So, just over 3 years ago, I had a tubo-ovarian abscess, which I was in hospital for around a week with… It’s likely that this may have been caused by the coil itself and a consequent infection. Managed conservatively at the time but after repeated infections and severe pain, I was finally offered surgery and had an salpingectomy around 18 months ago. Recovery was long as I had open surgery; due to weight gain whilst inactive keyhole could not be performed.
Under pain management, I’ve tried TENS, acupuncture, physio and gabapentin. I’m speaking to my consultant next week but my pain has become more intermittent, as I’ve had 8 weeks off work.
Diagnosed with mild prolapse, cystocele and rectocele. Also IBS. However, a recent ultrasound didn’t show anything significant or new. My pain tends to flare up after walking or increased activity, for example mowing the lawn. Periods are very uncommon now as I no longer have Fallopian tubes. However, during April and May, I had 3 separate occasions when I experienced pain and blood upon wiping, for approximately 4-5 days. Which also seemed to be after increased activity, possibly?
Any ideas what is causing these symptoms of both pelvic pain and occasional episodes of bleeding? Could it be nerve damage? And would that be intermittent/caused by certain movements? Surgeon informed me that there was no significant scarring from c-section or any endometriosis when she performed the salpingectomy.