Rectal spasms pain w/burning and burning nerve pain down back of legs. I know I have bladder prolapse but can’t seem to get the correct diagnosis and help on the rectal and leg pain. On Valium suppositories for spasms but it’s not enough. Don’t know if related both are related but rectal pain and burning leg pain is to much.
Rectal and leg burning nerve pain - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Rectal and leg burning nerve pain

Levator Ani Syndrome? It has a few different names but can cause rectal pain often like a stabbing up the rectum. It’s often linked to over conditions and pelvic floor issues so maybe if it’s that the bladder problem is making it worse. Not sure if that would cause leg pain though.
It says online certain antidepressants should not be used, as they may aggravate bowel and bladder symptoms, but I’m not sure about any other medications.
Sandy. You may want to see my previous posts. I have DRG Implant. Please understand my posts are for reference only as each person has to decide what may work for them. Rocky68
HI, Sandy, I have had burning down the back of the left inner thigh and under the bottom and gluteal crease, plus a lot more other pain. Can stand but can't sit down at all. When I do sit I have to use some sort of cushion for every seat. I also have burning around the anual area. It comes and goes especially when sitting. I emailing a Surgeon who feels it may be Pudendal Nerve entrapment, after a mesh operation (Tot Abbrevo) in 2014. This is when all this started. I finally had all my mesh out last year. A wonderful doctor in the USA did my operation. I still have pain but NO mesh.
There are are 2 nerves that innervate the back of the leg. The largest being the sciatic nerve and the smallest is the samll sciatic nerve. ( proper name is POSTERIOR FEMORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE). This nerve (PFCN) is the sensory nerve to the back of the skin on the thigh and it has 3 branches which are Perineal branches or I think they then become the branches of the Pudendal Nerve, running into the pelvic floor. They branch off in 3 directions. One to the anus one to the vagina and one to the clitorous. They are the sensory nerve of the pelvic floor If there has been damage or entrapement to on of these nerves or the Pudendal Nerve you can have many symtoms like what I have, it may cause Pudendal Neuralgia symtoms. You can have many differant types of pelvic pain, but from what I have been told and researched, 2 causes can be damage or nerve entrapment to the Posterior femoral Cutaneous nerve or the Pudendal nerve.
I am not a doctor of any sort! I have just learnt a lot by research and talking to specialist in the USA and Europe. There is not a lot known about it in my country.
Research These 2 names PUDENDAL NERVE and entrapment /damage symtoms and POSTERIOR FEMORAL CUTANEOUS NERVE entapement /damage symtoms.
You can get help!
Hope this may help you. X
Jemima, if you haven’t already, research hip labral tears and FAI (femero-acetabular impingement). Maybe google ‘labral tears and groin pain’. There is also a FaceBook page for labral tears and a lot of people on this page were misdiagnosed for a long time with pudendal neuralgia, interstitial cystitis, SI dysfunction and other things. Not saying that’s what it is, but it’s worth ruling out anyway. I had groin, thigh, and genital pain for a year before I was finally diagnosed and had surgery not long ago. Some of them have rectal pain. It’s just worth a look.
If you haven’t already, research hip labral tears and FAI (femuro-acetabular impingement). Maybe google ‘labral tears and groin pain’. There is also a FaceBook page for labral tears and a lot of people on this page were misdiagnosed for a long time with pudendal neuralgia, interstitial cystitis, SI dysfunction and other things. Not saying that’s what it is, but it’s worth ruling out anyway. I had groin, thigh, buttock, and genital pain for a year before I was finally diagnosed and had surgery not long ago. Some people have rectal pain, some have lateral thigh pain. It’s just worth a look.