Hi guys. Long shot for any advice ia located in the UK but would like everyones advice.
I found out a couple of weeks ago my boyfriend cheated for i went to get checked out and got diagnosed with PID and being told that you can only get this by having a STI really freaked me out with only being 22. I got treated with 2 sets of antibiotics to cover everything. My symptoms were pain in the lower abdomen after sex and spotting afterwards as well. Got my results and come back negative (thank the lord) but it opens so many more doors now? I dont know what i should do if i should now go to my doctors and get checked a second time? The clinic has said my boyfriend should get checked anyway with being diagnosed with PID anyone elses partner been checked out? My sister suffers from endometriosis, im just wondering if it could be hereditary? I dont have my appendix. Could anyone give me a clue of what to do please