I went to the hospital last week with an uncomfortable pain on the right-hand side of my abdomen. Suspecting appendicitis, the doctor sent me straight to A&E, where I got a urine test. Turns out I had an infection and got sent home with a prescription of Co-Amoxiclav (antibiotics).
Two days after starting the treatment I got a stabbing pain in my legs, so painful I could not walk. Went to the A&E two days later, where a new doctor told me that the previous diagnosis was wrong and she could not believe I got prescribed those antibiotics. She suggested Chlamydia. I have been in a relationship for a year and a half and I am 100% sure that my boyfriend did not cheat on me; he doesn't have any symptoms.
Is it possible that I contracted Chlamydia at the beginning of the relationship but only having symptoms now? Does it mean that the infection spread and there are going to be serious implications?
I am getting tested for STI next week but I am seriously worried it could also be something else; I have VERY irregular and painful periods (sometimes I don't get periods for six months or more).
Sorry for the long message. Any words of advice?
Thank you.