3 weeks after a vaginal hysterectomy and bladder prolapse repair , I’m ok around the house but once I go out and wander around shops ( while my husband gets the food we need) I start to get crampy pains . I bit like period pains with lower back pain too. Is this normal? My Doctor signed me off work until 19th February , I’m worried that I won’t be recovered enough to go back to work. I’m a 54 yr old Teaching assistant . I spend a large part of my day standing ( I dont have a chair as our class is full.) During a Maths and English lesson, myself and the teacher work around the room . This is a normal day. Anyone else who have had a similar procedure ? How did you get on ?
Vaginal hysterectomy and bladder prol... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Vaginal hysterectomy and bladder prolapse repair.

You are early days. I had a Cystocele and Rectocele repair 5 weeks ago and have had a roller coaster recovery. I went out yesterday to the supermarket with my husband and had to sit down at the checkout. I think your pain is normal for your stage of recovery but I would seriously try and get somewhere to sit during your day. The thought of going back to work next week for me makes me shudder. Best wishes X
Hi mowwow. I think under normal circumstances 19th Feb should be sufficient time for you to heel. However I am no doctor, and I am still unable to work, my hysterectomy was done on 8th March 2016. My Pudendal Nerves were damaged leaving me with a treatment injury. I hope you are luckier than me and heel quickly and return to your wonderful job. Good luck. My advise is please don’t get sucked into the pain killer regime...i lived in a world of haze until I started to self reduce my medication...already I am feeling a lot better. Still sore but functioning better.
You are certainly doung too much thus is your body letting you know.
Please, I was warned by a nurse just last week who dislodged her bowel after her operation becsuse she couldn't sit still, washing, clothes like, you name it she done it.
You need to get back into bed and do 0.
This is MAJOR SURGERY and think of if your husband had heart surgery would he be shopping after 3 weeks.......
Please speak to the principle consult disability team or your union, you need a chair in work until you are fighting fit.
I will be treating mine like my caesareab and no exercise regime until 4.5 to 5 months post op.
Rest up!
Whangareinik - do you mind me asking what pain relief they prescribed you. I'm very tolerant to pain relief. So sorry for your treatment injury I have read up lots on PN pain and will be mentioning to the surgeon to watch out for the PN. Do you mind me asking full Oopherectomy and by vaginal or keyhole? Or was it partial hysterectomy?
I really hope after such a hard year yiur life continues to improve.
Blessed thoughts to you. X