I discovered I had a fibroid when I was 34 and had a fertility check privately involving an ultrasound. It was picked up the size of a golf ball. I was advised to have an annual ultrasound scan. On my next NHS scan 2 years later it was 5 cm. My GP told me women have fibroids without knowing and they don't nesscarily get any bigger. That I could still conceive with one and that they often shrink after the menopause. A year later I requested a scan and my female GP did not refer me!!! I was advised that if I was not getting any symptoms i.e. heavy periods, bleeding in between periods or mass symptoms such as needing to frequently urinate to leave well alone. My advise is INSIST on having an ANNUAL scan. Make up symptoms if you have to. INSIST on a GYNAE referral. Eventually I got referred to the NHS Gynae dept as I could feel the fibroid around my abdomen. My fibroid had grown to 10cm. To perserve my fertility, I was told I would need an open myomectomy (open abdominal surgery which involves a caesarean type incision) 4-6 weeks recovery time. Interestingly the female Gynaecologist told me it was not standard procedure to operate on a fibroid at only 5 cm. However, if my fibriod had been around 7- 8 cm I could have had a keyhole myomectomy 2-4 weeks recovery time. I was devastated that I had not been better informed. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Don't be fobbed off or take no for an answer. Get a second opinion. Don't be embarrassed or afraid to get checked. Be bold and make a nuisance if you have to. It seems there is a small window of time for a keyhole myomectomy 7-8 cm. Get it checked sooner than later. Don't delay!