrgeon ( I had hysterectomy at 44 and overies out ) I'm no longer in pain. Best wishes.

Hi I know your post was 2 yrs ago I hope all is well with you.. My symptoms seem very much like yours I've been in pain like a bad period pain.. Took urine samples found elevated white cells and traces of blood.. They said it was a uti even tho they sent the samples off and no infection! I've been on 2 lots of antibiotics still in alot of constant pain it goes down my left groin as well did they deyectvnllod in your urine
Hello, now I'm the one posting 2 years later! I just wanted to know what you found out or what ever happened with this? How did you get relief, did you ever find out exactly what the problem was? I am having the exact same issue, elevated white cell count and blood in urine and pain in my groin that shoots down my leg.
Would love to know what happened? I have al same symptoms
I had urethral stricture.
I was sent to have a cystoscopy and when he put the camera in I thought i would pass out. Dr said it was a stricture and I would need catheter in every so often. After the cystoscopy it was painful still for a day or so. But my symptoms got much better over time. Dr said my urethra needed to be stretched that’s what was causing all the pain.
I still have bladder issues though. But that’s a whole other issue.
Thank you for letting me know. I had my bladder nipped during a c section so was thinking scar tissue pain but once a month I will incur pain in my pelvic area, lower abdomen and soreness... I had blood in my urine too with no sign of infection and kidney and bladder look fine on ultrasound. Yes, I’ve had a cystoscopy after my surgery from
My bladder rupture and they are very uncomfortable...will
Not look forward to having another one... best of luck with your outcome and hopefully it stretches and takes the pain away for good.
my uncle has been having the same thing. I have been doing some research and blood and pain while urinating, pelvic pain, and back pain are early symptoms of bladder cancer. just a heads up. you might wanna get checked out to be careful.