Cystocele/Rectocele repair all done - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Cystocele/Rectocele repair all done

Jasparswim profile image
16 Replies

I'm almost 6 weeks after my repair surgery. Recovery not to bad. First two weeks I was warned were crucial and told not to do anything except rest, which I did. Luckily we had hot sunny weather so I literally layed outside sunbathing in-between medication, meals and sleeping. No pain as I kept taking regular medication. Hospital gave me Dihydrocodeine which I only took on first week as it made me sleep...I continued second week with Paracetamol and Ibrophen at regular times. I slept in the guest room on my own and placed lots of pillows and cushions for support and comfort. The bathroom was close so had no problems. Lactulose liquid for first two weeks as a laxitive but after that I switched to fruit and healthy diet. Week three recovery I tried to wean the meds down but too soon. Real books, crossword puzzles, TV , but couldn't get comfortable for too long in one place so had cushions strategically placed on different seats around the house and outside. Pottered around. Felt better by the day. Week 4 I was only taking Paracetamol when needed and again too soon to cut down . Pains were like period pains.... Tummy still a bit bloaty so tried peppermint tea that helped. Rubbed castor oil on my tummy as still had bruises from blood anticoagulant injections for fist 8 days at home. Hubby did them for me. I managed to go out in car for a trip to supermarket with hubby. Put legs up when I got home and did me good to get out mentally. Went back on regular doses of paracetamol to help this new transition. I was able to walk comfortably to the corner shop and back. Week 5 I felt I turned a corner and more confident. Visited a friend and was able to socialise. I even drove the car to the local supermarket. I ached a bit afterwards but mainly my legs from lack of exercise last 5 weeks. I'm usually lane swimming and walking daily so the weight has piled on from all this resting. I will enrol back to Slimming World next week. Im on week 6 now and able to go out on local trips to the shops. I put light items in my trolley and decant them into bags in my car and hubby carrys bags indoors and unpacks as shopping. I can cook, and potter around which is lovely. My toilet habits are so much better than before the op. I have no big lump hanging down my vagina. I can have a poo easily and go once or twice a day not ten small poos a day like before op. I have normal size poo and I ensure I eat fruit and fibre daily to help. My wees are full and I really notice the difference. I didn't realise how I was spraying, not full flow before. Had some aches in bladder throughout recovery but no pain...all is well. Everyday I feel more confident to go further afar. I see my Gynaecologist/Surgeon next week to check if the op has been a success. I feel it has. The operation took 2 hours and I have endured 6 weeks recovery so far. Looking at the bigger picture this has been a small period of my life and it's all over now. I am comfortable and so pleased I decided to go straight to surgery and decline pelvic exercise therapy and pessaries. Some of the stories I have read are horrendous what women are expected to put up with. This surgery should be recommended and readily available as a first option NOT a final option. If you are struggling please discuss your options and ask to see a specialist to examine you rather than your GP. Surgery was my only consideration and I'm so glad that I went down this route. I am 62, married, no grandchildren yet, swim, walk, and this operation has ensured that my active life can continue. I am no longer in pain and forever going to the bathroom and getting caught out. I feel ready to face the world and go back to swimming and walking ( albeit a bit gentler ) and to live out my days without anymore discomfort as before. Surgery is not so bad - it's changed my life for the better 👍

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Jasparswim profile image
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16 Replies
NiamhP profile image

I had my surgery on the 2nd June, rectocele repair, bladder repair and vaginal hysterectomy. Not entirely sure as yet re bowel as getting some leaks but it’s early days. The bladder repair has been a life changer, no ring pessary, no prolapse discomfort. So two thirds home and “dry”😂. I don’t understand why this type of surgery is not offered routinely to women with problems. The ring pessary worked for awhile but few medics skilled at inserting correctly without causing pain and discomfort. No more toilet mapping, rushing to the loo, it is truly awesome. I had very little pain or discomfort, so did not need pain relief when I got home, just did a lot of washing of the stitches between the vagina and anus and used Sudocream to alleviate soreness and discomfort in that area, but stitches now dissolved. Like you I am very happy I had this procedure done, it has given me a lot of freedom. Ongoing, no heavy lifting but otherwise back to normal.

bassets profile image
bassets in reply to NiamhP

Thanks for your positive comments - and best wishes for the future.

Hallows profile image

So lovely to hear your excellent account of your journey to recovery. Well done!! I am sure it will offer hope to many of us here on the forum.

bassets profile image

Thank you very much for making the effort to tell us this. I was very worried about possible surgery but I'm a lot more positive now - take care and enjoy!

York65 profile image

Great, fantastic to read and hear . A no nonsense approach , realistic and to the point! I am at that point and awaiting surgery, and feel it has to be better ….. please post an update!

NiamhP profile image
NiamhP in reply to York65

Much better than before op. I have sessions on an Emsella Chair to help strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Eye wateringly expensive at £90 a session, I feel they help but need a visit to the specialist physio before I can confirm this to be the case. I occasionally get urine infections and that throws a spanner in the works but overall so much better.

How are you, and has your situation improved?

Myfairl profile image

so pleased for you gives us all hope and reassurance thank you xxx

Trinity7 profile image

Thank you for your post. I have prolapse and lot of pain. Pesseries did not do well with me. Am considering seeing consultant again to push for surgery.

CockeyMoor profile image

Yes , thank you from me too. Three years of pain and obsessing where toilets are to wee due to the pressure from the bowel on the bladder. Using glycerin suppositories to go to the loo most days for a poo because of the issues.

I am 60 and you have made me think! I am in pain most of the time and have a moderate rectocele. The GPs suggest it is a chronic condition and to get on with it… take pain relief. No suggestion to see anyone about the rectocele. Most terrible is that the rectocele was diagnosed by a gynae/ uro specialist during a cystoscopy for bladder problems yet no follow up or advice. Just got given urinary incontinence medication which I refused to take due to the side effects.

Definitely more hopeful now.

NiamhP profile image
NiamhP in reply to CockeyMoor

I hope you have made progress getting sorted since you wrote this.

CockeyMoor profile image
CockeyMoor in reply to NiamhP

It turned out I have been suffering from kidney stones over a couple of years !! Severe pain in August and three visits to A&E. Passed a stone in October and at last my pain that I believed was from the Rectocele turns out not to be the case. Still no help with the Rectocele but at the moment it is manageable .

Jasparswim profile image

Saw my Gynaecologist this week for follow up appointment. The internal stitches have not yet Disolved so advised me to still refrain from swimming and sexual relations for another 4 weeks to ensure I don't get an infection. I've come this far so not to worried about that.... I said that it feels slightly like a tampon inside me, but she explained that's the stitches that have to heal. She. Said the Rectocele was the size of an egg pushing through.....I said yes, I knew that. I took photos on my phone. Anyway, I have to start my pelvic floor exercises again 3 sets of 30 squeezes a day. I am able to do them now, which again is progress. I ache if I'm on my feet for a couple of hours, so I sit in between....but I can drive and use the toilet normally now, which is a great relief. No painkillers either, no laxitives, just a healthy diet to get the weight off I put on whilst recovering and not doing anything. I can take doggy for short walks and walk round the shops now and go to restaurants......I certainly made the right choice. I met the other lady who had same op as me in hospital and we both agreed that it had been no big deal and that the recovery went quick. It's changed both our lives. More women need to speak out and insist they are heard and get treatment and not be fobbed off with only exercises and uncomfortable pessaries. I hope my story has helped those contemplating surgery to decide.

Nearlygaveup profile image

Hello, I am so happy to hear some good news and success stories. However I am also a bit gutted. I have been refused surgery on the grounds it is notoriously unsuccessful and my prognosis for recovery is poor. The Consultant has only ever spoken to me by telephone and tells me to continue with the private treatments. I have a cystocele, rectocele and entrocele, all diagnosed by private gynaecologist. They have caused my bowel to telescope in on itself, my bowel squashes my bladder and I have an intussusception which means my bowel never empties, I have been in pain every day for 4 years, have to use colonic irrigation and have no life. The pain/contractions/spasms/bulging and toilet urgency goes on all day and night. Luckily I do get some relief from seeing a deep tissue massage therapist and an osteopath but I now wonder why I cannot have surgery too? Can anyone offer any suggestions. Thanks

NiamhP profile image
NiamhP in reply to Nearlygaveup

Where are you based? May I suggest you request an appointment with gynacologist and the bowel specialist, they often do a joint consultation as an operation reques two different skills, or at least mine did. The gynacologist did his bit first and then the bowel consultant did the repairs re rectocele. Sometimes if you feel you are being blocked by your doctor, write directly to the consultant requesting an appointment. If you can get a private consultation , know what has to be done if you are in the UK you might be able to go on the list for surgery. If you can’t have surgery Ivwould think it is important to know why not. Good luck.

York65 profile image

so good to read these positive reports . I am just two weeks down the line from my rectocle repair, and delighted ! No pain , all feels good . Am resting and doing no cooking etc . Have had short walks , and hope to start building up this week . I am 74 and feel fighting fit .

Have to say I was very scared about the surgery , and worried about pain , but stopped the paracetamol after 5 days . Also scarey to have a poo , but given lactolose , and it has all been perfect .

Wearing loose clothes , still have lots of wind , but eating loads of fibre so maybe that’s why ! Drinking masses of water too . Some ways wish I hadn’t put it off . Onwards and upward

NiamhP profile image

Great to hear your progress. I agree that woman need to be more forceful and insistent on seeing specialists and what can be done to relieve the situation. Too many put up with all the difficulties and are not given an opportunity to have surgery.

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