I have had it all. A miserable two years. Finally after the third Pudendal Nerve Block I have some real relief. I didn't want to make a post too soon as maybe I was dreaming. I can have a normal bowel movement without feeling like the door is closed. I am sure many of you understand that feeling. I still have pain so I will have to continue with nerve blocks. I use Baclofen especially closer to late afternoon when the pain escalates. This cuts down the spasm pain. I take supplements: acidophilus, fish oil pills, vitamin, magnesium, peppermint oil, enzymes, and L.Glutamine. I drink a glass of Pinot Noir after dinner to take the edge off and colace before bed. I drink a lot of water during the day and basically follow the SCD diet. I only use Braggs Ginger Sesame salad dressing and started drinking dandelion tea to detox my liver. It seems like many of us have a combination of IBS and Pudendal Neuralgia/ Nerve Entrapment. I feel like my body was poisoned.
I have been practicing meditation, Fieldenkraus Yoga, walking a mile a day, and swimming.
A couple times a day I lay down on my back and put my legs up on a chair for a half hour. This takes the pressure off the pelvis. I only sit to drive and use a cushion with cut out in the middle when I do. When I work I use a kneeling chair but infrequently. I don't stand in one place too long. I go up the staircase or incline backwards. I try not to bend and use a grabber device to do laundry or pick up stuff off the floor.
Prior to my decline I was very active running, hiking, skiing, yoga, jump roping, biking, and more. It's hard to go from such an active lifestyle to feeling like I am 90. Hopefully, my physiotherapist and pain clinic doctor can help me continue to get better. I wish that for all of you as well. I appreciate and learn from all your posts. Hopefully, I can help someone with my story as well. Good luck everyone. I am praying for all of you!